Iran, obviously. Marg bar everything but metal.
Persian culture is more "modern" and civilized than arab culture.
Iran, more white.
Pre-1979 Iran.
Iran. No contest. They have demonstrated in the past that they can be civilized, if only they can shake off the bonds of Islam. Arabians can never be civilized. The entire house of Saud must be exterminated
How is this question even going to be a contest on pol? a real dividing question would be comparing Israel vs Iran. People are more polarised on that. Everyone on pol unanimously hates Saudi Arabia, even the Arabs here
By the way I would support the Saudis.
Oh let me see...
>Iran is Shia
>Allied with based Al-Assad, Putin and they support Trump
>Shia live among Christiand and Atheist without problem
>Most white who convert to Islam is Shia as well
>Iran is anti-Israel
>Saudi Arabia is Sunni
>99% of Muslim terrorist are Sunni
>Allied with US, Eurofags and they support Clinton
>Sunni kill Christians, Atheist and Shia's
>Saudi Arabia spread the refugees agenda to fuck up Europe
>muh OIL
Easy choice m8
It's another I wish that peanut farming faggot carter never ruined my country thread
any doubt?
The purple
I would side with Iran. Saudi Arabia can't even beat a small nation like Yemen so my odds are pretty good.
>quadruple dubs
This is actually a very interesting question
Saudi just because its closer to UAE and no one in UAE is a true muslim
I'd pick the Persians over the marrano jews.
Saudi Arabia for sure. Or Israel if it were Iran vs Israel.
Pissranians need to be nuked.
Sunni-Jew alliance when?
I never read such a retarded argument before.
>lel I support ISIS over China because they are closer to me xDDD
nuke israel
>By the way I would support the Saudis.
Low quality bait. No one likes Saudis, not even the other muslim countries.
Shamelessly checking my own digits because I used the wrong image
my heart
I wonder who Trump would pick? Oh, wait...
I am god damn serious. We actually had a pretty good conversation on Sup Forums before about this topic. I was wondering if I could find interesting opinions here as well.
Supporting the Iranians may seem obvious but I think this is more complicated than that. It also depends about your thoughts for the rest of the region.
supply arms to both sides, invade the winner
I don't get this, draped in Iranian flag but dressed like a Saudi?
Lots of them do, sadly. But the Saudis have a stranglehold on the media, plus they can always play the sectarian card when they feel threatened. Rafida rafida rafida kufr bidah bidah shirk shirk shirk!
Can some US user tell me why you even hate Iran so much. You literally destroyed their democracy to establish your puppet dictatorship and when Iranians told you to BTFO you started acting all offended. Is US public really so retarded?
You're basically saying that you support Saudi Arabia because you support Soros.
Iran isn't anti America, they are anti-World Order.
I'd go with Iran over Israel
Their hatred for us solely stems from our foreign policy against them driven by Zionist moles in our government.
Israel despite our government bending over for them in every way possible has repeatedly betrayed us indirectly attacked us through proxies(the biggest being 9/11) and even directly attacked us a couple of times.
Iran by a mile
"I wish both sides the best of luck"
- Menachem Begin on the Iran-Iraq War, 1980.
Iran, how else will we defeat ISIS?
I don't get your point, Luiz.
The Iranian threat is overblown propaganda because they've been geopolitical rivals. Israel has been screaming Iran has close to a nuke since the 1980's. The IAEA never found any weapons program.
Iranian rhetoric against Israel and the USA is for domestic consumption and to rally the muslims of the world behind Iran. It was a tactic of Khomeini but he underestimated the amount of hatred for Shias and Persians so his strategy failed. They aren't jihadis in the sense of Al Qaeda and Wahhabi factions
The Devil We Know written by Robert Baer might interest you. He was a CIA Case Agent working on Iran for some 20-30 years or something. The book is about how Iran is a rational actor and a logical ally. That the current narrative on TV is all nonsense and the Saudis are the real concern
Closer to israel so more chance to fuck them jews in a war.
Also shia's are pretty based
>Can some US user tell me why you even hate Iran so much
Israeli lobbyist tell us too
The whole shit in Syria and Libya is exclusively thabks to Israeli lobbying our government to advance their agenda in the region
Iran. And after we choose their side, they'll "vote" for "New Democratic leadership", and what-not.
