University brainwashing

So i'm a freshman, just finished my third week of college and I have to admit i'm starting to feel like i'm becoming steadily bluepilled...

I have some very liberal professors and as I sit through the classes and listen to the points they make I can't help but in thinking if my alt-right views are wrong.

Your views aren't wrong, you just haven't studied them enough to believe in them.

and I don't mean reading MSpaint info-graphs. Take advantage of your uni library and study up.

You're weak minded. You will not be missed.

solidify your own views

You changed one brainwash for another.
You are just a tool, then again you are american so it's not your fault.

Kill yourself, cuck.

That's gonna wear off by sophomore year when you hear for the 999th time that you're A FUCKING WHITE MALE.

Read more and stop holding your professors up as some kind of higher being.

Tell us what they've been feeding you? What kinds of "blue pills" have they given you that were so convincing?

>my alt-right views
Well, you're a faggot, so...

>My views are being challenged oh no!

The fact that dissenting views are not permitted does not mean that there are no other views. The only reason to prohibit certain points of view to be argued indicates that they are the correct points of view, and would prevail if permitted to be aired. Liberal dogma does not stand up to logical scrutiny, the only way it can survive is to outlaw everything BUT liberal dogma. Rope day can not arrive soon enough.



I went to Columbia.

Where Obama, RBG, and Mattress Girl all went. Yet here I am.

How you end up is entirely up to you.

>starting first day in math class
>from the first sight of hook nose and Jew York accent, I knew what I was getting into
>teachers rambles about numbers
>compares bums with no debt are better than millionaires with debt
>somehow manages to throw in "hurr durr trump hates bums"
>whole class agrees

>i'm starting to feel like i'm becoming steadily bluepilled...
Drop out now

Get as much of a refund as you can

you're fucking weak OP.

I was a libertarian when I first went to college. I dropped out after a semester because I knew I was being brainwashed and I needed some time to establish my own opinions and belief system, so I got an trade apprenticeship and worked full-time for two years while I studied up on politics and history. Came back to college a couple years ago and it's a fucking game.

Also, I have made it clear to my professors and classmates that I'm a nationalist, Zionist Yiddish Jew. I get A's.. even when dropping redpills like a maniac.

The only excuse people have is being under informed. This site does a great job of "awakening" people, but does not provide any worthwhile information.. It's up to you to find it and incorporate it into your life.

So you're saying artefact riddled infographs from stormfront with no sources probably AREN'T telling you the truth?

Huh... really makes me think.

The true redpill is finding out you are an idiot for taking infographs at face value.

This, fellow college-fag.


Muh alt-right

>This site does a great job of "awakening" people, but does not provide any worthwhile information.. It's up to you to find it and incorporate it into your life.

This. Don't forget the non-required reading.

Universities are blue pilled because a vast amount of funding comes from the State and its entities.

An 'alt-right' viewpoint is much less statist, which translates to less funding for them. They won't like it.

I have spent a lot of time in academics. To get funding you have to write emotional BS for grants (i.e. poverty, environment, etc.) prefacing and concluding your actual scientific data.

Just keep your head down, sift through the emotional propaganda, and focus on factual information.

Exposing your beliefs will do nothing but harm you ultimately - you're not converting anyone.

I write this from a STEM perspective, if you are in any social science, liberal art, or even fringe STEM (psychology), you're fucked.

LULZ...wait till some blue haired imbecile accuses you of eye rape.
You'll have to go before the college inquisition and explain why you're a racist bigot Islamophob who won't apologize for your privilege and gender while you go 80000 dollars in debt for a worthless 4 year degree.

Have fun, faggot.

You have to want the truth, it cannot be fed to you... If you take the information here at face value and argue it's merits in the real world, then you are literally no better than the "normies" that are so hated.

Uni got me all redpilled because I immediately noticed all the flaws of liberalism and marxism. And I also noticed that a lot of these marxist intellectuals are jewish, so that really caught my attention

don't listen to this user, you might blow your face off, better aim for the brain stem, instant and failproof or your moneyback

perhaps your views are wrong. I'm not going to be able to persuade you one way or another in a single post.

But, you're amenable to being influenced. You've just admitted that, basically. That's not an insult, that's being human. You know those psychology experiments on peer group pressure?

