>Trump at Voter Summit in DC 9/9/16 (3:30PMET)
>Trump on Larry King/RT 9/8/16
>Trump Education speech in Cleveland OH 9/8/16
>Trump Speaks To Charter School in OH 9/8/16
>Pence at Reagan Library 9/8/16
>Trump Commander In Chief event 9/7/16 (T) (c)
>Trump @ NY Conservative party conv 9/7/16
>Trump speaks to Vets @Philadelphia, PA 9/7/16

Text TRUMP to 88022 or get the Official "AMERICA FIRST" app for important campaign updates
>Volunteer to be a Trump election observer
>Trump Playlist


>Trump rally in Greenville NC 9/6/16
>Trump Q&A in Virginia Beach VA 9/6/16
>Trump meets crowds in OH 9/5/16
>Trump presser on TrumpForceOne 9/5/16

>Trump on Lars Larson show 9/6/16
ow ly/Ijny303ZTqe
>Trump on ORly 9/6/16
>Trump/Pence on GMA 9/6/16

>TrumpTrain: Louisiana
>The 45th President
>Trump in 5 minutes or less
>Trump Triumphant
>American Hero
>Trump cares about YOU


Other urls found in this thread:

unfit (and too fat) to be president. sad!




My bad.

Hey guys, serious question, is there not a script that auto posts the Trump gens?

I could whip one up that auto posts from the pastebin every time a new thread is needed...

Dunno, user, I don't think that's a great idea.

We want to be able to have some control over it.


Sure thing, buddy.

Well you would have control over it as much as you do the pastebin. Shit you could even build in a failsafe, like a trigger word should it need to be stopped.

I'm just bored user.


Hacking Hillary, and Klapping Kaine, live in concert.

Fresh entertainment.

>Well you would have control over it as much as you do the pastebin.
I have none, heh.

We like to take out the shill link, for example, or to put extra things in the OP temporarily.

All things that can easily be programmed, sure, but this works okay.

But I do know that feel.

Huh, what if we gave anons control to add stuff to the next thread via votes. Then not the whole OP of course, but like the entertainment section. It never changes.


Well, if you sit back and think about it, that's not really all that different from what we do now.

Don't get me wrong, I like your idea in theory, but I just don't think it'd be good in practice.

1st for KESH

You'll hate it but then you'll love it!

Trump just had a Hitler moment. This isn't 1933 Germany. The GOP and Dems need to work together to take the nomination away from Donald and give it to Jeb.

When Trump says he wants to renegotiate or rip up NAFTA what does that even mean?

Can we get some specifics?


Explain this, Trumpkins.

Threadly reminder - majority of medical doctors surveyed said Illary's health is a concern and possibly disqualifying - pic related

Dyin' Lyin' Illary Clinton is on ACE Inhibitors for stroke prevention.
>FACT: In late 2012 Hillary was diagnosed with a blood clot. In her brain.

Blood clots cause strokes, and Hypertension is the most important modifiable risk factor for ischemic stroke.

What is a premier hypertension medication, and causes persistent dry coughing in many cases? ACE Inhibitors(ACEI) Many people will require treatment with more than one antihypertensive drug to achieve BP control, so she's probably taking a thiazide diuretic as well. This explains why she is taking B12 supplements, as B vitamins are water soluble.

Dyin's doctor could prescribe her ARBs instead of ACEi, which might get rid of the cough, but ARBs are not as effective and have increased mortality in comparison. Why would Illary go for something that is less effective when she knows she can lie her way around the coughing?
>Extensive clinical trials confirm that ARBs have no unique role in the prevention of stroke. If one considers the unique cardiovascular protective benefits of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, however, the choice of first-line therapy for prevention of stroke is perhaps not a choice at all!

Illary's official doctor report says she is on Coumadin, Thyroid meds, antihistimines, and vitamin B12: no hypertensive medication. Why wouldn't she be on hypertension medication after a blod clot was found in her brain? Why is her blood pressure 100/65? It doesn't add up.

Illary is playing up "seasonal allergies" to downplay the cough: if we knew she was on a full regimen of anti-stroke medication, there would be legitimate concerns that she may have a stroke at any time. By downplaying her cough as a "seasonal allergy," she can hide her health from the public while having the potential smokescreen of the "misdiagnosis" of a cough caused by "routine blood pressure medication."

30 billion a year isn't going to fund her war with Russia.

>the government gets more money if you tax the people even more aggressively

whew lad, you're on to something

Easily explained.

Hillary wants to take more of our money, Trump wants to take less.

What's so hard to explain?

