When will the british stop their unlawful control in the MALVINAS and recognize Argentina as its true sovereign?
When will the british stop their unlawful control in the MALVINAS and recognize Argentina as its true sovereign?
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This again.
>empty desolate rock in the middle of nowhere with no resources and no strategic value
>a bunch of limey cunts decide to live there
>no resources
Define "unlawful".
Whenever you can take it back you stupid spic.
Behold the most butthurt nation on the planet. Shouldn't you be crying about that pathetic boat we sunk?
>tfw I have more in common with a british than with the mandrels living in my own country
Malvinas = falklands = british senpai, just give up with the butthurt already before they support mapuche independence
You might not get the Falklands, but you got nice bait threads. That's something.
When you give argentina back to the natives, :^)
When you finally become white you fucking niggercuck
Sup Forums is always right
Argentinians are THIS mad
lol what the fuck is this webm?
>starts war
>loses it
>still butthurt decades later
Dunno but that tard has a bitchin apartment.
>Behold the most butthurt nation on the planet.
They even have a Museum of Butthurt, because being butthurt is the favourite pastime of every Argie.
I have trouble deciding if the butthurt of 150 million Mexicans will surpass the butthurt over the Malvinas.
cringey af
Maybe the combined butthurt of both will cause the spontaneous combustion of the entire spic world.
Nothing of value would be lost.
btw their little argentine flag after independence is pure fiction, as Argentina didn't even conquer it's southern part yet, and the country was in wars for freaking ages with different governments that weren't even the same country
Oh, I know well enough. Argentina is the 2nd biggest fuck up in South America after Bolivia. Both will remain eternally salty.
Questions for Argies:
(1) When Argentina declared independence, it included provinces in Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia and all of Uruguay. What are the plans to retrieve these territories for AR?
(2) That original map of territory did not include Patagonia. If AR is using an 1826 map - will it give up all additional lands today?
(3) Patagonia was not part of AR in 1826. Could Chile also claim rights due to southern proximity?
(4) Patagonia was invaded and all the Mapuche massacred in the process. If GB stole the islands, did not Argentina at the exact same time steal Patagonia from the Mapuche? Will they give it back to the tribal descendants?
>When will the british stop their unlawful control in the MALVINAS
Is that you, Eternal Kraut?
>When will the british stop their unlawful control in the MALVINAS and recognize Argentina as its true sovereign?
When the sky is green, the sun is cold and Islam is peaceful.
Please invade Falklands again; we need something the galvanise national pride just at the moment.
Hitlary's e-mail to ROTHSCHILD : ‘Let me know what penance I owe you’
> theamericanmirror.com
Soros just a puppet and cover for ROTHSCHILD
> investmentwatchblog.com
“possibly the largest money laundering operations ever uncovered" - released recently
> sarawakreport.org
90 Federal Police Officers Raided Edmond de ROTHSCHILD Bank!
Jean-Claude Van Damme calls out Rothschild and Rockefeller connection on live TV
> youtube.com
Rothschilds Own Hillary Clinton: Isn't That Nice? - by ex-Huffington Post journalist
> youtube.com
'I do not believe in God' ,
'I think women today are better suited for business than men,’
> haaretz.com
MORE: pastebin.com
Would be a fun happening watching the argie niggers get assblasted again.
Fuck argentina.
oh boy this thread again
ayy lmao
Oh man, could you imagine? Beautiful jungle tours through South America, without the South Americans there to hamper the trip. It'd be like France without French People and Muslims.
Why don't you ask your government to declare war on the United Kingdom and go take it like real nations do when diplomacy fails.
my dad fought and survived the war...ended up as a warrant officer by the end of it all
he cucked many argie families out a breadwinner during his role in the falklands
Because nato doesn't play fair
Don't mess with the lads
Based hue
>En Garde
Fuck that made me kek.
why do you care so much about some windy rocks?
they tried but got rekt
Next time Brazil is on our side.
