Convice an ex-Bernie supporter who hates Crooked Hillary to vote for Trump

Convice an ex-Bernie supporter who hates Crooked Hillary to vote for Trump.

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He's not Hillary, and he's not "What is Allepo" Johnson

Wouldn't it feel good to be part of the dominant group for a change?

>Crooked Hillary

The GOP primaries are over, Drumpf...

Hes probably not going to start WW3

Like Clinton will
If 150mln people die your vote is probably worth
about one saved life

So i would say its your moral duty to vote Trump

Trump it's the only one funding his campaign. No corporations just like bernie

Trump is a very average candidate pretending to be a maverick businessman. Hillary has committed felonies. I'm not sure an argument really needs to be made.

The primaries are over El Rato.

Don't, vote for JILL STEIN

He likes America and wants to see it do well.

I would say don't because he a kike slave but you already supported Bernie so have at it i guess...

Bernard lost by being a cuck...maybe you could use some logic for once in your life, and un-cuck your shit up.

Also less of a chance you get roped for being a numale if you can prove you voted for God emperor. No guarantees though.

If Hillary fucks up, the media will cover for her.
If Trump fucks up, everyone will know every detail.
You want accountability? Vote Trump.

We don't have to convince you of anything. Go fuck yourself. You bernie cunts were never and will never vote Trump.

>Trump is a very average candidate pretending to be a maverick businessman.

I kinda of agree. He's basically GWB, but more in your face about it. He's also a hardcore racist.


who does Trump want to put on the supreme court?

has he named any names?


No but he said he wants Scalia 2.0

Dear Berncucks.

If you do not put your principles first and vote Greens, then you DESERVE all the shit the democrat are doing to you.

Ultimately tackling the globalist elites will undermine the corrupt and destructive system international finance as well as move power closer to local communities.

If you're stupid enough to fall for the "Clinton is corrupt" propaganda from the alt right you should stay home instead of making a completely uneducated vote.

>hurrrr durrrrr Hillary is no longer corrupt and criminal because an arbitrary date has now passed

fuck off ignorant leaf.

look OP, assuming you're not a troll, it's very simple:

trump is not beholden to special interests (read: goldman sachs). that's why the establishment has tried (and is still trying) everything in their power to defeat him, namely calling him "racist," misogynist," etc etc etc.

the dude has been in the public spotlight for over 30 years and has never, until now, been vilified the way he was once he started running against hillary (the establishment).

hillary = establishment
trump = anti-establishmnt (for better or worse)
Listen to this. This song is 100 years old. It's addresses a young decadent woman who is "crucified in the wet boulevards of Moscow by cocain". She has nothing to live for, she's cold, alone and is actually about to die some time soon. And if you know history, the Empire is about to fall in a year.
If you don't want to be a strung out junkie watching your home collapse, vote Trump this November. And may God help you.

actually not a racist. see:
and see:
(should be required viewing before anyone calls trump a racist [tl;dw he's not racist])

nice try, though.

This is the most desperate post I've ever seen on Sup Forums

Not true, I have a few friends who switched to trump because they're voting with an anti-establishment preference. They see hillary as someone who will simply be self serving and say whatever to get elected then do only what benefits her directly. While they may not like trump entirely, they like that there is an emphasis on serving the people rather than keeping the status quo.

No Bernie voter will vote Trump these fucking faggots will go 90% to Hillary and the rest to Johnson. The independents are who you want to sway.

actually, the only people who think she's not corrupt are those falling for the msm propaganda.

i don't listen to any propaganda, left nor right, and i (and most people like me) come to the conclusion independently, using our judgment and analytic reasoning

Vote for Trump, you fucking beta man baby. Grow a pair of balls.

What are your biggest hesitations about finally joining us in voting for Trump, user? I'm sure everyone can give a million reasons, but what are your big hang ups.

Bullshit even if true they won't vote when the time comes. They are liberal nu-males that would never vote trump.

gotta say, that doesn't exactly make me hot to vote for Trump there

probably gonna do the Jill Stein thing


fortunately for trump, independents are polling roughly 70/30 in favor of trump

Shut up potatonigger, you apparently have no clue about the American political climate.

not trolling, but what are the downsides of a scalia-like justice? abortion rights?

you're funny

think I'll go ahead and vote anyway. thanks for your input

Don't vote for trump you fucking retard, that's literally the worst thing you can do as a bernie supporter.

