
What do you have to say about this shithole?

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America's spawn in the Balkans. Not that I will like it, but Serbia will take it back the moment the US focuses it's attention somewhere other than Europe during the coming WW3.

Our army is a fucking meme, and nobody else cares enough about us to help us.

> but Serbia will take it back the moment the US focuses it's attention somewhere other than Europe during the coming WW3.

No we won't lol. It's been 8 years m8, even if US leaves Kosovo no one will care.

Isn't Kosovo some sort of holy land for you guys?

Yes but who is going to fight? Young hipster cucks that are drunk all day?

Some old nationalists? No one will move their asses because they don't care(including me).

Only way i will ever fight in the war is if Serbia is attacked, even then i would probably run lol.

He's right. If we ever try to take it back it will be during a big conflict.

>implying ww3 will not happen in this century

We fucked up, sorry Serbia...

Yes it is
but serbs in the north don't care about Kosovo
they are just west worshiping bastards
many serbs wanted to give away kosovo a long time ago because it was "holding us back" on our path to EU
traitors all of them

I am only rustled about the fact that motherfucking muslims get extra territories on slavic soil. I consider slavs holy because they're like pest control here in Norway.

Especially Serbs. They do their god damn jobs better than most of the people and they stand for social justice by fighting muzzies.

Just don't elect Bernie or Hillary and you are forgiven

Traitors to what or whom?

Eh, srecno vama u ratu. Ja cu biti u nekom bunkeru ili cu biti daleko odavde.

Protesting Trump Rally. (GONE SEXUAL) (GONE WRONG)

Are there any IT jobs in Norway? Just asking if anything bad happens here.

>svetski rat

Gde daleko, na Mars?



I have a friend from Kosovo and went to visit him once. It was pretty easy to pick up girls there when I told them I was American.

I'd say to serbia
but I have to say that many serbs that escaped kosovo, sold their property for insane prices to the Siptars, and are owners of 2-3hours and 5+apartments.
Most are scum, the thing is, even some of the crowd that don't care about the EU, are for Kosovo not being part of Serbia
it was shit pushed by a few of our political parties even before Kosovo declared independence
Aj kao da ce biti ikakvog rata ovde, samo se suska jos, nasi kazu ovo, hrvati ono
Pomalo ubace siptare da prave sranja po makedoniji ali nista realno nece skoro

Ali da, ako dodje do rata, jebiga sta ces, svakako nece postojimo za 100godina.

>Svetski rat

U tom slucaju neki bunker cu izgraditi, trebace.

Pogotovo ako Hilari pobedi sad u Novembru.

>countries that have fake EU flags
>not shit

pick one

Ne pricam samo o tome. Pricam o ovoj idiotkinji(Hilari).

Ona mrzi Ruse i ujebace Bliski Istok jos vise.

Mi kao nacija nikad ne izbegnemo neki veci rat, uvek se nekako upetljamo.

Aren't most Serbs unhappy about their government? My Serb friends told me ridiculous stories about it. I know all about Dačić and Vučić. If that's true, then how the fuck can you be a traitor to someone who treats you like shit?

Might be cultural differences as us silly Norwegians call it, but it sounds like common sense to me.

A da, ona koja je trazila da nas bombarduju lepo
ako ona dodje mozda bude i sranja kod nas
posto ovi nasi nece moci vise da sede u dve fotelje

A literal who cares part of the world. You might as well be asking me if I think the Eastern Dingaling province of Bizzybozzystan should secede and join Dinduland. No one cares except people from Bizzybozzystan and Dinduland.

Oh we hate the government, and it's the same government that wants to actually give away Kosovo
You can be a traitor to your country tho
to the people, culture, religion
The political situation in serbia is just like you said (ridiculous)
and it came to the point that you can't do anything but fucking laugh, since raging or crying about it won't do shit

But it's your country, not theirs, no matter how shitty most of the people are
You were born a Serb, not something else, so stop whining.
Hopefully if we don't cease to exist in the next 20years, things might be fixed.

kad su kod vas parlamentarni izbori?

