It's time

It's time.....

>a fucking leaf

>a fucking leaf

>a fucking leaf

a fucking leaf

since Americas entire army is over seas we could just march down there and have a run of the place dumb bastards I am sure our Mexican friends would join in

>a fucking leaf

>a fucking leaf

you need Erdoğan's permission.

But if you invade us, we win, fampai.

A leaf fucking (up the usa)

you know what is done to traitors in the north

>every blade of grass

>A bunch of lesbian gender fluid twinks try taking over America
I would pay for front row seats to this

shut up, hat.

Good fucking luck taking arkansas. I will fight to the last fucking gay communist pakistani leaf.

Come on and get you some, leaf.

Mexico is doing just fine without your help.

>this legs position

I'll never get used to that.

where does his benis go?


How about no.



>America's entire army is overseas

Is that what they say on Canadian television? Even IF our entire army were overseas (and it isn't) there are something like 50 million gun owners here.

>a fucking leaf

>implying your women wont become our cock concubines and force you cucks to surrender


I love the body language in this photo.
>JT: I'm a good wittle boi
>RE: who the fuck is this chump and why is he speaking to me?

>entire army is overseas

But we stopped playing in the sandbox

r/ing Canadian Cock Concubine images.
I know you have them Jacques

We will welcome you as liberators.