Israel or Palestine?

Israel or Palestine?

If only King Solomon had nukes...

USA's summer park.

Deport everyone else to Antarctica.

How is that even a question?

Fiction or Nonfiction?

nuke em both.


I'd love to see them battle it out on even grounds. Meaning no help from the US

Nuclear weapons

Mandatory Palestine.

Kind of feel sorry for the Palestinians

"They got to bomb, massacre, and assassinate themselves their own country - why can't we?"

life isn't always fair, pally. It wasn't just about massacring unarmed civilians and killing UN mediators - they had connections, too.

Gotta grind that networking!


Paliwoods are unable to even understand how much better off they are in their current position as opposed to the prospect of being allowed to have their own, fully independent country amidst gorillions of Arabs.


Neither. Return Jerusalem to Christendom


We should allow them to kill as many of each other as possible.

Then, retake Jerusalem.

I support Israel, the peaceful legitimate state of course

Neither. Glass the whole fucking strip of land and set up an amusement park in its place with tons of roller coasters.

Canaan. Praise baal

Kingdom of Jerusalem


Neither. Fucking kill yourself, jew.

whoever made that pic is fucking retarded

juice and muds were living in that land together before the balfour declaration put all the the bolshie jews from europe there too. no one likes the bolshies. even the native jews didn't want them there.

threads like these make me question the intelligence of goyim even more. it's like a fucking substantiated proof that no matter how hard you stick the truth in the self proclaimed retarded "red pill's" face, he'll still stay blind to it.
you fucking idiots, Israel is literally the only chance you have to sace your precious fucking white race from the globalist anti-national jews that are ruining the first world. As much as the cuck jews hate your precious white Europe, they hate us nationalist jews far, far more.
we're the only piece of jewish identity that threatens Soros and his ilk, because we're the only thing that can snatch his very fucking CHILDREN from him and his SJW agenda turn them nationalistic and rabidly resentful toward arabs, blacks and cucks with one fucking birthright trip. And thus the globalist promotes anti-jewish sentiment themselves, fully aware that you'll take on time he supports some retarded nigger or feminist and drop support to both Israel and american jews. However the cuck american jews are already in a position of power, as you like quoting and posting here, but we're sitting on a fucking house of cards and can crumble.

And they know it all. But you do not. Every time you denounce Israel, you're falling victim to BBC and CNN portrail of Israel as a war mongering nation that shouldn't exist in favor of more sand nigger nationalism, and this despite fully knowing they're all owned by globalist jews. By hating ALL jews and going against Israel you're being the useful idiot and controlled opposition, the proverbial nigger voting democrat, all unwittingly, and still have the audacity to claim to be politically savvy kek.

Well, your funeral, and ours too I guess.

ashcandy jew here but ive never been to israel should i go even though i was raised non-jewish (adoption baby, my biological parents were both jews) will they inherently know who i am? am i royalty? pls respond

nobody cares about who you are, here. if you can provide legal proof of having a jewish mother you'll just get citizenship here, if you want it.
however if you're fed up with american dindu nuffin and sand nigger tolerance, you should just move here

I support you Israeli-Senpai.
You must forgive them, they are making the same mistake Hitler made 80 years ago, not every Jew is a Globalist.


this every Israeli I know is incredibly based but all the non-russian Israelis are pretty inbread


I like Jews more simply because they have better food and music.

Better taste in alcohol too.

that would make an awesome tv show

>A Jew, A Nazi, and a Palestinian all living together in the same house
>and there's only one bathroom

Fuck your pic, goddamn it

last time we fought the arabs without any american support was 1967. you don't seem to have any idea how hard a man will fight when he's alone and backed to a corner

>not supporting Greater Syria under Orthodox Christianity


Hasbara can suck my goy cock.

Any more of these?

nuke both

Muzzies flooding Europe is horrible too.
Would I get stabbity stab stabbed by Rasien and Muhammad more frequently in Germany or Israel? I don't even know anymore.

Oh look at that lil' spooder

sand nigger in pic tried to stab soldier girl on tel avivi bus
got shot literally between the eyes on the spot. any questions?

also note the shirt


Fuck you jude we know your a lying kike ass. I know your people enough to know that you are shilling for your country and know how racist you people really are.

Just make it Christian and kick them both out.

>fuck yuo wite boi
>you lyin'
>edukeishun an job no be good fo me
>I ain't scared of no jail time cracka
>gimme yo wallet o imma shank yo ass

as I've said, you are the proverbial fucking nigger. cuck jews are rubbing their hands every time they see shit like yours

'Palestine' needs to go.
The two states will never live side-by-side, so Israel should just get them packing.

Puerto Ricans are a disgusting group of people. You have no place to comment, you fucking island monkeys.

Tell your people to stop invading New York and Central Florida.

Palestine was never a country and Israel shouldn't exist.

>Semite vermin
>Semite vermin
Arabs and jews are both semitic human garbage. We should dedicate our lives to ridding this planet of them. If we could do that, we would have peace and prosperity for thousands of years (until we hit hostile alien territory).


Lol saved.
Yes, question.
What about he gun laws? Could I carry while not serving?

>US ally (beach head/outpost/buffer zone) wins proxy battle against Soviet allies
Wew. Pure coincidence I'm sure, hear about it here first on the Daily Shill, only five shekels my good goy!