God. for creating this one
Dragonball. I don't like anyone in any of those universes as much as Cell and Trunks.
t. Nostalgia casual who watched DBZ after school as a kid without ever revealing power level
god doesn't exist
then ie has a big gap
Toriyama and Rodddenberry
all the rest are shit
Oda is actually much better than Toriyama tho
>no Yu Yu Hakusho
what did they mean by this?
Hayao Miyazaki for inventing the animu universe
Whoever made WH40K
Gene > Tolkien > Toriyama > George >>> other 2
Where did you live that there was any stigma in liking DBZ as a kid or teen?
What the fuck is Dragonball even doing on that list?
Probably Tolkien with Middle Earth. He really built it from the ground up and went from there.
Lucas and Rowling really only made things that were immediately applicable to the story and such, but that doesn't really mean that the quality of the setting was great.
Trek is still very good, but it mostly serves to act as a backdrop for stories that have real-world application and allegory.
Westeros is more for the story and all the people living in it, I don't find much depth or interest to it despite the story quality.
Dragonball's setting isn't very deep by itself, and the celestial nature only gets expanded on because the characters are strong enough to be on that level.
Yuyu hakusho is incosistent desu
HxH world makes more sense
>inb4 how didn't killu know about nen
he had the needle in the head
Star Trek > Star Wars > GoT > Potter >>>>> Lotr = dragonballs
Rebecca Sugar.
Malazan Book of the Fallen
None of them
>James Cameron's Terminator.
Dbz was as normie as it gets
>harry potter
i hate you. fuck is wrong with you
Not really the area
I was that jock kid though who kinda had a foot in every circle. Hadta tread carefully. Looking back, wasn't worth it
1. lotr
2. trek
don't care about the rest
at least post adventure time
why does pearl wants to go back to homeworld if she is literally hitler there? shit makes no goddam sense
>No Hideaki Anno
Todd "I am your god, pay for your titty-mods" Howard
It was a dumb pun, user
*tips fedora*
>liking One Piece
Kill yourself
All of them are unique in their own ways but LOTR and potter are by far the least thought out
All are garbage except Tolkien.
i dont know who any of these are but top right looks like a handsome and talented dude so i pick him. he looks like he would make some good movies.
you forgot isaac asimov, frank herbert, jms and many others
One Piece is the Dragonball of this generation. It is, or at least was, I haven't kept up with it, unironically an excellent shounen that hits all the right beats, themes, and adventure pacing in the same way Toriyama did with Dragonball.
>story quality
>Game of Thrones
What did he mean by this
why not just "story"
Why is Tolkien even there. He btfos all the others so royally its not even a contest.
every jap is a closeted pedo, lad
That picture is Go Nagai, not Akira Toriyama. I was confused to see him in the catalog.
not true. there are many who aren't closeted
Regardless of the story quality, not in spite of. Thank you for the correction.
Oh dammit
>that filename
Bravo, OP. Bravo.
But seriously is there anyone who can compere to Tolkien and Oda's autism? their universes are as big as the real world, I couldn't even try to start writting worlds so big like these
*blocks your spice production*
Correct, hell I'd even put Toriyama above Rowling because of Dragonball. DBZ and everything else afterwards was just shonen powerlevel wank
for japanese men, nothing. considering they stop aging mentally and (mostly) physically at that age.
After reading Mark Frost's books, I definitely have to say the Twin Peaks universe he created tr*mps all the other ones mentioned upthread!
Lord of the Rings seems comfy. THat's what i'm going with. I have never read the books but the movies were nice. And something about living off grid and traveling on foot appeals to me. Game of Thrones is too fucking violent. I'd have to be a hermit to live in that world. Winters that last for years at a time is the killer. Star Wars could be fun. I only saw the first movie and hated it, but it seemed like it could be a fun place to live. Star trek. I'm not very familiar with at all. The space ships look cool. Harry Potter just doesn't seem fun to me, unless I was a wizard, but even then. Meh. Dragonball. Meh. Training to be ripped and a good fighter doesn't appeal to me at all. All the plain people that don't have super fighting skills regularly get creamed when a boss rolls up. Still LOTR.
what about the folks who made avatar
let's ignore the fapbait trash sequel
Him and Kirkbride unironically 2bqhf
least thought out? Have you read the Silmarillion?
>Dragonshit z
>not fucking One Piece thats been going for 20 years
i can tell an americlap made this list
rowling just adds to her "universe" when someone points out plot holes or asks a question and pretends she already planned it that way originally.
martin steals from other authors (like frank herbert) and pretends they're his original work.
