Dumb stupid katlaniggers didn't learn a thing from Sweden's misery. Sweden is the laughingstock of the world as it tries to uncuck itself, but let's just go ahead and repeat it.
10,000 Icelanders offer to house Syrian refugees
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They gon' learn.
Laughing my ass off at the single mom who wants to place a Muslim in the same room as her 6 year old boy.
Teaching him Icelandic and to integrate. Give me a break. 2/3 of Syrians are illiterate in their own language.
RIP Iceland
Guess im changing my name to Abdu and heading for Libya.
Gonna get myself some sympathy pussy in Iceland because of my great suffering at the hands of evil Assad and ISIS.
They say they'll do it then they'll never actually want to do it when they have to put their money where their mouth is. Just like every politician. Too bad in this case it's gonna be too late to backpedal when they're in the country and there's nowhere to deport them... enjoy your 5% rapist population I guess, Iceland. Fucking retards.
Too many inbreds in Iceland, its good to infuse little diversity.
more nigger viking themed movie comin'!
being so far away isolated and only exposed to liberal media I cant blame them.
they probably think they will house crying children or poor women.
No this is actually brilliant
>send all sandniggers to a volcanic Isand far out in the ocean
>drop a nuke into volcano so they get nuked and volcano'd
Pure profit.
This so much. My parents used to virtue signal about letting some Syrian refugees live in our basement apartment after our last tenants moved out. A few weeks went by, and now a young white couple lives there.
No Iceland bro's, say it ain't so? You are one of the last countries in the world I kind of respect.
As a parent though you should be 100% sure of what you are exposing your children to and not just go by what the media says.
Those raped boys and girls are going to grow up with so much hatred for their virtue signalling liberal parents.
How depressing
This is what happens when females are given the freedom to make choices. The patriarchy must become stronger again, so we can protect our people (esp. women and children) from themselves.
Fucking shit this makes me mad. And that same cunt probably demonstrated somewhere for more women's liberation from white male oppression.
Of course they'll do that, they're literally the most sheltered peoples of the world, comfy rich lives, they literally have no army, and prisoners can go out from jail and see their family once a month and some other nonsense.
Sheltered life = leftism
Sheltered, retarded Icelanders.
10 000 icelanders. That's like what? 3.5% of their population? Their cuckedness beats sweden and goymany by several orders of magnitude wow.
Fuck this. It only takes a small small minority of people to change the dynamics of society. That is scary.
The thought of all those little girls about to get raped already gave me a boner, too bad the videos almost never get uploaded.
They need to put Hafþór on border patrol
>Teaching Icelandic
Isn't that language a complete bitch to learn?
Is fermented shark halaal?
>and prisoners can go out from jail and see their family once a month and some other nonsense.
You telling me I can stick a man in Iceland just to watch him bleed and still see my kids once a month? And live off the government dime in what I assume is a cozy prison.
Jesus. That's about as good as a lot of divorced men in America who can only see their child once a month because their ex is a cunt.
Iceland is ultracucked m8 it's like a more sheltered Sweden.
With the way slimes breed they will be half the population in 2 generations.
jews saw last soccer cup and iceland team was not deverse enough, unlike France or England
This happened after they put the banksters in prison.
>31 Aug 2015
Did anything come out of this?
I wonder how strong this red pill is... or are Swedes so cucked? I bet she apologised to the poor refugee, he killed her daughter due to the patriarchy no doubt and white oppression
Honestly? Probably not.
They'll likely die out due to seasonal depression. Dark skinned people do not survive for very long in very cold places, which is why cold countries are the least diverse in the world. You have to continually import them, because otherwise they either kill themselves or end up in prison.
Don't they only have like 100,000 people?
So 10% of the population is cucks lol.
As long as they personally pay for it and go to prison as abettor there shouldn't be problem.
press f to pay respects.
stay strong bozgor. you and poland are last hopes for white race
Wow, ten feminists from some shitty community college made a video.
The fuck happened to you Nordic people? I'm guessing all the stories about viking marauders is complete bullshit.
Mind you Iceland does not have an army. They probably wouldn't be able to put down a rebellion.
I just hope the icelanders never let them to their country... once they're in, it's gonna be hard to get rid of them.
Also, regarding my last post, our MP was going full #refugeeswelcome here, offering his 2nd house for rapefugees... surprise surprise, he never did so. Rumor has it his niece was raped by muslims. These backstabbing bastards expect their constituents to shoulder the ever-increasing burden of islamic retards who can't speak a word of our language apart from "give" and they wonder why trust in media and government is at an all-time low... and why "le far right" aka. non-cucks are making big gains all over Europe. Then they're affected by it personally... and suddenly they become "le saviors of europe".
This si from august of last year. Did anything really come out of it?
The stronghold has fallen...
Hopefully not
But it doesn't really matter, it shows that Iceland is also suffering from terminal cuckery.
Fucking idiots... and here i thought Iceland was pretty based
he killed her because he molested her
i bet this story was ignored by the (((swedish media)))
Why do people want to ruin a great country? And to think it's their own.
Isn't Icelandic one of the most difficult languages?
Fuck these people that are so dumb they let their 7 year old daughter end up alone in their bathroom with a 36 year old african willingly living there.
They need to be fucking killed
Considering the small handful of Icelandic people I know have killed atleast a person each, I'll say this is part of some greater scheme. Icelandic people are fucking batshit insane, I promise you this.