Hillary is shilling for more war in Syria and antagonizing Russia, as opposed to Trump who doesnt want either.

Hillary is a neocon

Bernie had similar views to Trumps on immigration and how it effects the regular American/how its all a scam for the elites

Gary Johnson is also a stupid hillary shill and Jill Stein has no chance in hell of winning. Trump is the best choice

She a socialist, but an evil corrupt socialist. Vote our conscience if you have one.

I am on Holiday here. They won't vote for Trump end of story. These are the cocksuckers who blocked traffic, they are sjws our enemy. The call trump racist .Yeah a few might come to trump but its Hillary first, Johnson second and Stein 3rd

You can't have your way, why not at least fuck the current oppressive system by voting in a populist candidate outside of political circles? Also Hillary has been responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths during her time as secretary of state solely for the sake of Israel.

>vote for someone who has no chance of winning
Might as well not vote.

not an argument.

seriously, though, voting clinton would actually be the WORST thing you could do

OP here, you've convinced me. I'll try to convince all my shill friends as well.

"Holiday" is the new code word for CtR proxy

That's absolutely fucking stupid. If you get on a train to LA, would you rather wind up in Beijing or Albuquerque?

"free" stuff programs are a failure, never vote democrat


>this is what trumpets consider an argument

Glad that her daughter has a literal whore of a mother to look up to.
You go girl!

against abortion rights

pro-capital punishment and pro-torture

but most significantly, scalia's part in enabling corporatism with citizens united and att vs concepcion

I am sick to fucking death of corporatism and would overlook all kinds of awful shit in a politician if I thought they'd effectively oppose corporatism

why I entertained the idea of voting for Trump at all

also check these out for your normie friends:

Same reason as I am; a vote against Hillary and a vote against the oligarchy, even if Republicans are part of it, Trump would still hurt them.

Why do you think big banks have already again donated 47 million to her campaign?

except clinton is, IN NO WAY, closer to bernie than trump.

what you're failing to take into account is that she doesn't mean any of what she says. she would change course just like obama. she is corrupt and bought/paid for by her donors. trump, while perhaps saying things people might disagree with, at least says what he means and actually will follow through.

I don't understand how any liberal can support illegal immigration. It's modern day chattel slavery.

I always knew the magic science negro was a meme, but I didn't know he was this cucked. Disappointing.

>q984 was not an instruction manual dude man

I'm so sick of people throwing this slogan around like it's some edgy fresh perspective.

People have been parroting this shit for like 20 years.

i agree with you 100%, however conservative =/= corporatism necessarily.

with hillary, we'd be much more likely to get a corporatist shill justice with blue paint.

trump is not playing the globalist/corporatist game

pro-american labor, your unions aren't worth a shit when manufacturing is shipped off to chinkland

Two words.

nobody cares about you faggot
if you want to continue to be a libshit niggerlover on welfare then vote clinton

>nobody cares about you faggot

yes we do you stupid LARPer. We need votes

Let Hillary win so the financial elite can rape you.

It's what Bernie would have wanted.

>cucking yourself for votes
>cucking yourself to a communist
>cucking yourself to a libshit
chances are he isn't even from a swing state
changes are, you are a faggot as well

The only thing the president can control is the supreme court and foreign affairs, both of which would be terrible for trump to be in charge of.

The best case for Trump to a Bernie supporter is simply that he's anti-elite.
>Trump won't gut social security or medicare.
>Trump's trade and immigration stances are bad for elites (capital owners) and good for American workers (laborers).

Also, the labor left has been defanged by social justice. Leftism now is about identity politics and minority pandering, instead of workers. This is true in Canada and Europe too. Trump's politics are a giant "fuck you" to the political correctness that allowed identity politics to fester. Instead of a Democratic party that takes unions for granted, and a Republican party that's openly hostile to unions, Trump has repositioned the Republican party into a worker's party.

>cucking yourself for votes

What are you talking about you fucking idiot? You want people to vote for your candidate, so you appeal to them by telling them how hes the best choice. the freedom of expression allows us to discuss in open debate about the candidates, and then choose whos the best one. So its important to talk about it to convince others.

go back to Sup Forums

Trump forced the Republicans to accept LGBT members. Read Peter Thiels article in Wash Post from earlier this week.

