How do Trumpfags explain this?

How do Trumpfags explain this?

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To remain open, colleges must receive grants. To receive grants, colleges promote liberalism. As a result, more education tends to mean more liberalism, in the modern world.

College students are more likely to be left-wing because of all the left-wing indoctrination in colleges

Trump voters tend to be more religious and less educated than the overall US population. Do we really want a theocrat like Drumpf taking over our nation when he doesn't even believe in evolution or climate change?


any girl wannt shagbang w/ hot indian press 123

Poor people have less to lose when taking risks.

So are you claiming that the 34% of Postgraduates who support Trump are dumb?

>a FUCKING leaf
Obama Canadian, you do this every day.


lol who cares. So what does that mean for the 34 percent of post graduates that do favor Trump? and what about the 40 percent of non college educated people voting for hillary?

The uneducated, particularly rural whites, are actually "proud" to be uneducated. But its not really pride is really just a massive, repressed inferiority complex. They support Trump because they think it angers people who are smarter and more successful than them. Its a juvenile way to rebel against the "elite" establishment of educated people innovating, creating businesses, and other things they could never imagine themselves being able to do.

Most of them are low skilled, degenerate, and poor. Or 18-20 something basement dwellers who have achieved nothing. Blaming their failures on abstract concepts like globalism, multiculturalism, or fantasizing about massive, global secret organizations conspiring against them is way to cope with their feelings of complete inadequacy and helplessness.

>Pay thousands of dollars for a useless degree at an indoctrination camp
Top fucking kek.

like this girl?


Divide that up by field, you will se an interesting pattern

All "level of education" means is how much Marxist brainwashing you've received at the cultural Marxist indoctrination camps aka "universities"

I always liked dirty jobs.
Pretty based.

>Proud to be uneducated

You are actually thinking about black people.

Education =/= intelligence

nice source on that data fampai

And what about the 40 percent of uneducated that favor Hillary? And the 34 percent of post graduates that prefer Trump?

Highly educated indoctrinated idiots
Government schooling is brainwashing

That's racist, man. Don't think about that.

>Hahaha the people who don't agree with me are idiots
Nice one. Not like that meme has ever been used before

>falling for the educated meme

>liberal arts degrees

>thinking education and intelligence are the same
proof that the highly educated are retarded

Wisdom > Intelligence

>why are people who have received 4-6 years of government funded indoctrination more likely to support status quo politicians?

Really makes you think.

t. White male with a masters

You need to calm down a bit. You're going into some The Guardian levels of pretentiousness.

>i dont know what liberal arts means but it has liberal in it and Sup Forums tells me that liberals are bad and stupid so it must mean that liberal arts degrees are bad and stupid too haha stupid liberals

Almost all of the educated people in Medieval Europe were Christians. Is that proof that Christianity is correct? No, it's simply a consequence of education being the purview of the Church.

" suggested explanation for this association between intelligence and personality is that an increasing relative level of IQ brings with it a tendency differentially to over-use general intelligence in problem-solving, and to over-ride those instinctive and spontaneous forms of evolved behaviour which could be termed common sense."

I am confident in my reasoning ability and the choice I've made to support Trump. The other people who chose to side with me don't make any difference. Consensus is not a measure of correctness.

For the record, I'm also working on a postgrad degree in a science field, and I can tell you that the people I know here are just as retarded as the average dropout when it comes to making political decisions rationally. Ability to learn doesn't necessarily equal ability to think.


>For the record
get out shill

> Jews are more than twice as likely as white gentiles to be college-educated
>Jews are more likely to be left leaning at every level of education
Hmmm... really makes me cogitate.

What's to explain? Trump's an idiot.

Let me go get my Gender Studies degree so I can be smart.

>niggers overwhelmingly vote democrat
how do canadians explain this?

OP just got blown the fuck out

>Highly educated goes to Clinton
>$35k+ goes to Trump

So retards with useless degrees who can't get a job go for Clinton, this is a surprise?

Remember these words

Education does not equate to sanity

Only idiots study postgraduate degrees

The people who benefit from a system are less likely to vote against it.

I have a engineering degree and I'm getting a MBA and I'll still vote Trump over Clinton any day of the week. Also, most of the ppl getting post-grad degrees have unless majors that can't find jobs (like Political Science and shit). Most stay in school rroever and never work in the real world.

Education system is marxists

Dubs can't be wrong. Guess there's nothing left for me to do but get the fuck out of here before I unexpectedly commit suicide for getting caught.

>Gender studies
>Liberal arts


this is embarrassing. I'd love to see the degree breakdown but I know they'll never reveal it

Just at CSU LA lol. Segregation for blacks all over again.

