So I tried to reason with some SJWs today who were saying straight white people shouldn't say fleek or Yaaas because it appropriates black culture and reminds them of slavery.
So I tried to reason with some SJWs today who were saying straight white people shouldn't say fleek or Yaaas because it...
Yeah I alienated myself from a new group of friends because I said the word mansplaining was a gendered insult created to shame men when we already have the words condescending and chauvinistic.
It was an hour long "discussion" that ended with her mom yelling FUCK EQUALITY I WANT JUSTICE.
So I laughed and left.
>When she say she don't feel bad fo' her skin color but she do
stop blurring names. seriously.
libshits villified anyone for decades if they even whispered the word nigger
and here we see them go full retard racist/sexist and cant perceive it anymore because they are always right
fuck them. stop blurring names and start calling people exactly what they are. these fucking pussies should be shot in a trench somewhere
Yeah then I gotta deal with a bunch of Sup Forums autists crawling all over my page.
I only blurred the names to protect myself not them
I hate to say it, but i dont think any of your friends actually understood what you are saying. I would say you sir are correct, and these people are beyond hope. You spoke clearly and honestly with a well constructed statement. They parroted other peoples words. Literally they arent wired with free thought, and its honestly a bit scary to see it in action.
For real tho man, fuck those guys, you did good.
And un blur the names, lets see these fucking robots.
your name is Grant R*e
anyone that cared enough to fuck with your page could do it just from you posting this anyway
>Don't say words because muh feelings
I want off this ride.
wew lad these cucks are beyond help. i'm sure they're prepping the bull as we speak.
but rest assured. while they're getting cucked and enjoying every minute of it, they will NOT utter the word "YAS".
privilege checked.
Technically they're correct, but not for the reasons they think. White people shouldn't say that stuff because it would bring us down to their level.
Funny how the last girl did exactly what you described in your first comment with the oranges and the apples
The English language is comprised of words and roots of multiple cultures.
These idiots are "appropriating" multiple "oppressed" people.
Negative. They are still dead fucking wrong. Suppression of speech, any speech, on the basis of skin color is absolutely dead fucking wrong. When told why they were wrong they couldnt even defend their point. They are dead to original thought.
Is OP deleting his facebook out of fear of pol?
Actually, white people who use nigger slang or listen to nigger music or just have a nigger accent should be shot at the base of the neck and buried in a ditch.
Why would I?
Straight white people *shouldn't* say things like that.
Its degenerate niggerdom
Well, you shouldn't talk like a dindu anyway.
Why argue with them?
Repel them with your agreement
>Thank you for keeping whites language pure from nigger filth etc etc
Is it Roe? Come on man, throw your leftist friends out of the Sup Forums helicopter, leave your name blocked.
Ha they aren't my friends. They're people on a fan page for a podcast I like. The entire fan base happens to be leftist SJW faggots
>that tripcode
hello grant roe
>try it
>I laughed and I left
The correct response.
here it is folks
Good job sherlock
Sorry Grant. Still unblur these cunts
How is yaaas niggerspeak?
I always thought it was retarded chick speak. I have only ever heard white chicks say it.
He should do both. Make his sane rational argument, then using another account make the repellent agreement. Great one-two combination to knock sense into these brainwashed fools.
see I always thought it was super gay queen speak, only ever heard faggots say it
Forgot this one. The original post and my original comment.
The reply to me was "Booooo"
>Battery at 88%
>as a queer lady
ugh gas her
>reason with sjw
No one should say fleek. It's fucking stupid.
Sometimes you can hide the red pill inside of a blue pill
Think cult deprogramming it is easier to take down a person than an ideology.
Find out on whoms authority they got the ideology and dismantle this person firt.
Anyone who uses these two "words" should be gassed.
Don't forget
Also notice how literally 100% of the respondents were whites. And 90% of them were females
This fucking infuriates me how they want to be included in everything, yet bitch and moan when normals want to use their slang or wear their hairstyles. It's essentially "i can take all your toys, but you can't take mine because you oppressed me 500 years ago". Fucking cultural marxism. They literally attribute stupid twitter slang to a goddamn cultural identity that NO ONE should be able to corrupt, because then you're oppressing us even more!!!
Fucking bastards. What a sad state of affairs the world has come to.
>straight white people shouldn't say fleek or Yaaas because it appropriates black culture
Why the fuck would you spit out that guttural trash in the first place, wigger shit?
German efficiency. I dig it. Any thoughts on how to carry that out? Even though its all the same critical theory shit, most of these "people" have never Heard of Trotsky, and pribably never read Marx. The people who told them these things are everywhere in academia.
Slay is a great word. Slay a damn communist dragon. Slay is an ooooold word.
whitebois just can't compete with BBC.
I like this
Fucking this. White women will be responsible for the fall of Western Civilization. Mark my words.
Well being as a white afrikaaner girl invented yaaas then no it has nothing to do with black culture
My little sister does the fucking dab thing every five minutes, I can't tell her to cut it out because she's a 13 year old shithead and she'll just do it more to piss me off.
Sometimes I hope she gets hit by a truck, it'd probably be for the best.
Not that im going to put the word in my vernacular, but source?
Going to need pictures of your sister
>Mark my words.
Don't need to, we can mark the words of every ancient white civilization.
Why would a white person want to mimic a nigger in any way, anyway?
Fuck off
They didn't get that shit reading Trotsky, they picked it up out of the social ether. Probably not from one single person, but from a malaise of social media posts, mass media, and academia.
