Go ahead. I'd like to see you attempt a refutation of this perfect country tier-list.
This is the objective country tier-list!
Other urls found in this thread:
america should be at the bottom.
anglos are the true master race
America: Jews, niggers; refuted
So does France.
Why is OP trying to be such a fag?
What about me, senpai?
Self hating faggot kill yourself.
>great tier
It's 2016, not the late 1930's
france is mudslime now tho
fixed that for you nigger
>America colonies god tier
>The greatest empire of all times shit tier
Wew Lad
You have to go back Mamadou
Is this a fucking joke?
Du tout mon ami, je viens du Sud Ouest, la seul partie de la France qui vaille être sauvé.
>Shitposting Britbongs at midnight so they don't respond.
Nigger please.
>Bad tier Scotland
>Shit tier Scotland
Do you actually understand what the Union flag is? Do you think it's the flag of England or something?
Yes you got that right, bravo best ally.
I'm glad you made this thread.
if we're talking about Sup Forums posts america should def be at the bottom. they spam interracial related posts and deny that america is far more fucked ethnically than european countries. (we're under 60% white now)
and while they do this they pretend america is the greatest thing ever.
greatest ally
Love you, France. Slightly homosexual.
>17th century Union Flag
>Scotland supposedly independent of 'Great Britain'
Jesus Christ
y-you too >3
Excuse me but America is Anglo and doesn't ally islamig gommies.
In the grand scheme of things, america shouldn;t be in god tier because it's too young.
The greatest countries of history are Britain, china, France, Spain, Ottoman empire, Austria, muscovy/russia, persia, rome, greece, the golden horde.
>Arjentina higher than Mexico
>great effort at the Falklands
Oh yeah, such great losers
Shut up, oppressive cunt. We and France will never forgive you.
> skilled
> great tactics
> italian tier
really cant see the point of this, each country has pros and cons :)
Well like i said he basically has Scotland twice in his b8, but maybe thats the point.
more like 60% cuck-tier.
Literally everyone on the American cntinent is a peice of shit. I hope all of you sink or die in an unprecedented volcanic eruption. Seriously. Not a single normal decent country on your fucking continent. It must be cursed or some shit.
>switzerland not on top
>germany questionable
>usa can stay
>norway way up there
>france? Literally greece tier, dont even deserve to be on the list.
>canada higher
>uk way higher
>israel gets UK spot
>denmark high
>sweden low
>russia down to india, add poland there aswell
>finland to top
I dont care abput the rest, nippon is cool i guess, they buy rammstein
Yeah alright just remember that when war time comes I'm sure France will help you out, disgusting roleplaying degenerate filthy faggot nigger spic.
stfu you silly nigger
>france? Literally greece tier, dont even deserve to be on the list.
Fuck off Kraut.
>because it's too young.
>The greatest countries of history are Britain
Britain is young too user. No the countries involved in it's union are not young but "Britain" is.
>The irrelevant countries are young so Britain is even though England is the only country that matters
>Easily beaten
>UK posting this
Still mad huh
>Most skilled black nation
Holy shit Cambodia. How's the war on drugs going?
>Only attacks us during a civil war ("wins" but gains no land)
Fucking swamp niggers mane.
>scotland not in shit tier
Im a scotish btw
>great efforts in the falklands
>shit on by a country across the atlantic
Haha, bongs btfo
Oh yeah, definitely still mad. Don't worry, toothpaste shall return to you
What are you talking about? i didn't say only England matters?
you are a bong
we fucked your ancestors
your culture died a long time ago
maith post
What the fuck ?
Also you're shit tier. Only europeans countries and America know something about wars. Go rule the waves and let the boys do their business.
>the irish shitposters strike again
>God tier
>high tier
Get off here you potato nigger.
Those two choices alone made me think your entire list is bullshit.
