You're walking down the street, when suddenly you feel hungry...

You're walking down the street, when suddenly you feel hungry. You decide to eat a fast meal at McDonalds to satisfy your stomach. Just as you're about to enter the restaurant, this d00d blocks your path with his sword and says
>Salam aleykum, this area is under sharia control. That's why we're currently boycotting this place of filth and degeneracy. Walk away or else you'll be announced as an enemy of Islam and we'll be forced to chop your head off, inshallah!
What so you do?

surrender my arsehole to him

I would say your a Sikh m8

eating at fast food chains is degenerate, i'd thank him for discouraging me

I laugh and tell him he almost had me going for a second, because he's a Sikh and he's more likely to invite me over for a decent meal than cut my head off.

this is the only reasonable response. He's just a sikh trolling, not a real muslim.

*take lightsaber out*

lets duel >:^)

I love this meme

I'd pay the jizya, do a 360° and run away

>sharia contro
>pic called arab.jpg

Thats a sikh, m8

Ask him why he wears a hijab which is for girls. Walk past his confused soul. CHECKMATE M8.


>Take off my pants

We used to win. We used to win raids. We used to win at DDOSing. We use to be respected throughout the internet. And now we got nothing. We got nothing folks.

You've got these 'shitposters' and 'happening fags'. They don't know what they are doing. They make a thread "it's happening". It is not happening. They don't know when it's happening. But I know when it is happening folks, 100 percent of the time. I know when it's happening.

I am going to make Sup Forums great again. And I'll do it. I'm not beholden to any single board. No board has me in their pocket. Not like these other faggots. Put me in power and you'll get happenings, believe me.

You'll get so many happenings you won;t know what to do with yourselves. Happenings. Happenings. Happenings. You are going to be sick of it. You're going to be saying to me "Trump we can't take it, please be a habbening fag just one time" and I am going to say "No, it is happening" and it is going to happen. It is going to happen folks.

We are all going to make Sup Forums great again. It is going to be beautiful. I love you all.

>a sihk
>a muslim

They are literally remove kebab the religion.

He's obviously a redpilked as fuck Sikh, mocking the religion of peace....

Total bro material.

In France you mostly see Arabs and blacks eating at degenerate American fast foods like Mc Donald's.

That's also why I hate America's foreign policy, they are pushing for more aliens in France, because good frogs eat snails and frogs, and not bullshit burgers. Newly arrived retards without culture eat American crap.

Go home, arm myself, kill as many as I can. I could die happy with that chain of events.

*Teleports behind you*
I don't think so, kid.
*Unsheathes sword of light's bane*

I'd give him a high-five and have a good lol since he's obviously a Sikh pretending to be a Muslim, then share a burger with him and ask about any crazy stories he has from the Middle East


Every day someone posts this and every day a bunch of gullible retards jump out of the woodwork to defend sikhs


Sikhs where made to kill muslims. Ignorant fuck

>points sword at me and threatens me
>pull out hand gun
>pop pop
>"hello 911 yes someone just threatened my life with a sword so I shot him to defend myself please send help"
>go to court
>get out of it because stand your ground laws and blued eyed white male
>mfw enjoying my tasting Big Mac while waiting for the cops to show up desu

newfag spotted

>point sword

lmao it's curved so it would be facing down are you stupid

i would surrender my asshole like english bro


Id say:
>noce troll sikh-fagg. Gtfo now and let me get my vanilla shake you fuck


That's a sikh m8.

Sikh's are bro tier.

>The tip is at the same level as the handle you dumb fucking autist

Because I hate this pointless shit and faggotry?

>Actually those are Sikhs
>We oldfag now

Remember that McDonalds is shit, walk away, and go to Wendy's.

shut up newfag, falling for trolling

This is also why these guys lately turn into shit. Instead of just enjoying burger, beer or some wine, or to just have fun sometimes without guilt, their fucking community will stuff their heads full of nonsense about haram and degeneracy so later they try to get rid of their sin.