So, you have a duty to look at both sides of the argument. Universities are overwhelmingly liberal. You're only getting one side. It's going to be hard to keep getting the other side, but that what a man should do. Are you going to seek the truth by applying logic to facts, or just think what these professors tell you to think?

Fuck off you stupid jungle nigger

That's because you're probably a normie, there isn't much you can do about this, but if you actually study the reasons why the views expressed on this board are correct, then you will have confidence.

Maybe start off with reading The Bell Curve

Just play along, and never reveal your power level. You have only begun to learn what you are up against. Stay strong and go to church every Sunday.

Read some actual political philosophy and decide what you believe rather than referring to Sup Forums shitposts and infographics. And don't just read Spengler or something, go for a diversity of sources. Thomas Sowell, Michel Foucault, Buchanan, Marx, then evaluate where you stand on things based on what makes sense in light of what you've learned. Also remember to take your own interests and conscience into account.

And forget all the "lol ur weak" posts. They're basically just saying "why don't you believe more harder faggot". Good luck on your intellectual journey user.

always remember, a marxist is someone who reads Das Kapital, a capitalist is someone who reads Das Kapital and understands it.

Well maybe if you would pay attention in class you would learn about incredulity and the basis for knowledge.
Redpills is a retarded meme and you don't belong in a unversity.

You're not intelligent enough to understand how all their """arguments"""" are wrong to begin with.
As expected of a burger from McDumbaldstan.

also, why only 1 post from this ID, are you a weak bait fag?

Read Mein Kampf.


>Just play along, and never reveal your power level

Sound advice for people who cannot stand their ground intellectually.

If you can, you HAVE to speak up in order to provide balance.. It's not so much that we should want people to see it our way, but they should understand both sides.

The reason why liberals are so damn liberal is because we never speak up.. and they never get to hear the other side.. Why? Because "muh power levels" or they just didn't study/only read stormfront.

It's really your fault.

>alt right
Shill/redditor spotted

Sage this thread it's a nigger trying to Jew us

>the points they make


Better off reading sports illustrated.. being that we are talking about the real world and normies.

Besides, it's a shitty book by man who destroyed the German people because he didn't have a strategic mind and was high on meth.





>freshman orientation day
>first event was watching a few skits about "ant-bullying"
>the skits were literally just blatant pro-gay and pro-islam propaganda
It was quite frankly disgusting. After the skits concluded they started giving away buttons and shirts that read "I pledge to respect". It meant that you need to be nice to everyone, everyone is equal, etc. Of course all the good goys lined up right away and took everything. I was one of the very few that didn't take anything. This was when I realized how cucked your average normalfag truly is. Should every uni just be nuked?

STEM is not blue pilled.
STEM is not subjective in anyway, it is an objective field of science.

the further you get away from the factual based science, the more room there is for subjective opinions. But at the core anything that is STEM is neutral, which interestingly enough (in my opinion) turns out to be more aligned with right wing/ red pilled, since people tend to steer to the left when they have room for interpretation and therefor the general consensus about various subjects tend to be more liberal/leftist than the actual science.

And you actually listened to it and had strong feelings about it.

You feel, you lose... dummy.

this, op needs to go back

My process tech teachers are anti gov and for guns, but for some reason want to vote for hillary to not be sexist and think Trump is evil.

At a certain point it's obvious that school's brainwash on purpose yet they don't know or understand it.

>you're fucking weak OP.
>I was a libertarian when I first went to college
>I dropped out after a semester

You can admit to yourself that Western Culture and Society is the greatest and strongest in history and still be a leftist. Just don't be a beta nu-male cuck about it. I used to be full-Tumblr but now I know some important truths and I'm much more Nationalist.

>sitting in class
>professor tells us to get in small groups and name what they believe to be 3 problems with the US
>mentions that not everything is black and white and that you have to let opposition explain itself to you and not get into a shouting match
>my group 3 fucking freshman girls
>muh raycism
>muh genders
>muh gunz
>identity politics only
>look over at the rest of the class
>generally the same shit
>try to speak up
>get shouted down almost instantly
Giving 18 year olds the ability to vote was a fucking mistake, i should have taken this class 3 years ago

Why was that black guy so angry?

Nothing wrong with choosing your battles