Bili su u Aprilu. Vuciceva stranka je pobedila.

bili vec
Vucic uzeo 48.24% imacemo jos 4godina njega
fuck my shit up just now
budale kao Tadic i DS jedva presli cenzus
Svinjce i socijalisti 10.9% a jebeni Seselj 8.11%

Kosov Je Albania

Then you mistook the point. You should fight for people who are common to you, no matter what ancestry they have. You can't fight for and be ready to eat shit for the rest of your life for a goal you can't even pinpoint. Grow out of that nationalistic set of mind and start believing in people rather than organised institutions.

It doesn't exist.

hvala na odgovoru. kod nas su u nedjelju.

nisam neki ljubitelj hdza, ali su manje zlo nego sdp

zamislite da su 50% u vašoj vladi šiptari. eto to je za nas sdp

my parents are kosovar ghegs and i agree with this post

but you have to think about it like this: kosovo will just end up being a thorn on their side for them if they ever decide to occupy it

90% of the population are albanians. they're going to be dealing with partisans for a long ass time. and for what? a few mines?

it's a shitty situation overall. i wish albanians and serbs could just coexist 2bh.

Whereas Americans and Brits think jokes like that are funny (attempted jokes), the rest of the world is cringing at your ignorance.

I am sure I know more British history than you, no matter how much you know it. You should feel ashamed of yourself.

all the fucking insurgencies weve had against albos theyve been armed and came from that shithole 2bh, its evil and should be nuked

I wasn't joking, and I'm not ignorant, I am merely saving my attention for things that are relevant or interesting. How much British history you know is irrelevant to me.

>try to coexist with albos
>they start insurgencies every chance they get and live isolated building mosques and disrespecting your churches
i wonder why............

Oh maybe I worded myself wrong
but I won't fight for the institution here
I'd fight for my family and my friends

For too long was our nationalism used just as a tool to advance politicians

i was talking about kosovo, not macedonia. i don't really care about albanians in macedonia and to be frank with you cousin i don't give a fuck about macedonia as a whole.

It's not relevant?
A Serb figured out how to use electricity, invented the radio, x-rays, wireless communication, the phone etc. One Serb.

Also, the first world war was triggered there.

Also, Yugoslavia used to be the fastesr developing country for 30 years.

They have intellectuals in every major field all over the world.

They contributed and are contributing to society more than most countries even though they are merely eight million people.

They are holding a very important military and marketing point for a global-scale conflict.

They are being raped for 25 consecutive years and something is bound to happen.

You are a dumb, lazy, ignorant fool and you never had an honest day of work or studying in your life.

same thing happened in kosovo didnt it?
the only solution for peace is to separate albos and slavs for good desu, wall and no moving between those countries allowed boom problem solved

Kosovars aren't like Arabs, they're Muslims in name but they're actually pretty tolerant. There's no sharia in Kosovo and people drink alcohol and eat pork all the time. Pic related is a recent march against homophobia, you think they would allow such a thing in a Sharia country?

The problem they have is with crime. It's a very poor shithole stuck in the 17th century and some villages don't even have sewer systems. Widespread corruption is the norm. It's still a recently new country with tons of resources and potential, lots of businesses are springing up so that may change in the next 20-25 years.

Persecution of Serbs is also a problem, but I don't think that problem can ever be fixed. There are just some ignorant people in every group. There's an enclave of 100% Serbs somewhere in the central part of Kosovo that have had no complaints with their neighbors, and Albanians live as neighbors to the Serbs, go with them to school, etc. In the north near Mitrovica is a much bigger problem with ethnic tensions.

Depending on how events in the next 8 years will turn out, Serbia will eventually either a) recognize it and pursue diplomatic and economic relationships or b) stay the course and resume cold war-esque relations.

Yeah you get it, that's why I love you Serbs, you're quick thinkers. Progressivism > traditionalism.

Have a good one

My fucking grandfather lives there, in Gračanica. All the shiptars and assorted shitskins should be crucified. Absolutely the shadiest people I ever had the displeasure of meeting.

they didn't start insurgencies for fun. a lot of albanians were getting systemically sacked from their jobs and the use of their language was prohibited. i think that's what triggered it but also the west wanted it to happen.

