>Trump at Voter Summit in DC 9/9/16
>Trump on Larry King/RT 9/8/16
>Trump Education speech in Cleveland OH 9/8/16
>Trump Speaks To Charter School in OH 9/8/16
>Pence at Reagan Library 9/8/16
>Trump Commander In Chief event 9/7/16
>Trump @ NY Conservative party conv 9/7/16
>Trump speaks to Vets @Philadelphia, PA 9/7/16
Text TRUMP to 88022 or get the Official "AMERICA FIRST" app for important campaign updates
>Volunteer to be a Trump election observer
>Trump Playlist
>Trump rally in Greenville NC 9/6/16
>Trump Q&A in Virginia Beach VA 9/6/16
>Trump meets crowds in OH 9/5/16
>Trump presser on TrumpForceOne 9/5/16
>Trump on Lars Larson show 9/6/16
ow ly/Ijny303ZTqe
>Trump on ORly 9/6/16
>Trump/Pence on GMA 9/6/16
>TrumpTrain: Louisiana
>The 45th President
>Trump in 5 minutes or less
>Trump Triumphant
>American Hero
>Trump cares about YOU
Other urls found in this thread:
post lewd awoo~
Trump is in much better shape in swing states than is being reported. The evidence is there for all to see, even if the MSM tries to hide it with deceptive polling practices.
>Republicans are performing well in down-ballet senate races in swing states.
It is inconceivable that a large number of voters are motivated enough to go vote for GOP senate candidates and vote for Trigger-Happy Hillary. THH has lower favorables than any Democrat ever among GOP voters, those voters won't be splitting their tickets.
>Almost 50% of undecided voters want the GOP to take over Congress.
This is an astronomical number. By comparison, in 2012 that number was less than 25%. This points to high-information voters refusing to support Trump (the #NeverTrump-ers). This number puts a cap on the amount of wiggle room Trigger-Happy Hillary has to gain more marketshare among undecided, while also increasing the ceiling for Trump. IN SHORT, TRUMP HAS MORE ROOM TO GROW THAN HILLARY.
>Hillary has vastly outspent Donald Trump in swing states
The leads that Hillary does have in swing states is propped up by low-information voters influenced by her negative ads. Hillary has inadvertently created "message fatigue" with voters, meaning she is experiencing diminished returns from her ads. Trump's low number of ads have the opposite affect, when voters see his ads the rarity of those ads enhance the impact and they pay attention more.
>The RNC has spent more money on down-ballet organization than in the past
The RNC has faced a lot of internal pressure to focus more on senate and house races than they have in previous years. Members don't believe Trump can carry the ticket... this has ironically been a benefit to Trump. Huge Republican Registration numbers are proof that the RNC is better organized in swing states than in previous years. This will pay dividends on election day, as GOTV efforts for local Senate and House races will inevitably boost GOP Presidential turnout.
Daily reminder that this is what America will look like under Trump.
You know who to vote for in these elections.
AWOO, go trump
Half an hour till rally time. No streams up?
>halo ringworld
no thanks
I can't wait to have a cup of coffee with you, user. I'm sure you have tons of things to talk about!
I fucking swear I am so done with you DRUMPFNIGGERS.
I can fuck any one of you up...
Tell us things we don't already know, Insider. Else your tripfagging is useless.
WARNING: Please read the warning labels before touching this rare Trump.
Trump Rally at 8PM ET
>tips fedora
>By comparison, in 2012 that number was less than 25%. This points to high-information voters refusing to support Trump (the #NeverTrump-ers)
i hope thats a typo
>people still unironically browse this shithole of a site
When will you cuckchan faggots learn?
Trump will put soft and "thicc" girls into every video game!
Ark Master race tbf.
Threadly reminder about the RT bullshit:
Trump did the interview with Larry King.
Larry King doesn't work for RT. But he does license his show and podcast to Ora TV, which is owned by Carlos Slim, the Mexican cell phone mogul who also owns a huge chunk of the NYT.
OraTV licensed King's content to RT, among others.
tl:dr: Trump's interview with Larry King ended up on RT because Carlos Slim sold it to them.
the fuck is this, it looks like they're worlds apart but they're both at fucking 45
Post your feet Serb.
Great to hear.
What do you think about Scott Adams saying a 3% hidden Trump vote would be enough for an electoral landslide?
>tripfag roleplays for all the autists who actually believe him
Oh, heh on his website it says 7pm. I take it Pensacola is in central time?
What's the next part of his master plan?
nah, you are nothing compared to me serbshill
taste my fist
>that y-axis
>Oh, heh on his website it says 7pm. I take it Pensacola is in central time
Yes, it's way out west on the Florida panhandle.
>Trigger-Happy Hillary
Is that the new nickname?
Sounds really well because it helps negate the argument that Trump would be the trigger happy guy
I think Trump said that the CNN poll is causing previously bearish big donors to give Trump a second look. Is that true?
>posting furry crap
Fucking degenerate.
>people unironically live in canada
You don't need to know that
how does a brit go about acquiring a good old red maga hat fresh from the emperors bazaar itself?
me in the middle
>hillary's campaign
Damn, you're on early today, and with excellent news to boot. Anecdote for you in return:
>I wore my HILLARY SUCKS BUT NOT LIKE MONICA shirt out and around town today
>Almost a dozen people reacted well to it.
>I got one guy literally walking over to me from 50+ yards away to comment on how much he liked the shirt and to ask where I got it
>I of course said I got it from a vendor at a Trump rally and played miniature campaign salesman to them
>This is in Kitsap County, Washington
A commuter ferry to Seattle goes right past my window and I have not had one bad reaction to the shirt or the MAGA hat since May. Don't give up on WA just yet.
