>Is the male attraction towards women a form of slavery? They control us with sex and we act like it is no big deal, why? Why hasn´t men tried to escape this torture yet? Sex is not good enough to make it the focal point of your entire life, there are many other important stuff. Also I am not saying we should stop having sex forever, but instead see it as it is: friction and discharge of fluids with the objective of reproduction. Wouldn´t our lives be much more comfortable without the social pressure towards having sex? People think less of you when they know you don´t have a girlfriend and this is really disturbing.
Is the male attraction towards women a form of slavery? They control us with sex and we act like it is no big deal, why...
˃not greentexting properly
lurk moar
What are you trying to slide CTR? Your Jewish mind tricks do not work on me.
I thought only white people had that issue desu.
WHAT? NO NO!! I am not jewish I swear!
I think its pretty much a global issue. Every man knows the struggle.
The sexbots will replace the feminine jews. Fear not.
>being afraid of women
The only proper way to get their respect is fuck them good / tie them up / etc so do it and thank me later. They only respect alphas who can give them some good rough dicking
men and women have a completely different nature and values.
Men have higher urges to reproduce than women.
Women need to find a suitable mate to raise a child, so shit gets real complicated in their heads.
Basically you can't help that women are like that, make no mistake, they ALL are, they are wired to be that way.
Women are wired to manipulate men because they are phisically weaker than men, that's just how it is. Learn to live by it and stop believing the lies media and women themselves feed you.
Milions of years of evolution won't change our nature, if anything technology has only enhanced our nature.
I lost respect for women when I realized this, I didn't respect men either in the first place so i think the deal goes like this:
>Don't put pussy on a pedestal
>Work hard to be more attractive (exercise, earn money, develop social estatus)
that's it really.
If you work hard to be more attractive to women and not to feel good about yourself, you are putting the pussy on the pedestal.
Glad I'm a faggot
kek lucky you
It sucks to be straight desu.
But I'm not cute and don't have yuge dick so it probably wouldn't work out if I were gay either.
Anyway, I should go back to my containment board.
>They control us with sex
lol you wish kissless virgin
I'm going to buy a sexy nun outfit for my wife right now!
That's gonna take a long while though.
But VR waifus will already be pretty good for me.
Pls hurry up getting us VR waifus and waifubots merchant friend!
>kek lucky you
I don't think is luck because I'm a nationalist and I want to preserve my race..I will but it will be something forced just for the sake of "muh herritage"
The sooner you drop (our ego as men) the better it is for yourself
>letting a woman control you with sex
You deserve any suffering you get
Damn. That's inspiring desu.
It's biology, you weak baiter
This does not come from social pressure.
you can just pay for sex, you know that right? i have to work for around 1.5 hours to have sex. this is a pretty good deal. a full tank of gas is around 1.5 hours of work as well.
what i'm trying to say is that fucking a girl should only take 1.5 hours of your time. they are worth exactly 40 - 50 liters of gasoline.
>People think less of you when they know you don´t have a girlfriend and this is really disturbing.
I never understood this. Seeing as to how everyone who has one looks miserable.
I've never had a girlfriend (by choice) I've only had multiple friends with benefits (just sex) and I'm as happy as can be because I can constantly aim higher and higher without some chick offering me a poisoned apple.
interesting shape
Based faggot doing his part