I just saw IT

I just saw IT.
This new Pennywise has to be the scariest movie monster I've seen in years. Literally years..
The movie itself seems to capture that 80s feeling we've seen in Stranger Things and other important work. Do your part and see it in theaters.


>I just saw IT
you saw WHAT?


What's more sad- an actual shill or someone pretending to be one to "troll"?

I haven't seen the new one but I can already tell the 1990 miniseries is gonna be overall a lot better. Tim curry in the Georgie scene was amazing. It actually felt like I was Georgie and he was trying to kidnap and eat me

I will never watch an IT film until they leave in the sex scene.

The latter because at least one isn't a fucking NEET

The old IT is fucking cringe and I am seriously happy that this old fuck is a vegetable now

I watched this movie with a girl I met from Okcupid. She was insane and she smelled like vinegar. In pics she looked fine but in real life she was fat and was autistic as fuck.
At one point before we went to the theater she lowered her shirt a little bit to show me 2 horizontal scars and told me she had 1 per every boyfriend she had and added "when you become my bf you'll be able to add yours"

I was absolutely disgusted and scared but I already paid for the tickets so we went for it. The movie was bland, and boring and she was obviously looking at me sometimes expecting me to hold her or some shit but I was trying to stay as far away as I physically could.

She cried at least 6 times during the movie and jumped on her seat when there was a loud noise or a jump scare.

The movie itself, objectively is not that good but that experience alone makes me hate it.

>I was absolutely disgusted and scared

So did you bang her?

The old one is fucking trash dude

>I haven't seen the new one but
Sup Forums in a nutshell

5 rupees have been deposited into your account

>Is it pasta?
>It is now

The movie was enjoyable, but they made a lot of pointless changes from the book that left me scratching my head.

Like what? Haven't read the book btw

> they never find the bodies of the missing kids

this pissed me off. When they were in the main area of the wellhouse/sewer/pennywise's domain and they saw all the kid's bodies floating, I thought they would wait until they floated down to see if they'd be ok. But they just point out that the bodies are floating down and then leave. I didn't get it

What the hell is going on?

I'm so fucking tired of the IT shilling and internet marketing with RANDUM VIDEOS Xd

[Spoiler]Beverly doesn't get kidnapped at the end, and Ben doesn't wake her up like sleeping beauty.

They never find the bodies of the missing kids.

The main bully doesn't die at the end, but is rather caught by the police and gets all the recent murders blamed on him and is sent to prison

The kids get high on tree smoke and discover how IT came to Derry in the first place and the origins of the creature.

Bill faces IT alone at the end and they have a spiritual battle with each other rather than all the kids physically beating up the clown. [/Spoiler]

There are other ones which are minor, but these ones stood out for me

The end bit with all the floating bodies seemed really out of place for me too

"He" looks like he's wearing a fucking dress.

>>Stranger Things and other important work

Stranger Things is not "important." IT is not "important". Being able to recapture a vague feeling of nostalgia through the use of easily recreated tropes and visual cues is not "important." What the fuck are you on about.

Bill makes a good Pennywise, makes the characters his own, but he was seriously wasted in the movie in cheap jumpscares. Where is the banter, the personality? They should have hired a better screenwriter.

I just saw IT.
This new richie has to be the cutest movie character I've seen in years. Literally years..
The movie itself seems to capture that 80s feeling we've seen in Stranger Things and other important work. Do your part and see it in theaters.

I went and saw It at 1:30 in the afternoon alone in the theater except for one middle aged guy and his wife who sat 5 rows down from me. It was a very comfy and enjoyable experience.

>being a normie
>not even once