Our elite Jews are mad they won't have a Rothschild bank. Like 4 countries left in the world. Iran, Syria, Russia and North Korea. Guess who didn't have one and got invaded then got one? Iraq and Libya. The average American doesn't give a fuck unless someone is all Allah Akbar then we hate their guts. I hate all of the Middle East including the Jews, more Americans need to realize it would be better as a giant piece of glass. Would reflect more heat back into outer space, global warming solved.
>The IAEA never found any weapons program.
The Israeli mossad themselves through leaked documents has shown bibi as an absolute liar as well because they found absolutely zero proof for Iran pursuing nuclear weapons as well
Daily reminder that Iran is among the last 3 countries without a (((Rothschild))) controled bank
Saudis. They have money, Iran does not.
The opposition to Iran is that they threaten the Israelis and Saudis monopoly on oil going to Europe and China.
Iran was planning on building pipelines through Syria which would have broken the BTC monopoly which gives Israel huge geopolitical leverage in the region
Sup Forums confirmed to be pro-Mullah's shills
SA was fairly secular until the Iranian Revolution when they decided to institute enforced sharia out of fear of Tehran. Practically all problems with Islamofascism originated with Iran.
They think Iran is some enlightened beam of light when in reality Iran is behind 90% of the problems in the Middle East.
Supporting the disasters that are: Dictator of Syria, Assad, Houthi Rebels of Yemen, Hezbollah in Lebanon, etc.
Every penny that Iran spends on other countries, it is used toward funding Shia terrorist organizations and fucked up governments which are basically white-collar terrorists.
Saudi Arabia, even though it is Wahabbist, gives 5 billion dollars in aid every year to the CHRISTIAN Lebanese government.
I love how the same people who hate on Saudis/Muslims for "killing off the Christians in Lebanon" are the people who give support to Iran, even though Saudi Arabia is the only reason Hezbollah hasn't killed off the rest of the Christian population/government.
Saudi Arabia, while it is also fundamentalist, is not batshit insane trying to get a nuclear weapon and destroy the world. Moreover, they are becoming progressively more secular with their new Prince: en.wikipedia.org
He took away the power of the religious police. Now, they are only allowed to give advice and cannot abuse/arrest people whatsoever.
This is just one of the many things he has done.
Iranians are the foe I respect
They are far more dangerous on account of being far more intelligent, but they aren't Hajji tier tribal cousin fucker IQ 80 faggots like most arabs. Maybe their government becomes more secular after Khamenai dies and we'll even have diplomatic relations again
If anyone is interested in the Shia doctrine of Iran. this movie is pretty good
It essentially shows the government uses the doctrine for political purposes
I wish the world would let Iran develop nukes so that they could remove Saudi Arabia from the map once and for all.
OP confirmed himself as a Rothschild agent
What is that Zorastrian garbage around her neck? What am embarrassment to Iranians and muslims everywhere.
>Overtly want to take down the whole Western world
>Want to get a fucking nuclear weapon
>Buy a lot of stuff from Russia as soon as they had the opportunity to rearm themselves
B-but Islamic theocracy is based!
I think it's like how in the 80s, the lack of the internet forced most, not in the know, to assume that Sikhs are Muslim.
>Dictator of Syria, Assad,
Opinion immediately discarded due to ignorance.
Assad litteraly did nothing wrong and was freely reforming the nation to the will of his people until foreign funded proxy forces started a war.
The side that actually attempts to exterminate the Jews is the team I'm rooting for.
>Want to get a fucking nuclear weapon
Not even the Israeli intelligence agencies agree to this shit tier propaganda
>and destroy the world
>the world
>Israel is the world
>implying their current government would pull through with that alone
Point at him and laugh.
>Maybe their government becomes more secular after Khamenai dies
Amen Amen
>>want to get a fucking nuclear weapon
good, maybe they'll use it to wipe all you kikes off the map.
Iran doesn't even want to destroy Israel as a people they want to Zionist government to be replaced with a fully secular non ethno religious one.
That's what their actual leadership has repeatedly and quite openly said
Obviously the only correct choice is the side with more oil AKA the KSA.