Less taxes = more growth
More taxes = less growth

now kill yourself

Meanwhile in the Clinton plan, the middle class suffers, many more businesses leave the US and continue to stay out of the US, and real GDP remains at anemic levels

>This isn't 1933 Germany.

In 2012 when Hillary fell and had her "concussion," during a follow-up examination, doctors said they found a blood clot in her head and diagnosed her with "cerebral venous sinus thrombosis" an uncommon disease which can have "stroke-like symptoms"
>The clot was located in the vein between the brain and and the skull behind Clinton's right ear and did not result in any stroke or neurological damage, her doctors said in a statement.

It's time to cut through the bullshit: she did not fall and have a concussion. She had a mini-stroke, aka TIA.
>While transient ischemic attack (TIA) is often labeled “mini-stroke,” it is more accurately characterized as a “warning stroke,” a warning you should take very seriously.

It's no wonder that they'd want to cover this up as a simple concussion.

Soon after Illary's "concussion," she was photographed wearing glasses that had a fresnel lens, supposedly for correcting double vision(diplopia) as a result of said "concussion". Interestingly, diploplia is a transient visual symptom(TVS), a common complaint of patients suffering from TIA.

Back to hillary's "cerebral venous sinus thrombosis"

>Sinus and cerebral vein thrombosis is easily missed if the correct imaging X-ray study is not done. The usual routine CT or MRI, as are often done for evaluation of stroke or bleeds into the head, are often normal.
>The health care professional who evaluates the patient with severe headache or neurological symptoms needs to think about sinus and cerebral vein thrombosis, otherwise the diagnosis is easily missed.

An uncommon illness with "stroke-like symptoms" that needs special evaluation? Diagnosed after a "routine follow up MRI" for "concussion"?

Yeah fucking right.

What do you think? Restrict the flow of manufacturing outside of the country. There will be a penalty for increasing unemployment and well fare cost and wanting to sell the same product back into the country


"What would you do, if you're elected, about a buttfor?"
> about?
"a buttfor"
> and what is a buttfor?
"you're kidding"
> No..
"for pooping, silly"

Because everything that guy does is catchy as fuck.

I guess you're right. I've just been so bored since I got laid off, I've been looking for any way to pass the time when I'm not applying or shit posting.

God damn, this "unite under one religion" felt like a real DEUS VULT moment



Nonsense. Look how healthy she is.

Why can't Trump stop fucking up?

He's got the future of the white race and country in his grubby little hands.

Why is he so retarded, he could easily be winning if he made people comfy instead of scared.

I hate DRUMPF now!

that's awful
anti feminist ?

wew lad

Assumes that illegal immigrants pay taxes*.

*no factual basis in reality

Sleepy doctor should do another redpill run about this
And since he really is a brain surgeon, the masses will have to accept the truth from a professional and can't dismiss it as hot air.

>CNN: Suicide Epidemic Sweeping Nation's Doctors

Anyone got a stream for when Hilldabeast starts talking?

this can't be real

>leaving out the part where he closes tax loopholes on top earners

Yes I'm sure Jeff Bezos loves Trump because of his tax cuts, that's why WashPo is the most Trump-friendly newspaper ever

Oh wait

The rich get away with paying a lot less and the middle is forced to shoulder the burden because there are so many loopholes for them to get around things. I mean fuck this was even an issue they used against Romney in 2012 and then they didn't bother to do anything about it.


those 2 guys on the sides of her look awfully concerned

aw so sad

Anti-feminist (she's not)

How awkward will this meeting be when Trump is elected?

absolutely real bitch

545 billion dollars more in the private sector, and 545 billion less to be spent on wars overseas for globalist interest


I do actually. I was a collector. Motherfucking Flynn has read my reports. The briefings followed a fucking pattern and the intro slide was always the overall classification of the brief and it was always explicitly spoken out the ramifications of spreading the information to anyone without a need to know, whether they had the fucking clearance or not. And even non classified briefs still had the overall classification (unclassified). Everyone involved. Everyone who has a clearance. Fucking everyone knows. It gets drilled in. If she didn't know, she's brain damaged beyond belief, she's so careless she never knew, or she's so spiteful she's lying to everyone.

And if you think her bullshit story of it being "accidental" carries any fucking weight, I've got some news for you. All those systems are airgapped. It's a goddamn physical impossibility to send an email from JWICS to It does not fucking happen. In order to get TS/SCI (SAP) information from the systems which handle it onto the clearnet requires multiple steps to work around that any normie trying to do it casually would get bored and wander off. Even fucking Snowden who had unrestricted, administrator access to NSANET resorted to taking cellphone pics of the computer screens.

You are a fucking idiot of the first order.

is The Don a wizard?

