Is this still the best adaption of A Christmas Carol?

Is this still the best adaption of A Christmas Carol?

The songs, the casting, the effects and set design, it's all top fucking notch.

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Its the only adaptation, is it not?
Does it even count as its not a cartoon?

puppetry is cartoons

and yes this is the best. The use of Gonzo as Dickens is inspired, since half the fun of reading Dickens is his snarky descriptions. An adaptation with no narrator is like fucking douglas adams with no narrator.

Sup Forums forever ruined this for me.

Ruined, or made better. One of the two.

Some of the best ghosts for sure.

this and the Patrick Stewart TV movie are my favourite adaptions.

Its hard to pick since Patrick Stewart one is more adult leaning but the muppets one has the muppets

Fucking this. Gonzo was a perfect narrator and captured Dickens voice quite well.

Best Sup Forums adaptation? Yeah, I think it might be. If we're talking in general, I have a very soft spot for the 1970 movie Scrooge starring Albert Finney.

Personally, I like the Alistar Sim version myself

Sadly the Stewart movie can't compare to Stewart's stage version, which was a one-man show where he played every character.


>that Marley&Marley shudder after 'I remember the little tykes all standing in the snow bank, with their little frosted teddy bears'

Yep. I asked to watch this when I was drunk at my sisters place during Christmas time and they put on some other special about getting letters to the North Pole. I was hammered for three days so I was wondering when the Christmas Carol part started.

In terms of my favorite adaption it's either this or the Disney one with Scrooge McDuck, but I also count Scrooged as in my personal top 5 so maybe my opinion isn't that great.

people in this thread need some dang culture

>Ewar Woowar
>David Warner
>best Alfred
there is no other second best Christmas Carol adaptation after muppets

The comfiest film. Watch is every Christmas, even my usual doctor who tradition didn't last that long.

Best song?

Does Michael Cain make this movie?

I really like the Mr. Magoo one actually. If you haven't seen it I recommend it a lot.

He's the main character and has more lines than everybody else combined. He'd make or break the movie no matter what, but yes, he absolutely brings the air of classical legitimacy that raises this movie above most other adaptations.

I don't necessarily mean the character, just the actor himself. Like what about the one with Jim Carey? I forgot.

>. The use of Gonzo as Dickens is inspired

The use of the cast all around is perfect

Best Sup Forums-related? Probably.

In general? I prefer Scrooged with Bill Murray.

Wait. Have you really never seen any other adaptation of A Christmas Carol?

The Scrooge McDuck version is the one I personally hold the most nostalgia for.

You have good taste, sir.

I've always felt that a Christmas Carol movie lived or died based on how well they handle Scrooge's transformation.

Some versions have him being gruff and cold all the way up til the moment with the tombstone, which can be interpreted as an internal struggle, but it really needs to be seen by the audience. Other versions have him start breaking down after the first ghost shows up, which seems too easy.

I think the Muppet version strikes a good balance with having Scrooge confront the regrets of his past, but still be bitter about them, then have him slowly come around as he feels the cheer of the present, before finally scaring him straight with the future vision.

And of course, Michael Cain does a fantastic job of showing Scrooge's conflicting emotions throughout.

TFW my favorite song as a kid is cut from every version of the film.

This. There's like, literally, a thousand of them.

It's amazing Michael Caine did such a great job considering it was pretty much pic related. Caine was going through a rough time on his career. A lesser actor could collect his check and phony it.

My Nigga! Muppet Christmas Carol is my second fave though, but George C. Scott dominates the role.

A damn good adaption. It gets the dark, gothic, even kind of depressing tone right. Which makes the muppets in it feel a little out of place.

I dunno, I have a real soft spot in my heart for the 1984 adaptation

It gets A Christmas Carol right but the Muppets wrong. Fozzie, Rolf or Doctor Teeth barely get cameos.

And limited Kermit and Piggy though they're great when they're on.

The way Frank Oz reads
>it smells so good mother!
>It does, doesn't it
kills me everytime

God, I miss Frank Oz

>entire city sings mean songs about him just because he takes his job seriously
Scrooge did nothing wrong.

Truly patrician tastes famalam. Scary as shit tiny Tim and all.

>crap effects
>annoying acting
>Nineties-tier cheese

Stewart couldn't even save that mess.

Yo, that version of the Ghost of Christmas Present was right on

Nothing will ever top the Allister Sim version. The Muppets is the best "gimmick" adaptation though

>Its the only adaptation, is it not?

Do you know what television is?

Surprised this one hasn't been mentioned more in this thread. A top tier adaptation.

for some reason this version of tiny tim hits me the hardest

like i don't know, kermit barely getting the words out when he's talking about how he'd feed the ducks with him hurts

also, this is one of my favorite christmas songs

This was the first adaptation of a Christmas Carol I was exposed to. What about you?


Hard time choosing between it and the one with Scrooge McDuck but if nothing else they're both the top 2 and #3 isn't even close.

it's not #3 but on the topic I always thought the flintstones version was underrated

Man that sounds fucking magical and I'm upset that I'll never see it.

I came ITT to mention the Flinstones one.

The way they turned it into an original story running parallel to the play was neat.


The Jim Carrey one was 2/3 of a GREAT movie.
I can't believe they fucked up the Christmas Future ghost so much.

pink football!


The coffin opening up with the hellish red glow around it was really fucking scary, man.

>Rolf and Doctor Teeth

It was made two years after Jim died, nobody felt comfortable enough doing voices for them just yet.

Frank spits on Disney for what they did to Jim and that they brushed their last original script + Muppet project off the table in favor of The Jason Segel movie

Cried so many times to this as a kid.

Not Sup Forums and also not a straight adaptation at all, but the Blackadder did my favorite parody version of A Christmas Carol.

This is pretty much my favorite adaptation of it. Loved watching this every year when I was a kid.

Not every version! It's on my parent's VHS copy. I was so disappointed when I got the DVD a couple of years ago. This song is 10/10 and really, the heart of the movie.

I'm surprised everyone forgets the Zemeckis/Carrey version. It's pretty fun and it's the most recent Sup Forums version.

It's not great though and only works as something of a bizarre ride experience. I'm not sure it even works on the small screen and not viewed in 3D

Personally I think the best Scrooges are ones that play him as a once kind man who has been hardened by years of personal hardship and tragedy.

Honestly its impossible not to have fun while working with Muppets. For example Tim Curry considers Muppet Treasure Island one of his favorite roles of all time.


Why do they keep cutting that song? Aside from the fact that its one of the best in the movie, that's THE pivotal moment in Scrooge's past where his heart finally hardened and he became a cold, bitter asshole.


Apparently if you monkey around with the options on one of the DVD releases, you can get the whole thing.
Disney execs thought it was too sad, or some bullshit.

The Ghost of Christmas Past gave me weird feelings as a kid. I also am still not sure if it's a he/she

Its the best song in any of their musicals.