Bill passes allowing families to sue Saudi


>US house unanimously passes bill allowing 9/11 families to sue Saudis
>Obama threatens to veto bill because he's a faggot
>Bill may override veto due to 2/3rd majority

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Would love to deliver a veto override to onigger on his way out the fucking door

Muslim in cheif is gonna be pissed!

'Bama's gonna freak!

Ah ha ha, eat it Obongo. Based house.

Why would saudi give a shit

how exactly do you just sue a general group of people though?

You sue the nation themselves. The defendant would be the Saudi govt and/or royal family.

You sue the nation, ie the government.

a government isn't a general group of people

So can someone give me the 411 on this? It seems odd to me to sue a Country for an act of terror. I mean do we sue Pakistan for the San Bernardino shootings ? Can we sue Afghanistan ?

I honestly haven't followed this at all

so why would this nation that already hates us "show up" to court?

Why would Obama want to veto this?

Can you take off this image is very bad thanks

because he's a saudi plant and a muslim


because private citizens of one country suing a foreign nation may cause a bit of a friction

The entire concept of allowing people to sue a foreign government is retarded though. Yeah yeah muh 9/11 never forget but seriously think about what this means for a second.

>bit of a friction
Not as much as funding an extremist group to attack citizens directly does/did.

I dont have it all and am looking to find out wtf is going on, but something was posted a while ago about there being direct ties from the hijackers to the saudi royal family.
They basically paid for and made 9/11 happen.

I vote we nuke saudi arabia. All of it.

kek please nuke the saudis

This is what I am curious about. I could have sworn it was possible to sue governing bodies before. What is the big question, that they want to file it against a foreign governing body? Who decides the court system and how do you keep it from being biased?

>why would the most anti American president in decades veto a bill providing a means of justice to americans

Because a judgment against them lets the plaintiffs go after their assets in the US?

Because not doing so forfeits the case, and failure to comply with the judgement is valid casus belli.

congress can impose sanctions on them if they dont etc etc

You don't. No one has thought this through. It's exactly the sort of feel-good idiot-pandering legislation the presidential veto exists to stop.

We should be like Jews and CLAIM DAMAGES!

But lol if you actually believe they will.

Why does the president even have a veto power? That's a lot of power for a single man

It's in the 28 pages that were redacted from the 9/11 report they released recently
>on a friday afternoon of course

the TLDR is that the house of Saud was maybe one or two people away from a lot of the hijackers

shit like a hijacker having the (unlisted) number of a Saudi prince's colorado house

a 'handler' that may or may not be a saudi intel agent funding one of the hijackers wives several K a month

y'know, totally legit house of saud things that nobody should be worried or curious about

Fuck off, TPP gives corporations the ability to sue countries and Obama is fast tracking that shit so hard you don't even know.

The president should have a lot of power. There should also be checks and balance.

I wish that would really happen, would mudslimes all over the world spontaneously immolate if their black bath houses were #rekt ?

Why can't the families sue the US governement for withholding this information?

Who redacts these documents?

I'm not too well educated on matters such as this but isn't the fact that the US government willingly chose to hide this information incredibly dishonest and borderline treason?

delete this pic very offensive please

So how does that make this ok?
I've no special love for Obama. Neither bill should become law.

>saudia arabia

You're a dumb nigger. Kill yourself faggot.

>Who redacts these documents?
You know who..

Can somebody give me the tldr of Saudi involvement in 911, I thought it was an inside demolition.

We should turn house of saud into house of mud

If it's unanimous doesn't that mean that Obama can't veto because Congress can tell him to go fuck himself with a 2/3'rds override?

>cold war with Iran going badly
>proxy war in Syria going badly
>economic war with shale frackers going badly
>planning of clear and legitimate succession going badly
>hot war with Yemen COMPLETE DISASTER
>suddenly greatest ally puts a knife in your back by blaming you for a terrible attack they suffered through right before the anniversary of it

Isn't it sad, Saudis?

Nah, but I hope Iran kills all of you.

He can still veto and make them have to actually carry out the 2/3rds vote.