There's not enough gold on those buildings.
>hillary's campaign
Dyin' Lyin' Illary Clinton is on ACE Inhibitors for stroke prevention.
>FACT: In late 2012 Hillary was diagnosed with a blood clot. In her brain.
Blood clots cause strokes, and Hypertension is the most important modifiable risk factor for ischemic stroke.
What is a premier hypertension medication, and causes persistent dry coughing in many cases? ACE Inhibitors(ACEI) Many people will require treatment with more than one antihypertensive drug to achieve BP control, so she's probably taking a thiazide diuretic as well. This explains why she is taking B12 supplements, as B vitamins are water soluble.
Dyin's doctor could prescribe her ARBs instead of ACEi, which might get rid of the cough, but ARBs are not as effective and have increased mortality in comparison. Why would Illary go for something that is less effective when she knows she can lie her way around the coughing?
>Extensive clinical trials confirm that ARBs have no unique role in the prevention of stroke. If one considers the unique cardiovascular protective benefits of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, however, the choice of first-line therapy for prevention of stroke is perhaps not a choice at all!
Illary's official doctor report says she is on Coumadin, Thyroid meds, antihistimines, and vitamin B12: no hypertensive medication. Why wouldn't she be on hypertension medication after a blod clot was found in her brain? Why is her blood pressure 100/65? It doesn't add up.
Illary is playing up "seasonal allergies" to downplay the cough: if we knew she was on a full regimen of anti-stroke medication, there would be legitimate concerns that she may have a stroke at any time. By downplaying her cough as a "seasonal allergy," she can hide her health from the public while having the potential smokescreen of the "misdiagnosis" of a cough caused by "routine blood pressure medication."
>Trump's campaign
girl just shared this on my facebuk
In 2012 when Hillary fell and had her "concussion," during a follow-up examination, doctors said they found a blood clot in her head and diagnosed her with "cerebral venous sinus thrombosis" an uncommon disease which can have "stroke-like symptoms"
>The clot was located in the vein between the brain and and the skull behind Clinton's right ear and did not result in any stroke or neurological damage, her doctors said in a statement.
It's time to cut through the bullshit: she did not fall and have a concussion. She had a mini-stroke, aka TIA.
>While transient ischemic attack (TIA) is often labeled “mini-stroke,” it is more accurately characterized as a “warning stroke,” a warning you should take very seriously.
It's no wonder that they'd want to cover this up as a simple concussion.
Soon after Illary's "concussion," she was photographed wearing glasses that had a fresnel lens, supposedly for correcting double vision(diplopia) as a result of said "concussion". Interestingly, diploplia is a transient visual symptom(TVS), a common complaint of patients suffering from TIA.
Back to hillary's "cerebral venous sinus thrombosis"
>Sinus and cerebral vein thrombosis is easily missed if the correct imaging X-ray study is not done. The usual routine CT or MRI, as are often done for evaluation of stroke or bleeds into the head, are often normal.
>The health care professional who evaluates the patient with severe headache or neurological symptoms needs to think about sinus and cerebral vein thrombosis, otherwise the diagnosis is easily missed.
An uncommon illness with "stroke-like symptoms" that needs special evaluation? Diagnosed after a "routine follow up MRI" for "concussion"?
Yeah fucking right.
Her coughs are fucking contagious over the net just hearing them makes me want to clear my throat
How can you guys support this lunatic?
Carlos Slim sounds like some aspiring rapper.
she's so infirm
>hillary's campaign
A pilgrimage to Trump Tower.
>great nature
>sell shit for tons of money over the border
>everyone is nice and friendly
>good gun laws, able to hunt and bear arms
It's pretty nice.
What is internal polling saying about the black/Latino vote?
Any plans to intercept/leak the earpiece feed to Hillary next debate if she uses it?
Any insider info on what Assange plans to leak? Is he at all in contact with campaign? I can see it being completely independent but was curious
Leave your house with your handgun without telling the police and see what happens.
>The flag falling
Go make babies with her.
I do, and unless you're retarded you'll never have trouble about it.
>Trump vs Clinton Election Season 2016
tfw nobody checks your quadruple dubs
It's still illegal and you're simply breaking the law and not getting caught. That's not "good gun laws".
Come on Serb.
You know what you must do.
whats up with the middle last row
Hillary's "campaign" is falling apart kek
He's more sane and competent than the alternatives.
Good to hear man
How are the debates going to go?
Is trump ready?
Dubs galore
Hey guys, NPI is today
Are there any streams?
>America under Hillary
Pretty cute for a boy.
its so fucking baffling how everyone on the news is spouting this idea that trump "went on russian tv". larry kings own words "I don't work for RT. My podcasts, Larry King Now and Politicking, are licensed for a fee to RT America by New York-based Ora TV" again, beyond retardation. i guess bashing trump is more important than being correct in any way. and this is FOX doing the most of this.
You were saying?
just found this article :^)
>the barren peninsula of Megyn Kelly's (((journalism))) (((career)))
ho baby
Who gives a fuck? Literally no one enforces the law here in rural Saskatchewan. Heck, all the officers are my buds.
Too bad you American's will never experience such kinship in your overcrowded cunt-tree filled with niggers and spics.
>furry hair
>dog ears
>furry tail
>obnoxious animal behavior
checks out
They might be a little biased.
Best primary season ever. It will simply never be topped in my lifetime.
>flag falls on the ground
>nobody flinches
did someone say there was a Trump rally today?