>the only solution for peace is to separate albos and slavs for good desu, wall and no moving between those countries allowed boom problem solved
yeah i guess. another solution is for albanians to abandon islam. i seriously don't understand why we still follow it, ottomans are gone.

it's a non country, just like Belgium, Bosnia, and Canada

its Serbia

In order to avoid any
>muh country can beat yours XD
shitposting that will occur, here are the armies in the Balkans for reference.

>another solution is for albanians to abandon islam
This is a very hard prospect, ultimately it is the best because Islam has no place in the modern world, but Albanians are just recovering from Hoxha-era atheism. The offspring of atheist adults during the Hoxha regime are in their mid-20s and no doubt will teach Islam, Christianity etc. to their offspring and so on. There is actually something of a "religious awakening" in Albania and it is becoming somewhat of a problem.

Servians just were never good neighbours/leaders.

Ottomans, romans rtc ruled hese lands for centuries.
Yet serbs couldt hold a meme union called Yugoslavia for less than a century.

Basically all of what you just said has zero relevance to my day-to-day life. I have worked and studied more in the last fifteen years than you probably will in your entire life.

>Yes but who is going to fight?

Your army?

>Young hipster cucks that are drunk all day?

Gods, is that real? From you reply, you paint Serbia in a similar picture to Albania. Most youths here are the same as you describe. They buy into cultural marxism to gain social status.

>it's a shitty situation overall. i wish albanians and serbs could just coexist 2bh.

We would fucking coexist pretty nicely, if two-thirds of Albanians hadn't turned traitor, and changed religion. Why the fuck do you think the League of Prizren failed? Because t*rk-loving m*slims subverted it from a movement to declare independence, to a movement to declare autonomy and remain pro-ottom*n. Had we declared independence in 1878 instead on 1912, then Serbs could've been our allies.

I don't think any Balkan countries seriously wants war with one another, and frankly if it did happen it would be more of a proxy war with US/Russia being involved than anything else. Of course there are always edgy underage on this board who will say otherwise, but those people tend to have maligned opinions


I have always wondered who this guy was, he looks really stoned in that video. I tried looking up "Momcilo" his supposed name but all I got was some right-wing nationalism sites that had nothing to do with the music.

Only thing I can remember was that someone dug up his facebook a while ago.

No you haven't, you're an illiterate imbecile. I can see who's been studying and who hasn't just by their usage of language. I get that going because I'm a professor. You kids think you can bullshit everyone, but here I get to tell you what I really think.

The entire place wants a nice North/South DMZ like in North south korea.

Its pretty nice to live in a 90℅ homogenous country.
Its something that works too. Diversity is a myth.

I hope they all die in fire. I had a 16 fold accumulator the other night and I had all 15 at 17000/1. Kosovo drew and should have lost. utter cunts

u dont know shit about yugoslavia or who ruled it so dont even start desu

youth is like that everywhere in this globalized world tho, literally
personally id fight if my home was threatened but other than that idk

He literally did nothing wrong

Clearly your deduction skills are lacking. Your first fatal flaw was assuming that you can determine if I've been studying by the way I conduct myself on a fucking anime imageboard. But let's ignore that, in truth there was nothing about my posts that should've led you to conclude that I was illiterate. By the way you carry yourself I'm going to assume, with great confidence, that even if you are a professor, which you're probably not, that you are involved in a logic-soft subject, such as history. I come from a STEM background so please forgive me for not taking you seriously. In your studies and research you do nothing that I could not do if I were so inclined, whereas your intelligence probably prohibits you from studying degree-level mathematics, for example. You needn't worry however, as you already made clear, you can say whatever you like here without fear of reprisal, as I may do so too. Your secret is safe with me, my lesser-intellectually-abled friend ;)

Well I think there is hope. Just the mere fact you and that Kosovar Albanian from America are discussing things peacefully on a Transnistrian waterpolo board is a good sign. The problem I think is mostly religious. Do you have any conflict with Orthodox or Catholic Albanians?