Also, trump is a kino master

bernout cucks are the ones who have experienced voter fraud first-hand, and who have had their candidate bought and felt betrayed by him by a war criminal, murderer and traitor
if they still need convincing, they are a lost cause
the bernouts aren't going to vote anyway

Strategically, voting for Trump is your only smart move. If you truly care about the principles you claim to care about, and want to see the Democrat party assimilate them, then you can't reward their current trajectory. If you want the Dems to be the "progressive" party, you have to oust the corporatists. And you're not going to do that by rewarding them with yet another election victory. That will only embolden them and send them the message that their overarching strategy of milking you for votes is effective. They will have no reason to bend to your will in the future, because why would they? Their strategy works. You're right, they're wrong, and they'll just keep doing it again and again, because you will always vote for them when they toss out a few buzzwords and scare tactics.

If you really mean business, you have to introduce them to defeat, and show them that their current strategy is a loser, so they are forced to adopt a new one.

Hillary and Bernie have a 90%+ similar voting record. Almost all of Trump's policies are opposite Bernie's.

There is no evidence Clinton is "crooked" or "corrupt." Her distrust steams from her Husband's sex scandal. While you can make an argument that having her husband run a global charity focused on getting more foreign companies to help invest in humanitarian efforts may have presented a conflict of interest, and you can certainly suggest her email server was not transparent, there is still zero evidence she sold favors or took bribes in any way what so ever. That is just the facts.

It makes no sense for someone who support's Bernie's policies to support Trump over Clinton. It make absolutely no sense. If you supported Bernie just because hes different or to be random and spontaneous, I could see you supporting Trump, but that is a terrible reason to support a candidate. If you don't decide logically or aren't choosing what you think is best for the country, stay home.

>the democratic party isn't perfect so the most logical thing is to vote for a statist

Fellow Berner here. Trump is just as bad as shillary. Your a dumbass if you think Trump will make the Democrats any better if elected. They've always went center right whenever rightists get in power.

This is completely retarded. Trump's supreme court nominees alone would set back Bernie's policies a decade, if not more.

Bernie has already moved Clinton and the democrats towards his positions. Clinton and a democratic congress would maximize Bernie's influence and ability to push his bills though. A republican congress shuts that right down, and a republican president flat out closes the door on anything remotely close to universal healthcare or Bernie's education policies.

A Trump presidency would literally cripple democrats in congress and destroy any chance of Bernie's policies becoming a reality in the near future.

I do appreciate his anti-TPP stance. I believe he's sincere about it

can't say the same for clinton

Thanks for your time. I'm probably not gonna vote for trump, but I'm *definitely* not voting for clinton

Is TPP all you care about, are you a single issue voter? Even if Clinton shares the same position? Think about that for a second. You are refusing to vote for a candidate who holds pretty much identical views on most issues, and is closer to Sanders than Trump is on pretty much every single issue. You will not vote for her just because you think her stance on one single issue has a possibility of being slightly disingenuous? Even though there is no evidence to support it, just a gut feeling? Does that sound logical?

He hates the TPP and didn't help write it like Crooked Hillary


Because the TPP literally impacts every single issue, you retarded CTR shill

Huh? How so? Not that it matters as Clinton is against TPP anyway.

>would be terrible

not an argument. trump would be fantastic for those things, and he would represent the will of the people. clinton would abandon everything she's ever said to get elected, and would continue the globalist march, cucking the people in favor of banks and her huge corporate donors. this is fact.

clinton hasn't moved anywhere. if you mean the platform, she will abandon it without a second thought. don't be fooled. bernie hasn't moved her at all. she is 100% bought-and-paid-for establishment shill. nothing more nothing less.

a vote for clinton is a vote for big business, big banks, globalism etc. NOTHING even remotely similar to bernie. she is corruption and corporatism personified.

don't listen to this shill faggot here:
>a candidate who holds pretty much identical views on most issues, and is closer to Sanders than Trump

don't be fooled, this is 100% false. clinton is NOT closer to sander in any way. yes, she might CLAIM to be in her speeches, but it means absolutely nothing. she will abandon everything and sell out the american people the moment she steals the office. she will do whatever her corporate masters tell her. simple as that.

she threatened bernie and stole the nomination.

big lie right there.

clinton is IN FAVOR OF TPP.

anyone who believes her when she lies through her dentures now is gullible or willingly ignorant. she will say whatever it takes to get elected (like lying about being against the tpp), but once she's elected, she will, 100% guaranteed, be in favor of the tpp or another incarnation of it (tisa etc).

she is a corporate shill through and through. trump is not. (but he does say mean things so i guess that's way worse, right?)

