Why is Sup Forums obsessed with the end of the world and habbenings...

Why is Sup Forums obsessed with the end of the world and habbenings? Are you all clinically depressed or do you just enjoy seeing people suffer?

I have a theory on this. It's not just pol, look at the "zombie apocalypse" obsession that's pretty mainstream.

It's because they have failed. They have given up trying to be significant in the world.

The think they only real chance they have of becoming important, famous, glamorous, what have you, they need they society they have failed in to collapse.

They can't deal with the game of life with the "rules" it has. They need a new game.

They're the worst kind of defeatist cowards.

Not even trying to sound edgy.
We need something horrifying to happen so everything gets straightened out.

We're at the point where four year old boys are supposedly mentally mature enough to go through sexual surgery to cut off their penis while their teachers and parents cry for joy.

Something needs to happen.



Reality is the best show

People have thought the end was nigh, for centuries now. The people during Christ's time thought the end was just days away.

What is it with humanity and thinking the end is any second now. I don't think the end is anywhere in sight.

Watch trutv for the Impractical jokers then. jeez.

My hopes and dreams...

People who think that way usually buy into sensationalist bullshit and have no idea what is really happening in the world

some men just want to watch the world burn

Because the world is too complicated as it is, and we want an easy way out.

Okay let me explain, I'll give you personal reasons you can apply to yourself.

I live so far from everything that no bomb can reach me.

I like travelling and there are way too many people everywhere, nukes would solve that problem.

I dislike the way governments are ran, hegemonies, despotisms and absolutisms and I want to watch them burn down to the ground.

Most of the people who would die in a war are those that never had an honest day of work in their lives. The ones who have been through shit would find a way to survive. Natural selection by carpet bombing basically.

It's obvious that a handful of people have been meticulously manipulating the global output of information and that the majority has had enough. The last revolution that mattered was in 1789, the French one. After that, I reckon the elite figured it's not good to allow people to join together, so we were split by color, creed, religion, political affiliations, wealth etc. Tl;dr, public revolutions are impossible (millenials or whatever), a war can solve shit.

Everyone who ever decided to get involved in a war should well understand he's exposed to death. I don't understand why is it a surprise when a soldier who was shooting at another soldier with the intention of killing dies... what the shit did you expect? Also, what, if you're a soldier, what are you fighting for? Your country? Why? Because other people did it? You're fighting for a handful of rich fuckers who did nothing but sling cash all their lives.

I don't want a war, but I am not against it. If it has to happen, sit back and relax 'cause it's gonna be a hell of a show.

I never through I would say but the leaf is right.
there, i said it.
This is the world we live in now. a world where leafs have a proper perspective on events unfolding.

just nuke us all.

I want to see all the cush army fags driving Benz with my tax money shit their pants in battle.

Why though?

it's happening

Some people just want to see the world burn.
as said, sometimes everything needs to be burned down before something else can rise.


It's never going to happen at least for another 1000 years.

I am pathologically depressed

I'd expand on this and say that I think a lot of people know deep down that something is wrong with society. They feel trapped. Caged. Like they can't really breath properly.

They can't place their finger on what exactly makes the system whack, but they know something's not right.

They yearn for a happening because they believe it will signal the end of the old order, and the creation of something new.

>They're the worst kind of defeatist cowards.
Thing is, you sound naive. If you really knew how bad and unfair the whole game is, you'd properly want it to end too.

Unless you think being a debt serf is a good way to live out your "life". Only a cynical man would call what people have lives.

A phoenix burns bright once the ashes of death have been scattered.

Then get help, don't take it out on others.

The ride must end

Fire cleanses everything

it's due to an addition to happenings. eventually you can't get enjoyment from the biggest of happenings and need the ultimate happening to end it all

Did someone say ITS HAPPENING?

Why not both?

Just posting the quote without picture would have been enough

You know. World was a mistake.

Those who wait for the end of the world have a shit life, /thread

>clinically depressed or do you just enjoy seeing people suffer


For you.

Because in this time you can't really do anything important. You can't have any real personal achievements. You just grow up, get your factory education from your college/university of choice, then just make some money doing your tiny part of the big picture and die. Our time is a time of stagnant decay. Time to reset.


Because order comes out of chaos

because this world sucks

the bible even says that you know its a world full of sin and suffering

its not good, the real problem is YOU. if you dont want this madness to end

That's only one reich tho

>I don't think the end is anywhere in sight
It's right around the corner for everyone because life is short. The freaky part is knowing that about 10 billion people or so will die in this century. wtf do we do with all the corpses? Is funeral director the red pilled career path?

Exactly. It's a universal law.

I like habbenings because they give me hope that the white man might wake up to what is going on around him.

No luck so far..

Here is some edge.

I want a new life, I studied all the effects of Fallout and I have my nuke map ready to go.
And yes, I live innawoods so I can wait two weeks and go out hunting.
My family has been dumbed down to the max and I cannot do things with them anymore.
I want to live the life I wanted to do, not just sit and draw everyday doing the same shit over and over again, around and around like a never ending marry-go-round.

Fuck, I was really hoping is to build like a old diner and live my dreams as that one diner faggot who runs a diner as for a put-stop in my local town, I am neutral so if someone robs me I can only say this, "Let's make a deal". If no then I can show them my cock or just give them the money and tell some faggot to kill them and I can give them the half of the pay, ech, I gone off topic again.

The point is, I hate my life and I want to restart all over again and a fun guy, and hey, I play Fallout a lot so I get the hang of this.

>That ID


Looking forward to death m8
now fuck off normie REEEEEEE

As Heraclitus said "War is the father and king of all"

>Why is Sup Forums obsessed with the end of the world and habbenings?

Because the national game of Sup Forums is Fallout, they want to create that world irl.

if you cant see the forest for the trees please remove your veil of consciousness


I'm bored and have sporadic periods of depression.

The instant news and entertaining shitposting here is addictive.

Its always happening

I'm just fucking tired of this world. Let it burn

Because we are chaos, and chaos is us.