>scotland as a country
>canada above any country
Cheer up, chaps. We Anglos helped Christianize the Dutch heathens, and in return they told us all of their pecuniary secrets so that we could establish ourselves as The Eternals™ and conquer the globe
>tfw no United Kingdom of Great Britain, Ireland and the Netherlands
What might have been, eh Ruud?
póg mo thóin
>defeat world's biggest empire with force of poorly armed starving peasants against overwhelming odds
>not god tier
No you lick my date
Oi mate, I see that your a bit confused there.
1066 was the year the England was conquered by William the Conqueror.
Ever since then England has never been successfully invaded.
Hey arent you that country where the shit from Ireland and Britain was flung at?
Fuck you
Most of the children and grandchildren of convicts went back to England.
Most people here are descended from English or other European settlers.
So the shit was flung here, and flung back at you.
Why are you here if everything is sunshine and rainbows and unicorns farting glitter in America?
>Most of the children and grandchildren of convicts went back to England.
>So the shit was flung here, and flung back at you.
Bit of a contradiction there lad
>Nips under gooks
You're not licking anus slave
Fuck off nigger isreal should be at the top
>You're not licking anus slave
Of course not faggot
Lube up your ass though and I might shove a spud in if your lucky
Who's flag is that at the bottom? I don't recognise it.
>who are the majority of Sup Forums
Sure, we have bad apples, but we have a hellavalot more than you because most visitors are from the US
I demand to know Finland's position on this list
>burger putting burgerland at the top
what a surprise
You expected more from colonials? Don't hurt the poor retards feelings.
Move the leafs to shit tier as many of them are just shills, move the nips to bad tier and move the Israelis to good tier.
kill yourself
Scotland is hahaha aha hahaha a Co hahaha cou hahaha haha country hahaha ha Fuck, no man I can't even do it, it's like a colder wetter shittier version of ireland with pointier hills and extra smack heads.
Where's the contradiction?
Israel shouldn't even exist.
Saying the shit was flung to Ireland when he previously stated all convicts went back to England
is this before nonwhite immigration? if not, only japan belongs in its current spot. also great britain is god tier you fucking frogcuck
He said the children and grandchildren went back to England, don't know how accurate that is but I think the point he's making is that you guys are completely irrelevant and wouldn't even be recognised as a nation if we weren't right next door.
>shove a potato in an arsehole
>the Irish go to answer for everything ever.
>the secondary answer is getting drunk and beating your wife
Is there a particular reason why you used the pre-1801 British flag. Did the St. Patrick's saltaire rape your mother or something?
Can confirm.
Thanks but I know history. My confusion was why 1066 and not the multiple failures Britain have through its history ?
But if you see 1066 like the only successfull invasion you're retarted.
Because, what is Julius Ceasar ? What are Anglo-Saxons ? What are vikings that trolled them for years ? What is the french invasion in 1216 ?
It fucking works
>I think the point he's making is that you guys are completely irrelevant and wouldn't even be recognised as a nation if we weren't right next door
I very much doubt that. Like if you just wanted to say that ok then but I dont know how the fuck you would get that from "Most people here are descended from English or other European settlers.
So the shit was flung here, and flung back at you."
> italian allies
What a surprise
>What are Anglo-Saxons
About 500 years earlier
>french invasion in 1216 ?
Froggies btfo 1 year later
It's late I'm just flinging shit around, iris ancestry here too, go have a Guinness mate, sorry about the spuds and all that.
>it's too young.
Singapore is young but it's still the best run country on earth. The entire west is a shit hole in comparison
>Post Scotland
>Be super edgy and remove it from the Jack so you can post it lower
>Except you don't you removed NI
I used to think that >American education was just a meme.
Nice try chicano.
Tell me how many 3rd world countries can afford a war against an first-world empire like the UK?
Now now, go lose against Vietnam farmers.
Well, you lose 50% of the lands Spain give you.
Ah! You seem wise and I am eager to learn from your wisdome. Tell my Pythagoras, what exactly IS the nature of a country?