The French government gave asylum to Ayatollah Khomeini and unleashed him during the protests in Iran in order to further destabilize the Shah's rule and undermine British interests in Iranian oil.
Not that I blame them, of course, because it was probably a good thing for Total S.A. and therefore good for French interests.
Iran cause they are openly working against Israel to fix the middleast even though some their laws are ass retarded that is because of saudi culture influence. Which flooded the middleast once Islam had firmly established itself Saudi culture plagued Islam. Fuck the saudis.
We know they wanted to once upon a time.
The IAEA is on record saying they tried.
Iran can deny it, but nobody believes them, fatwa or no.
Iran because Persians, also fuck the Arabs. Islam started on their godforsaken peninsula.
Iran was the first country in the Middle East to employ Sharia Law, and yet somehow they're seen as the most "secular" by neckbeards on this website.
Iran is not your friend. I was fooled by that meme a long time ago and I've learned better.
Has anyone ever seen a saudi flag on pol?
Iran all the way baby
Saudi culture plagued the middleast and turned it into the shithole it is now. There were beheadings, stoneings, and wife beatings before Islam.
You just be new because that was far from the most retarded thing.
Piss off JIDF i cant wait for the Iranians to nuke your ass
Saudi Arabia is more responsible for Sunni terrorism so I'd say Iran is the lesser of two evils. Iran also hates Israel more, which is a definite plus.
Reminder Trump opposes Iran and supports the Saudis. You guys are literally opposing your savior.
Iran it is user
Iran because I would ALWAYS side with shia over sunni. There is no justification for siding with Sunnis. Sunnis include: Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Al Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, Boko Haram.
the population is secular. The government uses Sharia as a political means to an end now, Khomeinism is dead.
These days Sharia Law is used to control the population and get them focused on bullshit instead of focusing on real issues. They'll clamp down on some Sharia related thing like women not wearing Hijabs while in their car. They'll relax for long while then they'll clamp down again. They'll destroy illegal satellite dishes in the 10's of thousands then they'll let people use them for ages then destroy them again. It's a corrupted government and oppressive but the situation is weird.
In the case of Saudi Arabia, the government is actually more more liberal than the population. which should tell you how fucked the population is
Iran without a doubt
>I would ALWAYS side with shia over sunni.
Do you even know what a Shia is faggot? Like 90% of Muslims are Sunni. So you are against 90% of Islam.
Links faggot i want to read this shit nigger
Yes I'm aware of that, quite a shame for us
Furthermore we were attacked by the Hezbollah terrorists a few years later.
Thats because everyone in the US government is on Sunni dick. Go read Hillary's emails. She flat out says we need to overthrow Syria and Iran because they are Shia. She is planning on invading Syria and Iran as president.
Yes I am well aware of Shia/Sunni differences. Shia is much more tame and I vastly prefer it over inferior Sunnis.
Saudi Arabia. The Saudi monarchs keep their promises, while the Iranians brag about breaking them.
>not even the other muslim countries.
This, Saudis destroyed almost every single historic structure on their soil due to their "no stone worship allowed" Wahabbi insanity. That includes nearly every holy site they ever had.
Iran any day
Saudis are deceitful cowards
Iran 10000 times
Shias are crazy Mormons who think allah is manifested in some smelly old imam because 'lol ulema is infallible. Loooogic"
There's a reason the Islamic golden age was with Iraqis and not the Persians.
An enemy to the zionist is a friend to me.
Sharia law isn't one law it is different in every country that has it plus saudi culture plagued Islam its not Islam while Saudis were stoneing their wives for showing their ankles the Iranians were busy rulling the ancient world aka persian Empire its not a meme it is basic history.
They should both be our concern, we need to stop sucking saudi cock AND pay attention to the Iranian nuclear program
Persians by definition weren't meant to be Muslims
This 1000%.
The Saudis are our PUPPETS. We can do whatever we want with them. However the Iranians are crazy violent goatfuckers who want to destroy France, the UK, the USA, Israel, the Sunnis, etc.
They rearm themselves and still provocate the Western world about the nuclear thing. We're far from the great Persia
You mean like how christians believe in Jesus you do realize that muslims don't believe the messiah has come yet and they currently wait for his coming as the 5th imam