The Albanians in Macedonia are diaspora, don't forget, and they tend to be more nationalistic and breed a lot more than mainland ones. Poverty plays a lot into it too, if you are rich and well-off you would probably not have a lot to fight over.

I think it is entirely possible for Slavs and Albanians to coexist. It is a difficult situation for sure but there is always a glimmer of hope. I had read somewhere on the news that when certain churches were defaced in Macedonia by Albanians, some Orthodox Albanians from the mainland donated to the church for revitalization purposes. It is not an entirely hopeless prospect, but yes it must begin with the cessation of brainwashing that occurs in the mosques that tells Albanians the slavs are our enemies.

not rly catholic and orthodox ones are chill but when shit comes down to it and new war starts against our albos they'll be supported by the catholic/orthodox ones so i dont like any albanians personally, hate the muslim ones, dislike the non-muslim ones

also generally i like tosk albos more than gheg couz theyre way more civilized and more orthodox

Ne razumem. Hoces da kazes da su 50% u vasoj vladi Srbi?

I still like you Germany.

not to mention saudi arabia are funding those mosques. i fucking hate saudi arabia so damn much.

The fact that you went through so much to prove yourself just concludes my assumption that you're a mentally underdeveloped idealist with, hmm, a superiority complex?

STEM does nothing but test your obedience. I reapect them as thorough, influential sciences, but all you have to do is have time for them. No brain involved, just time.

It's law that I teach, international law. Grow a dick, buddy, stop trying to prove yourself on an imageboard.

Before I forget... purposely using academic language to appear more intellectual just makes you seem desperate for approval.

pic related albo neighbourhood in our local ghetto in northern skopje
to answer one of ur previous posts no one in the balkans wants war really and most have had enough of it but nationalism and religion difference is strong and all it takes is some provocation for some one who would benefit from war (and plenty would) and boom you have a skirmish that escalates into civil war, easily

Miro Smberac is his name

I can honestly say I don't think any major war will happen in that region unless (((the powers that be))) want it to, by promoting ethnic tensions. But it is good that you can differentiate Albanians, it is more than I can say for 60 iq diaspora Albanians in Macedonia that think all Slavs are the same

yes i saw that
>it's tumor btw :DDDD

I just saw that you are actually a Croat. I'm all up for pic related just so you know.

God damn I so much love and respect Norwegians.

Disgusting that they would hang that flag so brazenly. Somebody should rip it down, it is a mockery of European civilization.

yes i recognized u when u posted that prince paul in albo clothes but the serbs and albos werent tight in ww1 era not even close, they were attacked at least in the north all the time during their retreat, last time u were on good terms was before ottomans came and thats it, after that u kind of picked opposite sides

our chillest albos are the ones in southwest and those are tosk, i like their dialect and behaviour better than northern savages

It is full of Shiptars by now. Why would Serbia want infected clay?

>Not that I will like it, but Serbia will take it back the moment the US focuses it's attention somewhere other than Europe during the coming WW3.

I doubt this will ever happen m8. Kosovo will join Albania in the next decade or two anyway.

You underestimate us m8.

Hahaha, what?
>The fact that you went through so much to prove yourself just concludes my assumption that you're a mentally underdeveloped idealist with, hmm, a superiority complex?
Literally what you did in your previous replies to me.

>STEM does nothing but test your obedience. I reapect them as thorough, influential sciences, but all you have to do is have time for them. No brain involved, just time.
Proof that you know nothing about STEM subjects beyond high school, confirmation of my suspicions.

>It's law that I teach, international law. Grow a dick, buddy, stop trying to prove yourself on an imageboard.
After you.

>Before I forget... purposely using academic language to appear more intellectual just makes you seem desperate for approval.
So now speaking well is "academic language". Interesting, are you sure you're a university professor?

Spoljna politika Amerike ostaje ista bez obzira na predsednika.

Da li ce Amerika ici u rat odlucuju bankari i vojno-industrijski kompleks.

Yes I am, but let's stop this. I had my fun. I actually just thought you're a kid and I wanted to piss you off because I don't get to do that often here... their emotions have to be safe or whatever.

