The most you have raged, about a news article.
Muslim/nigger rage
Reminder that muslims are just a symptom and the cause is the jew.
Kill every jew before they kill you.
The most retarded thing about that idea is that the countries with the most terrorist attacks are 90% + muslim.
the cuck-crates are so last year.
>neighbors heard nanny screaming by neighbors, "oh god, you killed them"
>nanny is found unconcious, kids dead
>Cops say nanny was the killer
They did not even try and cover up the corruption on this one.
Probably the worse one
this cant be real...
someone will die because she cant do her job
This one actually saves the public from seeing the average english woman in a bikini.
Is this real? Officially spooped
This isn't an article but it was in the same folder.
this one
>girlfriend and i
>Father will be a migrant from africa
cucked as fuck
Why is her hair color important?
Sup Forums really did break me
The Jews created this cultural Marxism disaster which led to otherwise reasonable people to accept the unacceptable and look the other way
The Jewish neocon movement spearheaded the wars which caused the migrant crisis
And then, it was the Jews who let them in by the hundreds of thousands to destroy our national identity and unity
I know this sounds like some edgelord shit, but Sup Forums has made me say: 1488.
jew here, you're autistic.
its realish. its not accurate though. there isnt even 20 tril in american dollars globally (all currencies converted to 1 type aka M0 in this case in dollars)
but there is a funny story about some thieves who havent all been caught who had stolen counterfeit money ranging from bitcoin duplicates to american dollars made by the fed stolen by employees and sold as fake money thats undetectable. why not just keep it? the numbers repeat it would be noticed sooner or later that there are shit load of bills with the same numbers on them.
any ways the sum last i heard was something like 30 tril being passed around the global markets. brazil laid a trap and stole a portion of it while it was being passed back and forth
heres where it gets weird. the american government was involved. more specifically the fed and state department 2 branches obama has had almost constant contact with when most presidents only ever talk to some one in 1 of the 2 branches a few times in 8 years
autist here, you're jewish
>be me 19
>grew up buying liberal bullshit that we were taught in schools until I mentally matured
>got woke particularly with the european migrant crisis
>fucking hate liberal shills and cucks
>father is german jewish (large german build and blue eyes)
>was put in a temple till I stopped going when I was 12 or so cause I didn't really believe in anything
the problem is the globalists. I'm sure a lot of globalists are Jews and vice versa but being Jewish doesn't get you invited to secret diabolical meetings on how we will corrupt society. In fact a lot of non cucked/non autistic Jews are pro brexit and fucking hate the third world shitskins pouring into western society (which we have largely assimilated into)
hell man before my fathers family came to the states we were assimilated barkeepers in germany. its my name, schenk.
>also, been lately considering converting to Lutheranism because I think now faith is good (used to be atheist) and I like the humble hardworking nature of Lutheran philosophy
Agreed, if only more people would realise this. Muslims are shit but they are the only real ennemies of the jews, so the jews are turning the christians against muslims, so they can control the rest of us without any opposition once the muslims will be eliminated.
The only good Jew is a Jew who embraces the truth and light of the Jesus Christ. We are glad to have you user.
>stopped going around 12
Too bad. Thirteen is when you can start attending the secret diabolical meetings on how to corrupt society
Well, he's not wrong. Trump voter here, ask me how many gigabytes my waifu
got me. thanks pol
lmao get fucked. holy shit. has to be fake n gay.
Nah, they're just jellie of a tribe that is superior to theirs in every measurable criteria.
genuinely kek'd
I guess I missed out
also the terrorist attacks are 100% muslim
How do bongs react to that kind of article?
Here, everytime mudshits make it to the news, people's comments are always about getting rid of those fuckers and how our government should be trial for betrayal.
Is the same thing happening with you guys?
in all honesty it makes me rage inside and that morons like those exist but im not the only one your leader asks you to deal with terrorism, all of europe is fucked
>Feminism told me I could be anything
>so I became a blowup doll
unfortunately it's not
Don't worry user, some of these, like aren't real...
...most are though, fuck ;_;
Swedes confirmed for not giving a shit about their children.
Jesus fucking Christ the RAF was once incredible. Now this
PLEASE tell me someone called her out on this.
this is what happens when women are allowed into anything once magnificent.
>and especially military
I bet you didn't even have a bar mitzvah you faggot.
what does this have to do with muslims
I know that feel Nigel.
But shit is starting to change, everyday more and more people are openly saying how they hate mudshits and rapefugees and that we are governed by socialist traitors.
All it will take is another little push and people will start to break (like another bombing we barely managed to avoid yesterday).
I'm sure you will do the same once your citizens start getting blown up/beheaded in the middle of the street.
that was a fun night.
did he get his free korans and dildos?
I actually did right before I stopped going! it was fun. got some shekels from family and an awesome party. legit set a place up with a dance floor and games
>tfw hottest girl in the grade grinded on me with her fat pre teen booty. feltGREATman
Always room for this one.
im not used to fuck kids.. soooo guess i get one freebee, because im not used to it
it's been years, why do I keep falling for baits?
when the day comes that Europe is free, we shall start our Empires once again and enjoy the bants that follow.
I want to cry reading that article, there is no hope for the west.
our world today is just too retarded. Cucks fucking running everything
They have been playing songs about open boarders and shit. Fucking hell.
Understand about the racial tensions but the open boarders can fuck off
It's the fact that the prosecutor asked for it that kills me every time. It's one thing when it's a crooked judge, quite another when the actual prosecution is so.
Womens rights were a mistake
Worst month of my fucking life! Imagine living in a 14 m^2 room, where everything only ALMOST works.
dude thats not true :p thats a religious news paper that is racist as fuck
thats propaganda
do we have enough nukes to cover the entire surface area of the planet?
This is real.
IKR is retarded. I know a bloke who used to live in one on a farm cause its cheap as until he can save up enough to rent out a place on his own.
Of course we donĀ“t. The little shits always grow condecending if we show an ounce of humanity.
I don't come to Sup Forums a lot
Would I be correct in assuming that at least 90% of these articles are satire? I mean, they HAVE to be fake, right?
You're in for a rough future.
>being so brainwashed and sheltered that you leave your 7 years old daughter home alone with a 36 years old stranger who came from another continent
google the titles, and prepare for disappointment
we WILL if north korea has anything to say about it
>fat white girls who were laughed at and rejected by chads
We're all dead in 10 years tops...
What the fuck motivates certain white people to support this shit?
Just remember, there are people on this board who unironically believe 12 year olds can consent
>weirdo white cucks roleplaying as women wanting their own daughters big baked cheesecaked
Hitler was right.