And here I was expecting to travel there sometime in the upcoming years.
what's with nords and brown/black cock?
Civilization brings cuckoldry. Whites created the most advanced, liveable and comfortable civilizations ever known in the post-war economy. The children and and grand-children of these civilizations promptly dropped all the values that built and protected them. The whiter the nation the more civilized and thus the most cucked. It will bounce back. The question is at what state the white nations will be when it does.
So sad that the Panama Papers ''''leak'''' resulted with the ousting of a Euroskeptic leader.
>I bet the patriarchy did this
And the best part is she actually believes it.
“Separation or Death.” “Muslims are not for integration and not for segregation.” Looking up at the audience as if to beg the question, he asked what they “were for.” The audience shouted “Separation.”
I wonder what particular arch kike was behind it?
Wonder why the jews loved psychology? Well, it was to understand and control said autism. The results are clear.
Remember some user talking about iceland "their women are so sane it makes sweden look sane."
From what I've seen last two years Iceland is sperging out to Swedish levels
Most interesting was a piece on Allen Jizz-era. Iceland has invited an imam to move there, his job is to help rapefugees transition into their new country.
He said its a challenge to live there because ramalamadam and midnight sun but there are good gibmedats. Also happy because Saudis are funding the building of a mosq. And he's already met with 100 Icelandic nationals all interested in following his religion. In fact he's already converted some.
Icelandic people need to be taken on educational tours of St Denis, Malmo and Molenbeek to realise the idiocy of complacency.
But it may already be a lost cause
>You telling me I can stick a man in Iceland just to watch him bleed and still see my kids once a month? And live off the government dime in what I assume is a cozy prison.
and all the sex you want
>Probably not.
You have no idea...
These shitskins breed like rabbits
Some of these roaches have almost 7 children Over here in Belgistan
>Iceland offering Syrian refugees
When will nations stop accepting these Syrian assholes? These refugees do nothing but rape, harm, and kill people and they fucking get away with it even if you fight one in self defense. Fuck em, just decline the offer.
Tell me about it.
You can hardly see any white kids when walking by schools here anymore.
Iceland was number 1 on my list of countries to move after finishing school, I am beyond disappointed. They will regret this I'm sure.
They have just ruined what was the safest country in the world.
I'm sure we will see stories of honor killings and rape soon enough.
we have homeless "immigrants" here. the people know and they don't care
this. we took in muslims in 2007 or something and i can say that nobody in my town will take one in. they only rape and harass people
Fixed OP's image.
First post from an Icelandic flag.
What do your friends think? Can you talk openly about the situation or do you have to pretend to care so you don't get ostracized?
Would any of your family take any in?
i already heard they are swedish. It's sad they are killed quickly now, but not unexpected.
Well I guess there is still hope for Switzerland, Japan, and Israel. But I see Switzerland taking a bunch of immigrants in too, just based on geography.
Yours is the country of some of my ancestors but you guys are pretty fucked imo.
>learning icelandic
Is such a thing even possible?
wtf i hate iceland now
>Lowest crime rate
Not any more, you ignorant island niggers
my friends think these people are absolutely shit.
>Can you talk openly about the situation or do you have to pretend to care so you don't get ostracized?
i act like a natzi at work and people usually agree with me on everything. unless i talk about homos but who cares about that.
there's no actual muslim situation in Iceland but there's a high aproval rate here because people have never seen a muslim before.
God fucking damn it.
Just laughing at all the retards on Sup Forums who thought Iceland was any better than Sweden.
The only reason they don't have refugees raping their country is because the Fluchtlinge don't want to go there. The people (especially the women) desire the dark seed ten times as much as Swedish white women.
nationalism is still in place here. we're the only modern nation that would actually have a crusade
Karina is a poor man's Alina.
Better brush up on your Polish
>Yours is the country of some of my ancestors but you guys are pretty fucked imo.
I know. It's sad. official opinion is not really every german's opinion but that doesn't help much.
Better start locking your doors and bikes if this happens, friendo. If it doesn't happen... can I come play?
I have a great great uncle who was killed by a polar bear. Will that impress the local broads? Trying to get some of that Icelandic fish flap.
>mfw this might be the real explanation
they both cannot compete with anastasia 2bh lad
You are a comfy nation no doubt.
A nice lean state that holds everyone accountable and seems mostly unaffected by (((them))) and all their degeneracy.
I can't take this shit anymore.
>Pirate party leading in polls
>Direct democracy
>Sounds pretty good
>Find out they're full refugees welcome and criticize the current PM for being sceptical about taking in refugees due to dangers
>Most people in Iceland want to take in refugees
Germans = Three generations of brainwashing
Nordics = Three generations of sheltering
One thing is being a kek like Sweden/Germany, another thing is being mislead by the media.
the more you go north in the western countries, the cuckier it gets famalam
>tfw when you're a tiny land-locked island
>tfw your neighbors are all outretarding each other
>pic related
>what i keep waiting for the rest of europe to say
Soooooo Sup Forums at what point do you give up on the idea of the white race and just start dating a latina with mostly European features?
Me? I already started sadly.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I was looking for some dirt on dis nigga
Aren't you worried that your country is next?
Don't really want a lawless arab wasteland this close to UK we already have London.
we're taking in 50 immigrants this year. it's more than the last 10 years combined. very worrying but it's still only 50 and we're sending out people to pick out functional families.
Icelandic fish flap is pretty hard to get m8
yes that pirate party can be a massive problem because of virtue signalling and slacktivism