You want to tell your grandchildren that you didn't vote for Trump, the only one who could have prevented WW3?

How is it not an argument? Trump's supreme court picks would shut any of Bernie's policies down in a heartbeat, they are political, establishment conservatives.

>and he would represent the will of the people
He has flipped flopped on every position and in the end will just be a rubber stamp for establishment conservatives in the congress.

>clinton would continue the globalist march
Trump would sign every bill globalist, establishment republicans put on his desk. He will follow every strategy his neocon, establishment advisors and cabinet give him, his supreme court picks is stacked with traditional conservative, establishment, globalists.

>her huge corporate donors
Trump has donors, super PACs, and billionaire jews like sheldon adelson, many, many times richer than himself, supporting him as well.

How is it someone "stole" the nomination by getting more votes?

She was in favor of the original idea and for pursing a trade agreement that would meet a certain "gold standard" criteria including creating American jobs and respecting American sovereignty. The actual result, the final TPP did not meet her criteria so she doesn't support it. Where is the evidence that she will suddenly support it when she becomes president? There is none.

Your logic doesn't even make sense anyway. If Clinton would do anything to get elected, she certainly would not pass TPP in her first term.

trump has far, far less corporate donors. far less billionaires supporting him. nuance matters here. you can't just say "oh trump has at least one billionaire donor therefore he and clinton are exactly the same." it doesn't work like that. trump is far less likely to turn globalist shill because he is not, in any way, beholden to special interests. furthermore, he has been telling to establishment to fuck off since day 1, and continues to do so to this day

>How is it someone "stole" the nomination by getting more votes?
babby doesn't even know anything about the dnc leaks. let me guess, this is your first time on the internet? you spend all your time watching cnn and msnbc, ya?

>Where is the evidence that she will suddenly support it when she becomes president?
her donors ya dingus. obviously there's not "evidence" for something in the future, that is impossible. but there is a very, very high likelihood (near 100%) that she will do what her corporate donors want (because that's what she's always done in the past), and they want the tpp. simple as that.

>If Clinton would do anything to get elected, she certainly would not pass TPP in her first term.
she absolutely would. during his 1st term, obama broke every promise he made during the campaign, and people still sheepishly voted for him again. she took notes. she knows the american public will just blindly vote according to color (blue) and she is trying to take advantage of that

>Trump would sign every bill globalist, establishment republicans put on his desk.

shill strategy: say things that are obviously, patently true about hillary and just say they apply to trump with absolutely no logic at all. just completely make shit up. way to go.

Clinton was still FOR the TPP until her advisors told her a lot of Bernie supporters follow him because his anti-TPP stance--which he shares with Trump, of all people.

So Hillary is now """against""" the TPP, which will last as long as it takes for her to get sworn into office and then get back to the business of shilling the TPP for her corporate masters, just like what Obama has been doing this week in Asia.

Why would I waste my time trying to convince a beta faggot anything?

Meh he's harmless, I bet he got a chuckle from that reply himself. People take his twitter shit way too seriously, NDT is just a nerdy old man who likes making dumb old man jokes, he hits both the right and the left sometimes, and everyone gets so rustled over it.

Nah OP you are CTR.

I was pro-Bernie too, if you don't know already, then you are a dumbass or shill.

Instead of wasting time talking to you, i'm gonna make a Trump meme with frogs.

Can't wait for the next leak CTR, my meme skills are getting an upgrade daily.

she lobbied for it FOURTY-SIX TIMES in congress. she also calleed it "the gold standard" as a video of her in 2012 revealed.

Are you joking? Its the sole reason he got Ryan, Priebus, and the rest of the RNC to even back him at all.

How does the number matter? If you are arguing that having rich people think you'd be the better president makes you their puppet, then both candidates are puppets. Its a pointless argument.

Clinton was never for the actual, final TPP bill. Not at any point in time. see bottom of It makes zero sense at all that she would ever support it in her presidency. You just have to think logically for 5 seconds to realize this. TPP is dead no matter who get elected.

He's against TPP like bernie, also he will lead you where bernie never could


As a Hillary supporter I can just say fuck off berniefag, we don't need your vote. It's bernie's fault for moving the democrats so far left and helping Trump win independents.

Give me proof. That sounds like utter horse shite.

>There is no evidence Clinton is "crooked" or "corrupt."
Hopefully this helps
and this one