You can see that with virtually every ultra radical muslim figure head, metheads, drunkards, manwhores, gamblers who later find Allah.

sikhs are based bros

hes probably just doing it for the bants

Man you're a fucking idiot. Howly shit


>What so you do?
walk away or else I'll be announced as an enemy of Islam and they'll be forced to chop your head off

Lel walk away. I ain't lifting a finger cleaning up no Muslim shit. Not my fight. I didn't import them.

Save money and a few grams of fat on my gut. Win.

Thats a Sikh, you dumb nigger. Sikhs are cool in my book.


"Heh, Nothing personel kid"
>Unsheathes katana

that's a sikh, you fucking idiot

A fucking leaf

I would do nothing because he is literally bro tier

I hug and laugh with him and have a grand time because as OP DOESNT KNOW he's a sikh and sikhs are BRO-TIER

That's a Sheik, you fucking Slavshit retard.

then we'd go get samosas together

based sikhs

laugh and then respond, "Sikh joke, man".

Are you really this ignorant? Sikhs kill Muslims, they don't protect them.

well done pasta. yummy.


>you decide to go to McDonald's
I don't think so Tim

tell him to drop the sword or else

im a cop btw

That's not a Muslim OP....


I'd pull out my superior katana, teleport behind him and as I sliced him in half I'd say "heh, nothin personnel, kid"
Too easy.

sikhs remove kebab and protect their heritage

better than most whites these days fyi tbqh smdh fampaitachi

Just try it nigger, I (don't)hope you paid for your healthcare.

Pull out my gun and shoot him cause I'm not a cuck faggot

Tell me more about your religion, I've always been interested in it.

Shoot him dead,
buy my nuggets

Draw my legally concield firearm and walk towards the door.
If he moves towards me I put a hole in his Fucking head.
I then walk inside and eat my daily dose of burger

>teleport behind him
>"get some rest, abdul"
>snap his neck
>"you look tired"
>extreme ways starts playing in the background



Yep. Sikhs...most decent community of law abiding non-degenerate citizens a western democracy could hope for.

That's clearly a Sihk, a small religion that's notorious for fighting Islam and being loyal to the west.

I tell him ok then hop in my car and go through the drive-thru.


did you find anything to work on since the pulse raid, or should people just do shit for the Clinton generals?

>Using the same Sikh pic again

That's a Sikh and Sikhs are proven bro-tier.

I knew a couple Sikhs when I was a kid and they were sweet kids with a badass streak and worried about being honorable. Their culture is just fine.

>taking off pants to poo

Gas the poles, race war now!

be confused as to why a sikh is talking about allah and using muslim phrases.

Remind him hes a fucking Sikh.

Run right into him

That's a Sikh retard OP

I live in texas, he'll be dead long before i get to him.

You are a very new leaf.

I'd ask that kindly Sikh chap if he's mind awfully removing that sack of shit allahcuck as in sure his Muslim stabbing sword is thirsty.

Have you seen Hell or High Water? its pretty awesome, set in Texas, and 99% of the extras and characters are concealed carrying

>that new leaf smell

Sandniggers will all die in the year 2020 by my own hand as I begin to cleanse this world of this putrid filth that is Islam.

Being this new

Fear for my life and help fix the population overgrowth.

I live in Brampton my entire life and they've taken over the city

In small numbers? Yeah they are fine but once they get a large population they are no better than muslims

but aren't you Sikh?

nah theyre cool. Sikh boys living in my basement (I'm renting it to them) saved my ass one time from a home invader

That's...sikh, bruv.

First, the guy in the picture isn't a muslim, he's a Sikh, you dumb shit! Sikhs are the sworn enemies of Islam.
Second, this is obviously extremely low-grade bait. I'm out.

Have a good laugh with my Sikh nieghbour, probably make an air india joke