Do the Falklands pop up as a UK flag (as they should)?
>ITT Brits take the bait like every day,every 5 hours
>Argentinians think we dont enjoy calling their country shit at every opertunity
fuck off. its ours.
>1 cuck neet = entire 200 millon country
Mass argie suicide incoming
>never been Argentinian
>never been inhabited by Argentinians
>people living there want to be british
Fuck off bargy.
Brazil has more white men than you.
most people here don't know about it and can't be bored to give two shits about it either, only the most retard nationalists who dislike the english cause they waz keeping us dawn and left-wing ideologues really care about this issue, although most would likely side with Argentina just because whatever they know about it is biased pro-Argie, but not enough to commit to help anyone. Foreign policy is a dead issue here, no one cares
why the butthurt tho? its the jealousy of not being part of the only non cucked white country?
Personally Amigos I think that they should be given to the Argentines, as not only are the Malvina's closer but Argentina is better than the UK in every single way.
t. British Person
pls dont be a proxy
nice try pablo
yeah,and x10 times more black people
Argentina is still butthurt
>white country
>inviting people to call fuck out of you for being a violent shithole with about as much military competence as Palau
Clearly you have a good sense of humour, Diego
Good luck with that claim.
its ours
do you think geting it back by crying like a bitch for decades will restore pride?
it will make you cucks and also what you gonna do with the people on the islands? remove them?
that is ethnic cleansing...the uk will NEVER surrender the islands or the oil..nato can suck my dick! trump will scrap it also...no uk or usa no nato
At least we take the bait. We don't get face-fucked by a small island half the world away after trying to take it.
thanks,all of you.
thanks for all your efforts to portrait argentina as a 3rd world nigger shithole all the hordes of subhuman arabs that want to come here now are now changing their destination to your countries,thanks. all of you.
>mfw when the argie's are acting up again
thatcher 2.0 just started her new job also lol
>Implying Brazil isn't the little bitch of the english men.
Women here will fuck any guy that even fucking pretends being american or british or australian.
We would join with them to kick your fucking ass out of the malvinas anyday, would probably take your shit country and make it better too if they gave us permission.
don't forget to be butthurt about the parts of Antarctica that we own which you also decided was yours
what. the. fuck. lad.
you just have admitted to be a cuck?
i expected this type of behaviour of the chileans,but not this.
>Invade a place that was never yours
>Can't even fucking hold it despite being right there while the original owners are a fucking world away
Argentina is a Joke, and the malvinas will never be yours.
The Portuguese blood is strong in this one, a genetic ally.
>cuckholdry is good when is in my favor
Well no fucking shit you retard.
Pretty much.
Every brazilian has a obsession with america and britain, we fucking love them.
There's no shame in admiting when a country is better, more powerful and generally more important than yours.
You should think about that the next time you try to invade a fucking rock.
The other guy is a turbocuck, I wish the Malvinas were argentinas mostly because I don't like the idea of a random country having a military base right in our doorstep but I don't really have anything against UK.
oh! the expert arrived.
then you dont have the right to complain about the lefties worrshipping refugges,right? if the cuckoldry is in their favor..
Just shut up you fucking argie ape.
Listen to the eternal song of my people.
You realise the people living there are Brits? There is no way we would ever give our people up
It isn't though. That's literally 100% of the problem. It would be fantastic if leftists actually pushed for things that make their country better.
kek,are you butthurt?
you just CAN'T handle the banter,right?
>Colonies Rebel and Employs Englands greatest enemies
>wins independence
>Brits still buttgurt 238 years later
>they are lowkey American Colonies now
Argentina is still shit though.
She is a Reporter in Argentina who was doing a story on the disabled during the economic depression.
As you can tell it got out of hand.
>some cretin is investing his time and means into my biological and cultural progeny
>this is a bad thing
I'm crying for you, Argentina.
Want another war over it? May is itching to be Maggie II so just say the word.
This is some fucking weird shit