Is it me, or do we almost never see shit about this place, except for the occasional skirmishes and terrorists nannies from there killing russian kids?
WTF do these people do, how is their politics (besides generally being russian serfs and former commies), what do they eat, what is their favorite color, who do they want to BTFO?
What even happens here?
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georgia, armenia, and azerbaijan is another area that is never talked about it. is this area european or asian? what happens there? hmm
only thing I know is Russia invades shit, armenia and azerbaijan remove each other
I was born in one of those countries. Their politics are nationalist, but they are ruled by dictators and are one party states.
The signature dish of the region is plov which is rice cooked with lamb, onions and carrrots. It's very popular with Russians, is a staple of Soviet cuisine, and you can get it in Ruski restaurants. They want Wahabbis and Islamists to BTFO, and they are racist towards blacks. They are friendly to outsiders and tourists as long as they respect the customs of the land. Pretty red pilled.
Central Asia fascinates me. Seems like a very unique and surreal place. I'm not one for travelling generally but I would like to go there.
Geographically they are the edge of South Eastern Europe( Caucasus Mountains).
Georgians are the most European, mainly by being Christians. But it is a bit fuzzy.
You have to go back
Azerbaijan launched a sneak attack on Armenia recently and lost a helicopter several tanks and over a hundred men. Armenia lost like 10-20.
It's Asia not Europe. Russia isn't European either.
why would they hate blacks if there are no blacks there?
obviously you just added that shit because you want us to look at you guys in a positive light, but thats fucking stupid
anyways plov sounds good
i watched a doc on chechnya, its a mudslime ruled shithole
it shouldnt fascinate you
Yeah but they're white. This board seems to think all Muslims are Arabs
Some 1984-tier architecture
There are no blacks in Korea, either, but that doesn't stop them from discriminating against the black US soldiers who go there.
He's not joking bro. I've driven through Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan.
They do not like black people. They really, really fucking don't. One of our teammates was a black dude and he got stares/glares everywhere there.
they still make their women wear trash bags, cant drink. men and women cant even go iceskating together lmfao fuck these mudslimes regardless of color
I know Turkmenistan's president, Saparmurat Niyazow was one crazy fucker. Dude pretty much made a religion out of his regime, much in the vein of Mao and Kim Il-Sung. Think big monuments, books you're not supposed to question, historical revisionism, that sort of thing. Also, apparently the Uzbekistan president Karimov died a while ago. Don't know a lot about him, but he ruled for 25 years. A "democrator" if you ask me.
What were you doing there?
re-read what you just wrote. in any case that is not the point. i dont doubt (and dont care) they are racist, i'm saying it's so stupid that he wants our validation towards central asians.and used that. like how is that a part of their identity?
a better thing to note is that they dont want Wahhabists in their country. it is relevant because they are Muslims and extremists are an actual threat.
>in the central Asian *Stans
Canadian education everyone
While they rarely encounter blacks they see them on TV and Hollywood films, and instinctively despise them. If a nignog came to one of those countries, he would get hate stares and treated with suspicion and caution.
>using BTFO instead of GTFO
Goddammit you fucking twat do you even know what the fuck you just typed? Do you even know the blasted meaning of that acronym you just used? I sincerely hope that was due to autocorrect or whatever fucking piece of shit junk software you use to fix your degenerate spelling. Jesus fucking titty-fucking Christ, you kids sure are getting dumber by the day, God I wish your whore of a mother would have aborted your sorry ass so she wouldn't have had to endure having a mentally retarded child.
And so does every society except Western ones and we all know there are racists among us westerners
East Asia, South Asia, MIddle East, North Africa, Latin America, etc
Nobody likes blacks, the people that do are the exceptions
>is this area european or asian?
It is Caucasian
>eammates was a black dude and he got stares/glares everywhere there.
> Anonymous (ID: EYSI+9y3) 09/09/16(Fri)22:35:22 No.88230030▶
Honestly just wanted to give out some first hand information not begging for validation, cos I know pol is very fascinated with the region. I am not claiming they are a Europe-tier civilization or anything, and feel free to class them as subhuman, it doesn't trigger me. All I am saying is, the region is very, very different from the average mudslime shithole. It doesn't feel anything like, say, Morocco.
go read a book plz, im embarrassed for this board.
Lighten up user.
Checked, by the way.
When people are using GTFO and BTFO interchangeably without any regard to the actual meanings of said acronyms I can't help but feel enraged at the situation. So pardon my French, but you fucking ectoplasm eating barnacle-brained cum bucket ought to shut your fucking cock holster as well until that stops.
even North Korea has blacks
Finland BTFO
its new world order capital
I'd like to visit Udmertia or Mari El.
Waste of a get.
Too bad you can't bend time.
They will try to get along with the Chinks and their money
Also, I'm sure Kazakhs remember how the Russians genocided them along with Ukraine
They will go try to go Turkey-style nationalism, or they will radicalize as muslims. I think the latter is possible, because especially younger people want to flee the cynicism of communist past
On a side note - recently Nazarbayev of Kazachstan has paid a visit to Poland