>>>How do Trumpfags explain this?

Everyone I know who is/is getting a postgrad degree is voting Trump. STEM people really, really don't like higher taxes.

I go to a surprisingly red-pilled college. But it's in Texas so maybe not that surprising.

I want loopoo

>that source

>massive student loan debt
Pick one

yeah you better leave

if you don't then, well, you don't want to know

Ever since junior-high I knew that public schooling was indoctrination and so were most private schools. After I graduated I instead went to pursue my education from retired professors and through apprenticeships.

I'm not qualified for a job but I wasn't born to work a job anyway. I make most my money off freelancing animation, artwork, sometimes I ghostwrite shit. I have a very nice sum of cash and could probably support a decent sized family and lifestyle off what I make right now.

I'm probably more intelligent and happier than the majority of people who have pursued college and a career afterward. You don't need it, but you do need a proper knowledge of the world and understanding of how things work; just because you should not pursue an education does not mean you should stop pursuing knowledge.

I have a doctorate in latvian poetry and I'm with her!

>postgraduate degree in women's studies


What is the criteria for being educated?
Does my Ph.D. In feminist literature mean I am educated?

There's plenty of people with "higher education" working at Walmart and Starbucks too.


>dumb leftist idiots take out more in loans
>finish more years of college with substantially more debt

How else do you explain Bernie "You shouldn't have to pay off loans" Sanders?

People with college loans want hillary, big surprise


Pick one

So are ya Chinese or Japanese?



Liberalism is born out of low self esteem so the best way to get them to do what you want is to call it "intellectual". So many borderline retards I know really belive they are intellectuals for sharing "I love science" shit on kikebook.

Working class = the only class that matter

I thought liberals go on about how they're for the working man? Why are they shitting on the less educated?

Cleanse well, Cadder.

Hello, leaffag who posted the same thread yesterday.
The explanation today is the same as it was yesterday.
Intelligent people -- you know, those who actually work for a living -- will vote Trump.
Indoctrinated idiots will vote for Hillary.

Next question?

Most scientists (hard sciences, before you ask) are democrat leaning.

They're like children, they don't know whats best for them.

Look at Africa and the middle east. No education. They actually hate education, they form militarized religious sects to prevent the spread of education.

Liberal policies are best for society as a whole. But some people are just smarter than others, that's the way it is. Somebody has to do the dirty work, those who are not capable of higher skilled jobs. Sometimes they can get resentful and jealous of smarter, higher skilled people which can lead to destructive behavior which should be repressed for everyone's benefit.

Some of the dumbest people I've ever met, I've met at university. Degrees are not a sign of intellect. If they were smart they would realize how much of a hobbling disaster Clinton is

Are people who throw their money away on worthless degrees really smarter than those who dont?

Categorically untrue

The majority of medical doctors are pro-life anti-abortion btw

whoa its like american universities have been filled with marxist ideology for the past 40 years or something

>caring about what scientists think about politics
you're adorable

>1 post by this ID

Also clearly hillary upholds the interests of the bourgeois while trump fights for the under represented, underpaid and underfed masses. The 99%, those who cannot afford a college education and lack the means in this current classist society to gain the social mobility to better themselves as they are crushed under the glass ceiling of corporatism.

You're wrong. In my field (geology) you would be retarded to not pursue a master's degree. Chevron isnt just snatching up BS holders.

Postgraduate degrees in women's studies are considered postgraduate degrees. Study invalidated.

>tfw two postgrad degrees and literally drop redpills everywhere I go
Feels good being elite.

What's the sample size? How did they select participants? Did they use a certain area or state? Because considering trump polls like 15% with spics and nigs, I find it very hard to believe. Do these "degrees" include trade school?

Why are so many Clinton supporters poor? Are they too unintelligent to life themselves our of poverty? Why do Trump supporters have a higher average income than Hillary supporters? Does this prove Hillary supporters are unintelligent?

>Why do poor people support the party that gives them handouts for not working?

younger people and minorities.

35-75k is mostly poor older people. If you make under $35k as an 30+ white male, republican's prime demographic, you are clinically retarded and probably don't vote.

>$75k is the majority of established older adults.


Nice try, Canada


Explain what? America is full of liberal art degrees. Just because you have a Bachelor in lesbian dance arts doesn't mean you're educated.

So because some cunt has a feminist breathing degree makes her more correct than someone seeing the kikery behind the modern college system?

Brainwashing by the cathedral.

Cleanse well, Cadder.


How do hillary supporters explain most blacks voting for their shit candidate?