hey guys its my birthday today. Thanks for being my only friends.
Hey guys its my birthday today. Thanks for being my only friends
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Happy birthday, user! Hope you have a good one :-)
Happy birthday, even though you didn't get any sick dubs
Happy birthday, faggot.
Happy birthday fucktard.
Happy birthday how old are you
What day is today
20, feels very weird
Happy Birthday!
Go have white babies you stupid faggot. Happy birthday.
Happy birthday user
I'd suggest getting some irl friends though lad
Happy birthday amico!
Just wait till you crest 25, it is all existential horror from then on
I've made a promise to myself that next year I won't be alone for my birthday, and I will spend time until then cultivating social connections
>gf left me 3 months ago and hasnt talked to me since
>grandfather died a week ago
Cut my life into pieces
Literally the only things admirable about the Hitchens brothers are things that they both share. They both have/had an unyielding faith in western culture and its moral superiority, they'd go to the stake for their beliefs, and they would be more than willing to be the only person speaking reason to a room that was full of people who were in the wrong.
The only way in which they differ is that one was a Trotskyist, who was prone to making snarky quips in the place of arguments, and the other is a bible thumper. You're basically saying that you became a different type of faggot.
user, your picture is literally saying that you went from a bisexual Marxist intellectual to a childish and mentally ill pseudo-journalist. You may only fuck women now but that still isn't much of an upgrade.
Happy Birthday, my dude. Nice 23.
Sorry to hear about your grandfather user
Take some time to yourself and when you start to feel better fix your diet (if you have issues), get /fit/ (go to the board, read the sticky, live by the sticky, don't bother with the actual board because they're all incredibly salty manlets), after you're in good shape you'll be more confident and your life will fall into place that way.
Do you have a job or go to trade school or college?
It was only a poorly thought out meme. I've been binge watching Christopher and Peter for about 6 hours now. Such insightful men. Rip Christopher
I will never be that insightful.
Yes, Virgo is the master race.
Happy birthday.
Happy birthday user
Happy Birthday. Seig Heil.
Even OP faggots deserve a happy bday, have a good one my man
I hate good vibes and positive ambience but happy birthday you dumb faggot. You better be white.
We love you user. Stay strong.
Happy birthday
Sup Forums is a white pride board and not for pissing and moaning about how shit your life is. Jesus, get it together man. Funnel your rage into the revolution
You always have your imaginary friend in the sky op
Oh man been there
45 now
Girls dumping me
No job
Family dying left and right
Hair falling out
Wanted to die
Now married to hot milf and have two kids and high paying job
Still no hair
Hang in there buddy!!!!
Thanks friend, I'll start hitting the gym next week. And yes, I go to university, but since its the start of a new year, I've been having a dreaded feeling every time I go to class or hang out. Its like the excitement and interest to meet new people has been extinguished, and all I want to do is flee.
>Sup Forums is a white pride board
Sup Forums is a board of peace user.
Are you a virgin?
>I'll start hitting the gym next week.
Good lad.
As for university just study for now, keep hitting the books.
When you feel better join some clubs that interest you and you'll meet people there.
What do you study?
happy birthday user!
The gym is a meme for repressed homosexuals and drug addicts
happy birthday lad
Thanks friends
Fuck man, glad it worked out for you. I shall try.
Nope, but for so long my only social connection was with my long time gf. When she dumped me 3 months ago I haven't been able to talk to other grills.
This is very true
Run for heart and chop wood
You'll be ok kiddo! Sorry about grandfather
Mine all lived past 88
I miss them so fucking much
I fell for the humanities meme
>I fell for the humanities meme
Finish in the top 5% of your class and you'll find work somewhere.
If not can you switch your major to something more interesting/useful that you have an aptitude for?
You could even drop out & go to trade school to avoid racking up more debt?
I also study history user and I'm 20 too. But I'm a virgin that's never hugged a girl and hasn't had any friends since 2013. So you're doing better than me at least.
