>white boy
>black man
What do they mean by this choice of words?
White boy
penis size is the only thing that women value and objectify in men. bigged dicks must mean you're a bigger man.
You know what she means you idiot, stop shitposting.
Le tanned swedish
idk what this means but i'm voting hillary now, wtf!
They're still butthurt that niggers used to be called 'boy' before the civil rights era and when white men had to be addressed as 'sir'
>snapchat filter on pictures
That's a red flag bro
that's weird because studies confirm BBC as a myth
>black man
>implying blacks are human
>he believes the bbc meme
I'm surprised you haven't seen enough cock to know better
guess you see only see porn cocks?
This has nothing to do with it retard, if your still in college your a child living off of loans and mommy and daddy wait til you have a career and a mortgage
If black men could swim, we'd call them ex-swimmers too
i have a big dick but im only 5"2'
White males are wealthy and privileged, thus they go through life with little hardship and never mature into men.
The MSM loves dindus and other "oppressed" people.
Requesting that pic of CNN posting a list of race/sex combinations where everybody is "_race_ man or woman." Except "white male."
People don't belong in water.
"Big dick saves..." is better then?
>giving an alarming example in the change of behavior in an effort to gain attention
Love the hypocrisy.
Anyway, what's wrong with mentioning a person's profession? I thought being a gang members was a high prestige career choice for niggers.
when did a black dude save a baby from a burning building?
Because they are both exceptions to the norm.
black man:
*smacks lips*
*robs a liquor store*
ameriniggers... more cancerous than the white ones
White ""boy"" with 8"5 inches reporting in.
I routinely call niggers "boy", then act like I'm unaware of the history behind it. The looks on their faces is priceless. You lot should try it.
America do something about your nigger problem. You're making the ones here act like they know about being oppressed.
>example one highlights a fall from grace
>example two highlights a rise from the dirt
Pretty simple you dumb nigger bitch.
>unaware of the history behind it.
I genuinely am unaware. Enlighten me
>white man supports trump
>ex grand wizard shows support for racist trump
>What do they mean by this choice of words?
It's just the usual self-pitying nonsense that niggers put out daily, OP, pay no attention.
>stories that didn't happen
>"Get back in that field, boy"
>"Yes massa"
Was Turner not known for being a collegiate swimmer? Was this other dude not known for being an ex-gang member? If not, what other identifiers should they be known by? I don't see anything wrong with this.
>mfw almost 7 inches flaccid
I'm pretty sure BBC stands for Black Baby Cock
Objectively untrue. However, I can't base my objection on personal experience, because I'm packing a 7.5" long, thick, veiny monster.
Every time somebody claims what Brock Turner did as being rape I have the same expression as when Sup Forumstards that claim being attracted to a 16 year old is pedophilia. These people are as usual fucking retarded.
Moral of the story: blacks should commit less crime or learn to swim