If they pass this bill, obama may suddenly rethink pushing the TPP

>giant crane lands in mecca
>it's endangered and majestic so nobody can do anything about it
>they make mecca a bird sanctuary
>they have to put their knees, hands, and face in bird shit all day

>After the great tower crumbles and ninevah falls, the eagle drops its star amulet into the sea.
>A great leader rises in a white country and europe puts away its turbans.
>The bear and the eagle will try to control him, but he will be ambivalent toward them.
>He will reject the 13 councilors.
>Great flashes of "lightning" strike in diverse countries and jews live in an age of fear, the grim reaper enduring there.
>A crane alights on mecca, killing many with its wings there.
>The great leader will hold a sword in one hand and a lightning bolt in the other.
>The red shield will be sometimes hostile to him and sometimes not.
>A man leaps from sphere to sphere toward the end of the great leaders life, and the white faces no longer sigh with grief.
>The crowd will follow the great leader, but his greatest general will die without offspring.
>Someone close to the great leader will be offered the 3 crowns in one, but will only reign a short time.
>The great leaders black enemies try to kill him twice, but fail both times.
>A shadow darker than the red shield's will willingly serve the great leader.
>The great leaders top aide will be a capricorn.
>The great leader must avoid the city pluto aligns with at the hour of his birth while he lives.
>After him comes a leader both better and worse.

Since he knows it will pass with 2/3 and it preserves Americas face and political relationship with the Saudis and the world.


Original footage is still the best.


oy vey shut it down!


Americans, fix your politics

It's fixed. We don't have apes suing human beings fo da keelin of dey son who was "just" sneaking in to da house to kill dem bad white devils & loot dey ebrything.

>Fix your politics
>Hong Kong


go kike yourself, sandnigger faggot goatfucker

i've watched this 100's of times and i still cant tell what kills everyone. the crane that flies into view looks like it goes over everyone. did it bounce on them?

go fuck yourself nigger


According to what I've read...
>Big economics implications as the Royal Family have lots investment and dollars (imagine what would happen if they sell all the country's dollars and buy euros)
>Set a bad precedent, as USA have also killed a lot of people in their homeland over history

Pretty sure he's meme'ing.

>15 years later

Obama almost got out of office without having to give even more cover to those Saudi scumbags. Bush squeaked by, and if Clinton were to win it would be a generation before SA was held accountable in courts. An Obama veto should outrage all patriots.

>yo man if this shit comes up ima totally gonna fuckin veto bebop that motherfucka
>doesnt even do it

Obongo why?

Ok so you win in court.
HOW do you force a country to pay you?!

Can I sue for emotional damages and financial losses?

Was the bill really unanimous? I read two articles and I couldn't find the count.

I think the broader picture of this story is that there is bipartisan turning against Saudi Arabia. If our relationship with them turns bad, it would drastically reshape our role in the Middle East.

SA has vast assets in the US, whether it be bank accounts, real estate, various investments, etc. That property is subject to seizure. SA has hinted that if this goes too far they will dump US treasury notes, and that wouldn't be pretty.

28 pages

Wouldn't that shrek -them-, though? SA I mean.

My good friend please take down this offensive picture.


Anything for you, my father's son's greatest ally

Bankrupt them America, bankrupt them and save the world from another evil.

>bill makes it through completely
>lawsuits filed
>SA jumps to pull out its finances
>the night before, the US froze Saudi assets in US banks and voided all cash serials, bonds, ownership in land/business on US soil, and treasury notes held by SA

US house gives me hope sometimes like when they said no to obamape's internet censorship

>Obama threatens
Does this mean anything anymore?

Was it passed with a supermajority? Because if so Obama can't veto it

What code?

High tension cable wire.when they snap they will destroy anything in the fall path.

Muslim lives matter
Christian lives don't

You say that but you and we have all the oil we need fuck the rest of the world


Because he used to be elected by educated electoral college members instead of the tyrannical majority.

This. The royal family has a lot of wealth tied up in America through real estate, treasury bonds, and other investments. Theoretically they might be able to fuck up the economy if they pulled out.

From what I heard it was a unanimous vote in the Senate with 100-0, no votes against. Wish I had saved the link or remembered where I read it

Yeah but drone bombings and political assassinations are totally fine right
Gotta love how they talk shit about the Philippines killing drug pushing scum while they bomb the shit out of the middle east.
Fucking zionist war mongerers, all of them

The only winners are the kike lawyers.


I'm with Obama on this one. This bill is stupid and pointless. What evidence are there that supports that Saudi Arabia is behind 9/11? Anyone who supported this bill and is going to sue a country is the problem with this country.

Praise God of Israel.


That's exactly what the court is going to decide. Allowing them to sue will shine light on the truth, there may be evidence or there may not be, but if you can't sue them you can't find out

the 28 pages indicate Saudi Arabia is almost certainly responsible and if we can ever get more declassified it'll be even worse

didnt you used to go to war if another country sponsors a terrorist attack on you?

Venezuela has more oil than the middle East.

Ever seen the movie Ghost Ship?

Pretty much that and high velocity shrapnel

Wow, unanimous. He deserves this. Watch for when Trump is President, House Republicans have planned an oversight committee to retroactively review all of the crimes the Obama Administration committed against citizens.

its low quality though



> sue a country
A country.

Its just a family, some slaves and some people they let hang around.