Happy birthday paki
How is this possible user? Just get out and make friends and get a gf.
You have to have confidence and a sense of humor.
Not hard!!!!!
Have some inspiration, got nothing else to give you
I volunteer at a museum part-time and actually love history, but I should of been smarter and not studied the subject with the most cancerous propaganda courses. I'll just stick it through but thanks for the advice.
Happy birthday and best wishes to you
Some say its better to have never loved then to have loved and lost friend
We will all make it one day
That's good user
Once again happy birthday.
Good luck for the future and remember that it is always darkest before the dawn.
Don't stop walking forward. Keep fighting. Keep struggling towards the light.
We'll all make it user.
We'll make it together.
I'm just a very shy and nervous guy. I've spiralled downwards endlessly. It's sad but I just want to wallow though I try to make changes. If I make it to 25 I'll be impressed. Ultimately I'm just not cut out for sex and romance I think.
I hope so
Actually it's hard to find a good historian who knows his work and not entirely bluepiled. Even better if if can bacome a teacher or something and save future generation, even if a little.
This meme spooks me my dude
What is it
I have no clue, i saved it because it was so wierd, and wierd things ispire me.
Thanks my British friend, I shall never forget your kind words. And yes, we will all make it, I know we will.
Indeed, that's my reasoning as well. Redpilled historians are also quite famous such as Niall Ferguson or David Starkey.
Happy happy birthday, on this your special day!
But I have to warn you liking traps will make you gay!
Happy happy birthday, from all of Sup Forums to you!
If you don't get what you wanted you can blame it on the Jew!
This needs to be a Walt Bismark video
Happy birthday, buddy!
Sup Forumsacks are my only friends too :[
>Sup Forumsacks are my only friends too
Me too bro. Don't know what I'd do without this place.
Happy birthday user
Today is my birthday too (or tomorrow for you)!
Happy birthday, user!
happy impending doom day bro
just remember you'll never have that time back and life itself is a slow decline into age and misery if you even make it as far as getting old. :^)
Have a good one Italbro
what's your steam ID, bro?
Happy birthday user.
I wish you a happy birthday buddy.
Keep fighting the good fight however hard it may seems and make yourself proud.
Don't forget, we will stand by your side until the end.
happy birthday- l
Happy Birthday.
Had you not revealed your power-level to real people, we never would have met.
Ain't that just quackin crazy??
Happy birthday user, have a good one. We're all celebrating in spirit.
Happy birthday!!
Happy birthday user!
Happy bday nigga where's the IRC hangout today
This, and make your wishlist public
Cheers mate I've had days like that too
we're all going to make it
Happy Birthday cunt. Get some good grub in ya.
You're welcome, user.
Happy Birthday you fascist little Burger you :3
hbd user
always strive to improve
Happy birthday, keep on posting senpai
Happy birthday user.
Nah I want to off myself even more since I started coming here
Thanks for all the happy birthdays guys. No matter how much I fall, I will always have this shithole to come back too.
A place where we can speak our minds.
A place where we are all autists.
A place we can inhabit until we all make it.
I l-love you
Happy Birthday, my man. Gas the bikes, race war now
Isten éltessen
That image is so accurate .
Happy birthday user.
Happy 20th faggot
>place we can inhabit until we all make it.
I'm not gonna make it brah
happy b day
Happy birthday.
Hope you're comfy. Treat yourself lad.
The wrong Hitchens died.
happy birthday dude, Mine's in exactly one month :D
happy bday you poof cunt have a rippa
>20, feels very weird
ALL your best years are ahead of you, kiddo. I wish I could go back
>tfw when 38
Happy birthday user
Happy birthday cunt. :)
happy birthday you glorious coon.
Happy birthday
Sorry I have to report you. Honest.
happy birthday mate. Have a good one.
fucking ctr shills trying to slide the board with posts like this
birthday dubs incoming
Happy Birthday Bro.