>faceless ones assassins who change faces copied from face dancers assassins who change faces he's even too lazy to come up with a more original name
>green seer son of a prominent house whose leader's death was orchestrated by rival house and has visions copied from kwisatz haderach son of a prominent house whose leader's death was orchestrated by a rival house
>dothraki horde of independent tribes of the plains led by khal described as fierce warriors copied from fremen horde of independent tribes of the desert led by naib described as fierce warriors
>house stark whose leader's death was orchestrated by rival house copied from house atreides whose leader's death was orchestrated by rival house
>lancaster richest house in westeros sits on throne of westeros copied from corrino largest shareholder of choam richest house in imperium sits on throne of imperium
>maesters who provide information and advice to leaders of prominent houses of westeros copied from mentats who provide information and advice to leaders of major houses of imperium
Oh shit i'm changing my choice to DuneVerse.
are you fucking kidding me you retard
>harry potter even on this list
oh it's just our world except a small amount of people can use magic. Half of the "lore" is contradictory and makes no sense even in universe. Lmao fuck off with that.
Literally just whatever pops in his head that week. Not really a universe. There's no real lore, it's just "how can i escalate this even more?????"
>star wars
Lucas may have been at the helm of the first film but he didn't create it. A bunch of autistic writers made an impenetrable mess. Disney is pretending they are making a universe but it's soulless.
>star trek
Same as star wars. Non factor.
This leaves the only two that could actually be considered "universes" as both have lore and history that is well thought out. Well, one is well thought out and the other is only partially thought out. LOTR wins this hands down.
Definitely Tolkien.
>I have never read the books
do yourself a favor and do that
>dubs speak divine truth
i am
That's not even Toriyama's picture. Who made this shit?
Rowling didn't create a world. Harry Potter has barely any world building to speak of.
If you google 'Akira Toriyama' and 'Go Nagai' that same picture is the first result on both image pages.
dragon ball before z was a universe, all that shit like the red ribbon and capsule corp mattered, then came the sayan saga and everything was tossed trought the window
Matt Groening
there is literally nothing wrong with child marriage
Yoshihiro Togashi.
Gaelio should kill himself for ruining their relationship.
frank herbert created two universes: the dune universe and the consentiency universe.
asimov also created two universes but he converged them in later novels (they were separate or at least did not have any indication of sharing the same universe for decades).
as a biologist the chimera ants are so fucking retard
but they are so fucking cool and the way they reproduce is so fucking cool god
HxH world is pretty cool, I wish we could see more of it.
H-he meant platonically.
I consider all of the lotr movies to be boring, uninspired dross but Tolkien wins the OP image hands down, followed by Lucas (and I'm more of a Star Trek guy)
Kind of fucked up, you calling him a retard and all.
But it's true
then tolkien, lucas and roddenbery shouldn't be in the pic then, ignoramus
read the silmarillion, you relentlessly stupid donkey
evidently that user is a relentlessly illiterate baboon whose knowledge of tolkien is limited to the movies
Roddenberry = Tolkien > lucas > why the fuck are these people even on the same grid as roddenberry/tolkien? holy shit why even bother?
>The protests were not only against the manga, but also against the TV series. The PTA managed to prevent the distribution of the magazine in some parts of Japan. As a result of the protests, when the series was about to be cancelled because of the PTA, Nagai changed the theme in Harenchi Gakuen into a more mature and serious matter, from nonsense gags with sexy touches, to a full-scale war where murder was depicted in the bloody way for which many know him. This led to the famous ending of Harenchi Gakuen, symbol of freedom and of rejection of the hypocrisy, where all students and teachers, while defending their freedom of expression, are killed by the PTA and other parental forces.
Don't insult Nagai with your ignorance but coming from the most cucked board I can't say it surprises me.
this gangster who created Conan the Barbarian
>how does it work
wtf i hate conan now
It never was the DB of our time. That's a meme that OPfags try to say because it's trying to copy DB. OP has huge flaws. Very drawn out and relies on melodrama. It's not bad, it's really not, but not special.
>as a biologist
Yea. I'm a biologist. I don't wet my pants over minor issues. No one is impressed because you PLAN to major in biology in college.
relentlessly idiotic imbecile (You)
i don't know what "dragonball" is, but i pick that jap dude.
I have been saying he was a pedo for years, glad there's finally something substantial to back me up.
George Lucas kinda got lucky with Star Wars.