
Alright lads, here we go.

>match with a fitty on degeneracy the app
>notice she's some ridiculous liberal scumbag
>still bit of a fitty
>claims she's woke (kek)

Long story short Idc about her because I have girls on lock already that I've given the vaginal red pill.

Let's start rolling for what to say to her. Maybe we can redpill her into bed

Other urls found in this thread:


>Maybe we can redpill her into bed

No. Let her find another chad to make white babies with.

Implying I couldn't just hide my power level and Chad her. Usually women on tinder don't put their mindset into their profile quite so much even if every girl in the world is this way nowadays.

I'm sacrificing a match for the lulz

These people need to be euthanised

>TFW you're an anthropologist having to work with these entitled children.

how can you be anti-racist and feminist as an antropologist


What? She woke up?

Because literal nigger-tier education especially at our Ivy League schools

Play your cards right and fake leftist-progressive views when talking with her till you manage to take her to bed. Yell "Sieg Heil!" when you're about to deliver a load on her entitled bitch face. Face "rape" charges.

>how can you be anti-racist and feminist as an antropologist

ignoring facts and statistics just like all the other lefties

tig 'ol bottles

More pictures of those chest cannons.

Why don't you move to Venezuela if you want Communism so bad?

First message. This worked before on a different girl. She swallowed my load after I took her out for drinks.

Women don't tend to give a fuck about ideology if you look good and your wallets fat

>Does being woke include only having your boobs in focus on pictures?

I think she means that she ISN'T a leftist, feminist, marxist, or anti racist.

as in, smash that.

You come across as a total cuck so you aren't even going to win on the "muh alpha male conservative" front. At least post her pics before she deletes you.

>smiley haha
kys faggot


this whole post reads like some aussie wrote it

this is not how I typically talk to women guys... Anyway enjoy this is the only other remarkably busty pic of her

It's a trend in ethnographic work in the past decade for the researcher to reflexively analyze your own biases and embrace them to an extent and write about them in your work. It's part of a larger movement in social science that rejects objectivity and science as western frameworks that obscure experience. It's very trendy right now.

> Have huge tits
> Get hit on absolutely constantly from 14 years old
> Eventually give in and end up sleeping with someone every month
> Become leftist in order to validate your sluttiness
> Cover up tits/ get a reduction at 26 when ready to move on to a 'nicer' guy

Post actual woke content

> Smoking cigar 2 deep image
> Accent on name

She is literally euphoric meme tier

Inb4 op gets posted on various social medias with femnist shreaking at him and doxxing him.

There was some other guy that they did this to

If you still have any contact information or job info on social media you are asking for it.

Sorry i lived in England for five years so I have a bit of the vernacular now

Posted the Austrians request. Will make new thread when or if she responds if it takes too long promise. Women usually don't respond fast

>double text
you already lost pal

>what do you think of the patriarchy, user?
"well ever since it's become unpopular i've stopped paying dues and going to meetings"
>hahahaha good answer user you're funny

I would hump the shit out of this woman.

Jesus fucking Christ, OP, get your shit together. You can argue about taxation during the pillow talk while you're nodding off.

You would have done better if you just said you were having a fuck-in in support of syrian refugees and she could come along if she wants. If she turns up and says its awkward that it's just you inform her that your headmates are also present.

I'm not sure that actually means anything significant. Its just words which don't make all that much sense.

you realize woke is a nigger term we decided to use ironically right ? its not surprise when a lefty use it

>she's young
>she's successful
>she's good looking
>she's female
>she's promiscuous
>she's really fucking naive

>tfw you have nothing

tell her you had to rehome your dog because he was racist.


>Its just words which don't make all that much sense.
congrats here's your PHD in philosophy

This, having social media is bad enough, let alone putting personal information on it.

I assume she's studying cultural 'anthropology' or something equally garbage

yeah... considering that "bicarnal" is the same thing as "carnal"

two slabs of meat are still meat.

feels bad

>Lighting a cigar with a zippo

For fucks sake guys I'm not a trying to use my normal conversations here. As for the pillow talk I debated a girl about the merit or gender wage gap last night I finger blasted her.

She is a literal too overt in her political leanings for me to be comfortable with

wait people have not grown tired of postmodernism yet?

Define successful. To me it looks like another typical libtard getting a degree in the social sciences. Probably in a mountain of debt too.

Wew lad butchered that. Thanks a autocorrect. The merits of gender wage gap as I finger blasted her.****




Her pretentious faggot mark over the o in her name. Nope. Move on.

>gender wage gap
Oh wow. We've got a real intellectual here. Why don't you try and fingerfuck someone challenging rather than going for low-hanging fruit? That wasn't an accomplishment.

>qualifying yourself to her
>using emoticons


She's fucking ugly brah

well she studies at an Ivy league school. Doesn't that pretty much guarantee you a tenured position in the states?