You will NEVER have an honest fairminded discussion about controversial race issues on Faceberg.
The ONLY thing to do is to humiliate or overwhelmingly confuse the other.
My tactic of out-lefting the lefties is very very fun, and it works too. If you don't end up outright getting your opponent to argue basically for ethnonationalism, you will make them feel very silly and they will have lots to dwell on later since it was such a confusing affair filled with strange and threatening perspectives, and you will have used all the correct SocJus language and memes to make your point (since Social Justice is just anti-white ethnonationalism with a cultural marxist flavor)
>telling her to stop instead of making fun of her
It's like you're asking to be annoyed.
Have you tried hitting her?
Exactly. Take it to its logical conclusion. We should stop listening to any music that has any black roots. We should stop eating any spicy food. We should stop wearing any ethnic clothes. We should stop practicing yoga.
If multiculturalism isn't supposed to enrich us, what exactly was the point of letting in millions of rapey fucking shitskins in the first place?
A one anri du toit has been using it in audio recordings since around 2008 and probably earlier
I make fun of her plenty, I'm not a complete failure as an older brother
just rape her you fag
Nice trips. And some straight truth. You really forced me to ruminate. I havent been on facebook in some time, i might make a troll account and do just this.
>smoking while pregnant
>barn in the background
>dressed like white trash
that woman is almost definitely a republican
Those people are in 9/10 cases politically illiterate.
They never saw the whole spectrum, they never studied history, the just got spoonfed this bullshit because it is mainstream, especially at universities.
Thats why they can only repeat buzzwords and shout at you if you dive deeper into the theory because they dont know shit about it.
They are like the skeletons of a necromancer.
I reckoned you meant die antword. She dresses like shit 9/10 would gas
I got drunk and did that a few days ago. Some cuck told me blacks can't be racist after some sheboon commented, "forget his pale ass." It's really not worth it.
>arguing with sjws
do you also debate children and mentally retarded people? don't debate them, encourage them. their own extremism drives people away.
I have a fake Facebook I use to encourage niggers and liberals to bully people in this group on fb. then I use my real account to defend the person against the radicals and show them the right looks out for people. Pretty fun to do while I'm shitting.
No no no, you don't do that. You make your white opponent castigate themselves more. You make them apologize. You make them feel guilty. You watch them twist and bawl and struggle to accommodate their socially-acceptable leftism to your socially-catastrophic Leftism+ (where the + is consistency and intensity).
When I do this I make sure to describe my opponent as "white" as often as possible. I make sure to EMPHASIZE their privilege.
They are only aware of their race because it is cool to hate it casually. You need to up that. You need to make them feel -really- fucking awful, to the point that they don't want to feel awful anymore, and the only solution to not feeling awful is to either
>kill yourself and give everything you have to those you have oppressed
>actually stand up for white people as a racial group.
To my mind, both are positive outcomes.
this is good.
Taking a point of even more absurdity yet seemingly logical given the extrapolation of SJW ideology to a stage of insanity further than your debating opponent.
It has the potential to red pill these freaks.
If we end up losing the culture war we can just bring it all crashing down by forcing leftism into it's most absurd and extreme form.
She dresses awesome and she as far as i can tell was the first person to use yaaas in any kind of public way and this eas on a cd not a die antwoord cd
Hell the matrix had a pretty good analogy of never freeing a mind past a certain age. And another with Cyphers inability to go back to the matrix. Once you know, you cant un know. These "people" would have a high rate of meltdown if we opened their eyes now.
G..Grant is being ironic here..right?
Lookit, she even dressed like white trash in Chappie. And played it. Is that how you want white people to dress and conduct themselves?
Maybe niggers shouldn't speak english then.
thank god most people are laughing at idiots like this
they're right, stop talking like a nigger you nigger faggot
that's not a nigger term, that's been around for a long time with sailors and stuff
She doesnt even want people to dress like that she hates when someone copies her she wants people to dress how they feel comfortable and the fact you base your oponion off of chappe shows you dont know what you are talking about
Btw as a fan of die antwoord chappie and its fans are cancer
Idk, I think that there are people, maybe its even genetic, that just want to be left alone and unbothered with uncomfy topics.
So they will fall in line in a communist dictatorship as they will fall in line in a fascist one.
If we took out the necromancers those would be ours skeletons.
I know, the notion of every individual being enlightened and intellignet is nice, but its nothing more than a nice thought.
I know people that even visit universite and they are beyond stupid, they are like animals.
That's what happens when you try to defend the Jews. Keep your argument 100% truth or fuck off.
Interesting. Yes, I could see this working.
My line about shitskins of course was for internal consumption, unless I blow my top.
What's with all this exclusivity? White people took rock from blues, black folks back then weren't fighting for blues.. Jimi hendrix took notes from British rock and no one gave a fuck. Keeping culture exclusive from each other is detrimental to advancement of civilization. These guys are fucked from mental advancement and in 40 years they'll wonder why they got left behind and probably just blame someone else.
So liberals want.. segregation?
All of you sound like typical ,blathering Facebook faggots to me. Fucking millenials who care deeply about goddamned nonsense you learn in college. You, and your idiot "friends" should be gassed.
>straight white people shouldn't say fleek or Yaaas because it's fucking retarded
What does that even mean?
It has been co-opted by niggers and millennials. "All these flavors, etc etc"
>white people shouldn't say fleek or Yaaas
Those SJWs were right about one thing then.