Except in order to reduce the deficit, the national debt AND pay for the wall (Mexico isn't paying for it no matter what you say) he'll need to generate more government revenue. Where's that going to come from?



They'll probably refuse to attend

I swear to God if this is real

>smudging the image of a deceased woman
>all for the purpose of political gain and news headlines

fuck CNN.

>I guess you're right. I've just been so bored since I got laid off, I've been looking for any way to pass the time when I'm not applying or shit posting.
Well, since you're into tech, let me share something with you.

I tried to get a job through tech temp agencies for years. Dealing with outsourced "job recruiters" offering 3 or 6-month contracts for various jobs.

I gave up on them and started hunting locally, and got hired almost immediately as a systems administrator, and have had that job for about 4 years now.

If you are using temp agencies, DO NOT COUNT ON THEM. They don't care about you.

Trump will win.
Hillary will have a seizure during the debates.
Rewind back about 24 minutes.

who is cnn to judge what a feminist is ?

dat Republican improvement

The guy on the right is apparently a Secret Service agent.

>mfw taught my younger siblings to Awoo for Teflon Don.

Now whenever I go to the house and the news is on there's just a chorus of howling.

It's divine.

OP pastebin updated

better/shorter link for the values voter summit
>Trump at Voter Summit in DC 9/9/16

anybody know a joke?

When will Drumpf start leading?

She was an "anti-feminist"



>Anyone got a stream for when Hilldabeast starts talking?
I think they'll be showing it on Fox News. They did Trump's speech.

Made me chuckle, but then I became sad
>Obama vows to expand Obamacare to restrict doctors choice in taking their own life


>Sanders' tax plan results in -$700
B-but that wouldn't matter! Everything was going to be free under him!



Damn son I have that button!!!

Post yfw he wins

Buy this Bitch


There are such things as reorganization. If all he does is follow the GAO guidelines for reducing redunancy, it would be a $700b savings on the budget.

link to hillary speech. cough watch anyone?

I know that man those places blow. Locally there's not much work. Were a really oil dependent town, everyone has been getting laid off. They outsource all the tech jobs to people from India. My old company replaced me with an Indian they helped get an h1b.

Would love to have seen Mohammed Ali pigeonholed as anti-miscegenation

Fox 10 being Fox 10:

>LIVE: Car Dangling In Austin Texas



Where the fuck do I get the "I am growing stronger" button.

>All Hillary did was make Republicans like Putin more
>Doesn't even have an increase of Democratic unfavorability to show for it


I will have lots of money and I will spend it wisely like Don would want

When in first saw this, I honestly thought it was another convenient death via a proxy of the Clinton campaign.

These kinds of projections are rarely very accurate. They can read how much Clinton wants to raise taxes, and estimate the dollar-amount from those figures.

But, when Trump has said "I'm going to cut spending" and not yet articulated specifically where and how much he will cut, and then the "experts" choose simply to say "this is how much revenue the tax-cuts alone will reduce, and we assume there will be no cuts to spending therefore it will result in a budget-deficit of X". This is essentially the economist's equivalent of "Trump says Obama is the leader of ISIS (He isn't)"

We have enough specifics from Hillary that the estimates are that her plan will result in essentially the status quo. It will lead to a national debt which will increase to 87% of GDP by 2020. That's essentially kicking the fiscal can down the road to the next president, eventually it will hit 100% of GDP and go on from there. This can't be sustained indefinitely.

So we know that Hillary has no big ideas, and will essentially do the bare minimum (economically) to make it look like she's being responsible, while doing nothing to actually change the status quo or improve things.

Trump's plan is big. We don't have the specifics needed to explicitly project budget deficits/national debt growth or reduction under his plan, but we do have enough information to say that he's thinking big, and trying to come up with real solutions to problems that almost all politicians would prefer to just ignore and leave to future generations.

So do we vote for the "safe" option of steady decline, or take a risk that could result in a much better future if it pays off?




Url on bottom of envelope.

Why do liberals steal our memes but then forget to make them funny?

>I know that man those places blow. Locally there's not much work. Were a really oil dependent town, everyone has been getting laid off. They outsource all the tech jobs to people from India. My old company replaced me with an Indian they helped get an h1b.

Same thing happened with my job, actually.

One of the owning Partners decided to replace all the admins with Indian outsourcers. We admins got laid off in November.

The other partners got pissed when the outsourcers couldn't handle it, bought out the other partner, and hired us all back right after Christmas.

I was really down in the dumps for Christmas, but I had a great new year.

Trump will hopefully stop that shit from happening so much.

>tfw too redpilled to support Trump

why is hillary so xenophobic about russia?

Oh wow, kinsey taking pictures with famous black guys. Must mean she fucked all of them!