This is a degenerate woman who is trying to lock down a good redpilled man to take care of her. Possibly a coal burner.

top kek, she is literally fedora tier - just being a girl she doesnt have the desperate loneliness aspect

PhD can mean anything nowadays. They give out PhDs for "media studies."

She's not even that hot and def not pretty as far as college Americans go though.

Does she mean manic? This one seems like she could cause you some problems senpai.

Fuggin a user saved

they're into post-post-postmodernism atm

some guys are even talking about post-post-post-postmodernism coming about within the next month of so

Bro pretend your all pc, support hillary and what not so you can smash her out and never speak again. It leaves a bad taste in their mouth abou those type of people plus free crazy pussy



It varies by country and university, but postmodernism in it's various forms are still very popular in academia, mostly with undergrads and grad students. Most academics over 40 seem ready to move on.

tl;dr anthropologists are essentially brainwashed into cultural relativism before they can start, because otherwise people might start to get the red pill the moment you tell them about African tribes where anal rape is a rite of passage.


successful probably includes living in an apartment that doesn't look like a bachelor pad -- sheets and wall are definite red light on this one.

Her "woke" more likely translate to
>I'm lazy as FUCK so don't expect me to clean, cook, or do laundry
>I'm coasting through college on my daddy's paycheck, but since I'm disorganized and spend my time being woke and fucking strangers, I'm not going to graduate with any meaningful education
>My goal in life is to sue the first company I work for... for one million dollars.
that looks like her gut sticking out under her hand. Angles, bro. ANGLES.

you guys know nothing yet. I know a bunch of Oxbridge fags and they are all really edgy pseudo imtellectuals that try to impress everyone with their super clever cultural innuendos

homestly it's sickening that soe people think of education as a status symbol. Or that being educated means you are part of some super cool club

No it actually has a pretty clear-cut and straightforward meaning.


She'd actually look hotter in a fedora. Damn women can do whatever they want and make it look good.

She'd look like early 90s Edie Brickell or that 4 Non Blondes chick yeah but everyone is too young for these ancient references.

They're obviously the only interesting things about her, so it's woke marketing.

I think it's nigger speak for you bought the liberal meme about cops killing blacks

Just matched this on tinder. Hello cuckold.

Either it's a sockpuppet account or that cunt openly declares she works for Frankfurt School: The Next Generation

Someone skipped a few cultural anth lectures otherwise you'd know why your understanding of the anthropological definition of cultural relativism is wrong.


That was my world for a long time.

Glad I dropped those fags

Their smarts allow them to reach new levels of stupid

user you are right

If a girl hides her tits in all her photos she's probably got nice ones. She also has no full body pics so I don't talk to ppl seriously that don't post them

yeah that was my impression too. at least with the historiy professors I talked to. They all seemed to be super annoyed by it actually because constant self reflection just amounts to nothing

Bicameral, shit for brains.


Bitches love emojis

Do it.

Fuck off normalfag

Sup Forums is a virgin board

>I am enlightened by my intelligence

>roll thread
May the hallowed mods and jannies thrust this thread into 404.


islam will save you poor westerners.

Saw this post on my phone; ran home and got on my computer so I could type this out.

This. This. This. I am an Anthropologist; graduated back in 2012, am part of the AAA. It is legitamtely, absolutely, positively IMPOSSIBLE to be an Anthropologist of any worth and not be "racist". It is a well established and accepted fact in physical anthropology that we are not all the same, and there is good fucking evidence to believe that we are absolutely no the same species; pro-tip, we're not.

This bitch is obviously from some stupid ass sub-genre offshoot of Anthro, probably a damn cultural anthropologist which is literally just, "I major in vacations, tehee!" Her thesis is undoubtedly how she went to fucking Africa for a month, stayed in a Safari hotel and let TeeTeek bang her behind the lion shed.

Don't fall for this cunt's bullshit.


I can't even understand what the fuck you're saying.

It's stayed alive For a while. I rarely shitpost so maybe I'm getting a pass

>american sperglord blogging is apparently Sup Forums material

>>she's young
>>she's successful
wew lad

Don't push it

we have each other and anime

don't worry user everyone goes through that phase
But I was amazed to know that some people never fucking seem to move on

Looks like a fucking parody account

It's not postmodernism; its peer pressurism. People are scared to publish work that goes against the social justice grain because it could affect their research funding. A study can be super redpilling, but if they pretend that their subjective biases are okay, then their work can be tweaked until it fits a narrative. The third party peer reviewers are disgustingly less thorough in their peer review of anthro and sociological papers than, say, an economist's paper. It's so bad, from top to bottom, that papers that should be reviewed thoroughly are getting through because of the stigma that they carry.

What did you study