>ask for federal ruling on pipeline
>Btfo by judge
>Protests anyway
What a bunch of babies. Looks like they have been living really well off the land judging by how many fat asses are protesting
>ask for federal ruling on pipeline
>Btfo by judge
>Protests anyway
What a bunch of babies. Looks like they have been living really well off the land judging by how many fat asses are protesting
Other urls found in this thread:
>ancestors were nomads who didn't own land but acted like wild animals with a "hunting ground" instead
>get btfo
>think you have a right to tell the conquering government what to do
I also think it's ironic they use the flag upside down while protesting but they aren't actually American citizens because they choose to live on redervstions.
Dude its not their fault. All the able bodied strong hard workers went into battle and died. Your looking at the bottom 5% of the native American gene pool.
And the other 95% of casino Americans died of alcohol poisoning
Well they are citizens now
Blame the US government of the 1920s
This was also the same government which enabled poop-skinned non-whites to become citizens
I haven't been following this.
Can someone tell me is the pipeline going through their actual tribal lands or close to them?
>they're protesting because it's "near" their reservation
So it has fuckall to do with them but they're determined to bitch anyway
In an article I read one of their last names was "Gonzales" how the fuck is that Indian?
fucking prairieniggers need to go
I fucking hate natives
All they do is drink and build casinos and use the money to drink more
I'm At the protest in Bismarck North Dakota now. Any interest in a periscope? Lotta tension
that cow field in the pic looks pretty sacred to me.
>Pipeline running across river 1 mile north of tribal area
>Claim area is sacred land
>Claim people will polute water source
>Get btfo by judge
>Protest anyway
Biracial rez squatter here. I hate every indian I meet, they are all marxist retards. They should opt for a deal so they make money off the pipeline butvthey are too retarded.
Yes please!! Troll some protestors too
Can I move to your state? ND sounds comfy
There's literally nothing to do in ND but you do make like 20 dollars an hour at McDonald's.
>wanting to allow a bunch of leaf cucks to build a pipeline through our country
kindly fuck off eh
I just want to own some property out in the middle of nowhere and shoot my guns
>dont protest just obey your overlords
Montana is the place for you
You don't get it, Sweden. They drink mouthwash and collect welfare all day. They're scum
I could say the same for you
I'll go to Montana and join Ben Garrison's Sturmabteilung
Fuck I have an old iPhone which isn't compatible with periscope. Best I can do is pics unless someone knows of a viable streaming alternative for 4s
>Casino Americans
Holy fuck I keked
Signing peace treaties with these faggots was a horrible mistake. We should have just wiped them completely out and divided the lands up to the conquering soldiers Roman style. They are nothing more than whiny, obese, alcoholic, sjws now and I hate all of them.
I thought periscope works on the iPhone?
And are you sure you are at the right place? The protest is literally in the middle of nowhere not by a bunch of houses.
I get that Sup Forums loves to hate injuns
But this pipeline will hurt whites that need jobs more than anyone else. All that's happening is the oil companies are coming up with a way to cut costs and not have to pay anyone for the resources they are extracting from the state and from the land.
I worked in ND for 2 years. Plenty of white people use and need those jobs.
>All these people itt ignorant of history
The Indians legally had the right to their lands
Injuns use 22nd amendment to kill goverment.
Why would a pipeline take jobs away exactly? Don't you still need to extract the oil?
>this is what the billboards will say in the European Caliphate
This is reality unless white people defend their homelands
Good luck lecturing nonwhites about your human rights
takes jobs away from the loading and unloading stations at train depots
takes away jobs from truckers
they eventually want to have every oil field 100% pipelined in which will take away literally thousands of jobs
so if you think the money will "trickle down" and don't mind the US being used as a banana republic for national resources while the people get next to nothing in return, then I guess Sup Forums can keep being a bunch of corporate white knights for some rich fuck already sitting on top of billions of dollars
They're just trying to huff some heavy machinery gas tanks
So Andorra & Portugal are the only based countries in Western Europe?
fuck indeed
Greyed out means there wasn't a large enough sample size with that filter applied.
>women only
"No" would be red.
>...there was no red
>to everyone
TFW the hardest hit,
tfw getting uncucked.
I feel bad their entire nation and culture was destroyed but I wont for a second let a few dozen drunk remnants of a dead nation halt my nation from being productive and prosper
Why do those colors look off?
>getting uncucked
Better pick up the pace
>pic related
Highlights whichever option that you mouse over and dims the others
Brits aren't completely cucked it seems
Women are worst allies.
I guess you could say they were Indian givers
this senpai..
>fighting for the BRD
whos the cuck again?
I would only fight for the REICH.
Hi Dakotabro, Fargobro here.
They have a better claim than niggers.
Haha your indigenas are faggots they dont kill people
Europeans were smarter and stronger so they took the land. If they have a problem they can fucking fight to get it back.
>Calls fellow Indian a faggot
I'm not sure which I would follow but at least for this specific pipe line it doesnt matter to me. If anything I have issues with us buying foreign oil by them doing this will drive up business here. I do not want the US buying oil from terrorists (Saudis) anymore and if some of you guys lose your jobs because of it oh well im sorry.