
you may only post itt if your country is in the top 3 white countries. nigger yuroblacks not welcome.

>le 60% face

nigger get out

Brazil's """""white""""" is not white user, same goes for Italy, mexico, etc.

>Argentina is whiter than Australia


>same goes for Italy
Italy is white . Fuck off leaf

>canada not on the list

we got at least 25 million whites here. the fugg

> you may only post itt if your country is in the top 3 white countries. nigger yuroblacks not welcome.

>1/2 of brazilians are white
And I'm half unicorn

>Italy is not white
t. negro

Now show the populations groups in percentage of total

Found the half-unicorn

Brazil is a melting pot of cultures

I'm sure that's why living in the US is so much better than e.g. Iceland or the Faroer Islands.

brazil number 3? really?

i thought they were all hispanic and shit



>tfw white

it is. our living standards are higher than both. good job my negro friend!

how? arent all mexicans counted as white or are there also non-white mexicans someone should be aware of?

Italy is yellow, like pizza.

U mad huehue nigger?


They are all afraid to say they're white or they'll be called racist. I heard they roll themselves in maple syrup to appear blacker.

I wouldn't call living next to 37 million negroes 'higher living standard', but whatever floats your boat.

brazil is giant, it is entirely feasible to hide a bunch of white people in it

>quantity over quality

This only comes as a shock to dumbass amerilards who make distinctions between "hispanic" and "white"

They're the same thing idiots.

of course the nigger does not understand what living standard is! shoo shoo nigger! whites only itt

thanks for making me laugh in many ways this evening


I like the wording they use" identifying"

As well as the fact that White People is in quotations.

if you don't staph with that bullying I won't apply myself to your country

niggers get out

>beaten by empoverished potatoniggers
HDI is a magnificent measure, surely, but I'd rather not rely on anything that a Paki came up with.

Hey are those tears?
Are you crying?

Holy shit Argentina!!!

go for it fellow white man. Canada is not even on the list, they need more whites.

It's true. When I see a Brazilian he/she either looks like Med. European (Spanish/Italian/Portuguese) or like a mulatto. Very few full or even 80% black people. I'm guessing that's because they hide them in the favelas though.

Leafbro is right. White race died out back in 1945. Not even places like Iceland is white anymore.

>le face detatched from body with chainsaw face

Don't even try mate, they only take the chinese.

Jokes on you, we're an chinese feminist shit hole now.

The three racial groups

Caucasian - european and surrounding areas physiognomy
Mongloid - slanty eyes, east asian
Negroid - sub saharan african niggers

Hispanic, Slavic, Germanic, Arabic etc are all just subgroups of the Caucasian race

the whitest country on earth isnt on there. hahahaha i love this meme now wtf

Fucking dumb burger. These countries are much bigger than any european country, so it's not fair. Most european countries have 90% whites. Where ukraine has 99% whites

>you may only post itt if your country is in the top 3 white countries. nigger yuroblacks not welcome.

>Italians, Greeks, Irish, Pollocks, Russians, Mexicans, any one from South America


In all seriousness whites need to start making some fucking babies. Holy shit we're getting out bred hard. I don't understand how people just stand back and let this happen. We brought so much good to the world and now we're just letting others replace us like it's fucking nothing. What the fuck.

b-but it says there that step 3 is "approved"!!

I'm not black you cancer burger your country is full of shit. Consider killing yourself because it would be a better place

Argentina has more people than Australia... Oh sorry forgot about that American education system

Ok I see your point

But I would like to raise a counter point raised by BLM in Milwaukee "HE WHITE BEAT HIS ASS"



"I'm latino but my skin is very pale. I'm a White European!"

Or that nigger yelling about how he's white.



>total number instead of percentage


Feels good man

Alright you make a good po- waint a minute... where is netherlands?? oh wait. you are a nigger country that is 15% white. Sad!

>official census statistics identifying """""""white"""""""" people
Same as every south american country, mestizos are counted as white.
In reality, mestizos are probably worse than negros.

Only Latinos saying that are South Americans.

I'll admit I'm Puerto Rican with family originating from Spain and Netherlands, but I'd never say I'm white.

A fucking retarded overarching term to encompassing term. Any respectable person identifies from there country origin. To be included with filthy Mexicans and Dominicans is terrible

So what do you say you are? Hispanic? That's still white Carlo.

Sad isn't it. Eventually we'll be outnumbered by non-whites in our own countries, and then we'll be persecuted. Either we'll fight them off and start again, or we'll be eradicated and only be a myth to later generations.

Dutch 83%, other 17% (9% of non-Western origin, mainly Turks, Moroccans, Antilleans, Surinamese, and Indonesians) (1999 est.)

White: 211,460,626 (75.1%); Black: 34,658,190 (12.3%); Asian: 10,242,998 (3.6%); American Indian and Alaska Native: 2,475,956 (0.9%); Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander: 398,835 (0.1%); other race: 15,359,073 (5.5%); Hispanic origin:135,305,818 (12.5%)


the USA still has a chance. europe not so much.

that was from 1999. you are under 20% white now. im sorry but those are the facts my negro friend.

Alrighty then

17 years ago. Population grew with approx 6%. Not that much can change stupid burger. Taking the b8

>we have 1/4th more kids than Europe does

I guess that's a start but we're not doing much better over here in


in 60 years the USA will be whiter than the UK, sweden, and the netherlands.

Is this bait or are you actually this stupid?

This is just based on how many whites there are...Not the percentage, which is what you should focus on. You're lower than fucking Sweden, nigger. Fucking sharts!

sup, my fellow whites


These statics are hillarious, there's 44 million people living in Argentina, and i'm sure as HELL there aren't 36 million whites.

Lol, we would be lucky to still have 50% of the population with european non mixed genes.

Primary schools are all literally 100% nigger.

Jews have fucked us with open borders shit for decades.

Take a good look USA, same thing will happen to you.

if french, hispanics and italians are considered white, than argentina is very white.

there are about 100 million max "whites" in the US.

Rest are weird mutts and mongrels.

US census counts arabs, north africans, and other shit as white. the real number is 197 million

>be Portugal
>10 million habitants
>10 million whites

Feels good.

>Rest are weird mutts and mongrels.

>this forced meme again

What the fuck, we're not white.
I'm white, that's how I fucking know no one here besides my family is.

Almost there


Please stay out of the civilized world.

Like skin color matters

I am white but I don't pretend that my country is white.
I prefer to keep that privilege for myself and my family thank you very much.


this, only anglosphere nations should be on the list. I'm tired of seeing all of these pale shit-skins claim they're white.

How the fuck is Sweden more white than Denmark, half of them are fucking Ethiopians.


Hello whitest ally

how are you, my germanic friend?

>italy is next to germany


I'm fine. Are you coming to Blumenau to the Oktoberfest?

sadly no, even though we have our own oktoberfest, I would like to know the brazilian germanic qts 2bh, but this economy don't let me to do so :(

>Italy ever being relevant again

kek you're delusional.

You're about as relevant as Macedonia or Croatia.

Sounds shit. Your inflation is so high that it's too much for us, even with the null value of the peso. I would love to travel to Bariloche, but I'll have to wait.

true, I'm trapped here with no escape ;_;

an impossible dream

chilean white master race here