TFW fag but want to preserve my pure Ashkenazi blood in the form of babby

What do Sup Forums? Is using a surrogate degenerate?
Even if it's in the name of fighting mixed race abominations?

Other urls found in this thread:[/img]


Homosexuals shouldn't be allowed to be parents. They are some of the worst pedophiles around and they will apply their sexuality to their children from the start.

sauce on all those things?


this meme has to stop

please, I hate fags more than any straight person. I think I could do it. No weak women around, I can redpill him (girl goes in the dumpster a la china) early on, first day in kindergarten: "teacher, if life started in africa and they've had 200,000 years to develop, then why are they still living like monkeys?"

Go cum in a cup at a sperm bank and tell them lesbians can use your seed for their babies.

>Thinks degenerates should be allowed to raise children
Kill yourself jude

Something like 40%+ of all child molestations are committed by faggots. Look it up for yourself.

>masterrace baby
>no woman present
pretty sure he'd be fucking awesome