Anyhow, have a good night and keep up the attitude.

ne znam za nista sto moze da sojedini siptara i pravoslavne hristijane u ovim prostorima
mislim odnose stanuvaju losije sa svaka generacija ne bolje

If Balkans are to ever thrive, there must be a Balkan Federation. I recommend to everyone to read Rakovski's geopolitical essays.

Otherwise, all countries will be pitted against each other by foreign powers and the average man of every nationality will needlessly suffer while his country will remain a shithole with delusions of grandeur.

he's a serb you utter retard

lol newfag fuck off to highschool

sounds correct but in practice its different... unless EU swallows us all and federalizes maybe that can work, if we organize it ourselves we always fuck up

What? I said I have Serb friends

>Kosovo will join Albania in the next decade or two anyway.
How would this happen? Albania is probably going to be in EU (if it even still exists) by then and Kosovo will not. I don't think EU would simply allow Kosovo, a non EU country, to merge with a EU country.

Hypothetically, even if they were both EU and NATO countries, I don't think this is a realistic outcome. The West would never allow it I think

A federation or a union? Cause we all know how the last federation went down.

Yes OK. For future reference, many people come to this board for fun. My original post in this thread was only half true at best. I am somewhat interested in the Kosovo conflict, but it's more fun to act like an ignorant cunt sometimes, and if nothing else my reply might make people consider why Kosovo has any relevance to them at all.


>Kosovo will join Albania in the next decade or two anyway.
I don't think this will ever happen, personally. There are some nationalists in the mainland that want reunification but they are a very small minority. Kosovars have their own culture and problems different from Albania. In fact they are so different normal mainland Albanians can only understand about 75% of their dialect! Albanian politicians know the extent of what a mafia state Kosovo is, and how crime plagues it, because they are aware of their own politicians and corruption in the mainland. Adding those problems to Albania will only make it look like more of an illegitimate shithole.

There was a pretty funny polandball comic on here that I saw that had Albaniaball talk about Greater Albania and all the other countries laugh at it, that is the situation in Albania proper. Greater Albania is a joke that is only taken seriously by supernationalists.

>A federation or a union?
federation is the only choice with a union of such diverse people, this isnt the US where all states are basically the same, just needs a good economy and good leaders, that alone is impossible in balkans lmao, that, and its not in the west's interests, that alone would make it hard if we DIDN'T hate each others guts and were poorfags, but we are/do, so id say its borderline impossible

You got baited by a Serb diaspora pretending to be Norwegian.

Was the breaking of Yugoslavia a mistake?


>The West would never allow it I think

You people literally bombed our country for three months so that muslim separatist can have their country. Every time one of your officials talks to out PM or president they note that they hope Serbia and Kosovo will have a normalization of relationships i.e. we should recongnize Kosovo as a sovereign state.

99% of Albanians living in Kosovo want to merge with Albania. And i don't see why you woulent let that happen.

obviously, most people are nostalgic and tell good tales of the time, people hated the breakup, not the life
its very complicated
I'll copypaste my explanation from another thread
Yugoslavia or the balkans?
for the balkans, its basically 500 years of turk rule then 70 years of communism, you think we wont be fucked up?
as for yugoslavia, tito took loans from all sides, west and east, and when he died they demanded the dosh back, it was all nice and good while he was alive, the people who lived during that time were called titova generacija, tito's generation, living like kings
after that the economy tanked
when people are in poverty they turn to nationalism especially in the balkans, and thats when the slovenes decided to split, after that the violent peasants in bosnia started their own little wars with croats vs bosniaks, serbs vs bosniaks etc etc, it was a real mess, people can do terrible things in turbo nationalism mode, all sides committed atrocities, and then it balkanized as the balkans do, people blame the west, some people don't some people do, i think they had a hand in its dissilusion because it wouldnt drop socialism, and that was unnaceptable, but in the end it was our own nationalism and stupidity which ruined a good thing we had.

short version

Too late now.

it's all so frustrating m8
if history played differently we would have been relatively fine i think
but here we are