Sup Forums how do I become NEET? I have an engineering degree and 6-figure job...

Sup Forums how do I become NEET? I have an engineering degree and 6-figure job, but I'm starting to realize that I fell for all the wrong memes

Save up for a hundred grand or two and live like a king in Costa Rica without having to work.

buy a hopuse in poland, become an alcoholic

NEET is a meme, it is in reality just a shit life style trust me I been there (And Norway gives more in welfare than the USA). I am glad I have a well paying job now.

ive been a neet for 8 years. unfortunately i dont get anymore more neetbux so i did the next best thing which is school with student loans.

Being a neet isn't that great. (although it's much better than the average wagecuck). But I'd keep the 6 figures job if I had the choice to instantly get it.

5fig jobs < NEET
6fig jobs > NEET

if you have money invest or go to your parents and live there.

Fuck that. NEET is a better life.

I get to train on my bag with my new gloves and can rest my body to my choosing.

Travel to Finland, apply for asylum, get rejected, stay illegally, collect NEETbux, get help with apartment hunting from lefty hippies who help "refugees", die happy.

it's really not

behind the trolling of lel wagecuck are broken shells of men. I know I am one. No one respects you and if you don't actually get neetbux or parents money there is nothing to do but be at home like a pet.

It's all depends on that person.

well in America everyone loves to ask "so what do you do?" (for a living)

you're assuming all NEETs are broken extroverts

i'm an introvert and i have no problem being like this, in fact i like it

i can retreat into my own mind, best thing ever senpai

>i want respect pls i need it ill do anything

typical wagecuck.

But then you have to go to school? So how is that being truly NEET? Unless you never leave your dorm room?

i said ive been a neet 8 years but now i dont get neetbux anymore so ive been forced to go back to school

Money = choice = freedom.

Having money > NEET.

>all NEETs don't have money


Book Recommendation: The Four Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss. It doesn't have to be one or the other.

Well first have a trust fund to inherent from.Never work a day in your life, live frugally. Learn to cook for yourself. Never go outside. Never feel the urge to socialize and go places.

Gotta keep the leafs happy.


Learn to hate yourself. Go postmodern and realize that if the people around you have constructed their own mental clone of you from their perceptions, then you must hate them as well. Become nihillistic about your inability to resolve or change the you in every passing stranger's mind after you meet. Rationalize that if you cannot overcome your other selves, you can at least escape them. Never leave your room, but now your perceptions of what the perceptions of you out there are doing to your real reputation and thereby ego haunt you daily. Conclude that if you are incapable of stopping your conscious perceptions that you must either escape consciousness or distract it. Develop an addiction to either drugs or games. Spend your life being someone else except for the few times you remove the towel on your mirror to shave or every odd time a blank screen reflects you back. Eventually either succeed in escaping your own unhappiness through delusion, breaking out of your self-conditioning to return to the outside and repair your identity, or escaping every haunting perception with finality through suicide.