Hollywood movie about Armenian genocide , Cenk Uygur must be pissed
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what the fuck are (((Armenians)))?
sounds cool. are there any good movies about the ottoman empire?
>christian bale
A must watch. Turkroachses gonna be btfo by the dubs man
Also dubs
Bale's involved? Fuck, I gotta see this
Oh...boner so hard as a Greek.
I saw one about the siege of Vienna some time ago. Pretty interesting but I wouldn't call it historically accurate. Google for siege of Vienna movie and you'll find it.
lel, turks are being thrown under the bus
>what the fuck are (((Armenians)))?
They used to have a kingdom for hundreds of years before the evil Seljuk Turks came in and ruined everything.
Never forget the 6 million of (((Armenians)))
not ((()))
the roach reaction to this will be one for the ages. on par with NK's rage at The Interview, hopefully
Sweedish Cuckhmet defending the roaches , oh /pol why are you always right
>canadian complaining about people rightfully taking clay by conquest
oh the irony
armenians are basically useful cucks
Found the roach.
>First word in movie "Constantinople"
>Tells the story of the armenian genocide
>Right after Turkey had a failed coup de etat
This movie is meme magic
The turkish butthurt is gonna be through the roof
Im starting to believe fellow Sweed posters are role playing as cucks just for keks
trips of truth , butthurt through the roof incoming roach happening , Kek wills it
not an argument
not an argument
not an argument
The Young Turks were controlled by a cabal of Donmeh Jews. They were not a Muslim organization. They were "secularist" in the sense that they served Jewish interests.
Did Hollywood really make a movie about Jews genociding 2,000,000 Christians?
I'll believe it when I see it.
Earlier they posted a video of Dave Koller calling Ana, Cenk and Jimmy out on their shit... but now they've made it private.
fuck off leaf. Turks has allways fought against jewish interests
Good, fuck roaches.
say what you will about the turks but that is an impressive hat
whats the point? are you going to pretend homosexuality is more axcepted in Turkey then in the rest of europe or america?
You ARE the Jewish interests you Khazar dog.
>hollywood movie about genocide
>guitar riffs playing
(((Hollywood))) making a movie that portrays muslims in a negative light? Just what are the hollyjews playing at?
Can't wait to see some roaches and their stupid apologists getting BTFO by this movie regardless. Fuck those idiots.
its time to strike at the muslims right now the conditions are perfect Islamic terrorism rages world wide not just in the west but in east aisa india and Africa once they pull the shroud off the muslims will become target to a massive counter attack
>Implying Jews don't hate Muslims more than anything else
Russia ( Assad ) US deal about Syria reached today , US Russian action against ISIS to start in a week after the deal becomes active , an this movie announced on same day
they probably got the 7 armenians in hollywood as part of the cast.
I looked over the cast and no one in charge of the movie is a jew except like one soundtrack guy.
it's directed by some irish guy apparently.
Largest lobbyist group in the US:
>"rememba muh six gorillion!"
Secind largest lobbyist group in the US:
>Thw Armenian American lobby
>"rememba the Armenian genocide!"
Fuck Armenians. Theyre wannabe Jews that are destroying the US with their bullshit (gamergate, Kardashian garbage, etc.). They need to be gassed after the Jews.
sweden of all countries making a post like this lel o lel
>Kardashian garbage
acting like you wouldnt smash
The only difference is that there is actually proof of the Armenian genocide.
t. muhammed
Prove it.
Max Scheubner-Richter, a German vice consul and commander of a joint German-Turkish special guerrilla force, described plans to destroy the Armenians of the Ottoman Empire.
"The first item on this agenda concerns the liquidation of the Armenians. Ittihad will dangle before the Allies a specter of an alleged revolution prepared by the Armenian Dashnak party. Moreover, local incidents of social unrest and acts of Armenian self defense will deliberately be provoked and inflated and will be used as pretexts to effect the deportations. Once en route, however, the convoys will be attacked and exterminated by Kurdish and Turkish brigands, and in part by gendarmes, who will be instigated for that purpose by Ittihad."
So it's pretty much guaranteed Turkey is going to get kicked out of NATO, right? This is obviously propaganda against a new enemy.
Islamic roach
yea their fucked they pissed off US for trying to court the rusians whole might only want to get rid of isis before going back to business as usual
then theirs the whole EU bribery
Trying to get Nato to help them fight Russia
allowing ISIS room to move unchecked
really is there any reason someone should work with them even the missle base thing might not be a reason because it backs the Russians to far into a conrer