Name one negative stereotype about Black people that you don't think is true
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>they're good rappers
Rap is fucking gay and white people are better at it.
>who is Earl Sweatshirt
>any rap
Dumb goy idiot, go get jewed by a bank. I don't even care at this point.
>They like watermelon
Watermelon's too healthy for black people
Literally who?
They weren't kings.
>who is Earl Sweatshirt
A shit rapper? Out of all the rappers, you pick Earl Sweatshirt?? Are you a down syndrome?
All of them are right
can't spell Crap without Rap.
They are capable of advancing civilization
AZ may have had the greatest verse on the best hip-hop album of all time.
>I don't like shit
>not a great album
Walk into traffic.
>az posted on Sup Forums
Never thought I'd see that. I haven't even thought about that dude in years, loved his shit when I was in highschool. Such a genuinely positive person, which not even just in rap, but in music in general seems rare as fuck.
I mean it was hiphop so he spent a lot of time just bullshitting about the things rappers do, but he had some great songs about life perspective and things like that, without the bullshit usually associated with self-help stuff. I don't remember what any of them are called but he was a talented fucking guy
>i liked him to when I was 14
That they are sneaky and have no honour.
Most I've met have more honour and show more respect than the average middle class white progressive. They actually give a shit about their rep as it means something in their communities.
>say good things about this race of gorilla people
>be diverse goy
nah fuck that and fuck you
>Natural Athletes
Incorrect. There is a high level of genetic variation in the black community. But for every Michael Jordan there's three Precious'
That they're misunderstood victims
Anything by Earl is absolutely terrible, even Tyler was better than that CLUCKHEAD
Do you have any more slogans from t-shirts in mall kiosks circa 2001?
Not many people actually believe this meme do they? Anyone with a basic understanding of history surely knows the majority of the slaves who built the pyramids were black africans, while the pharaoh family most likely were some sort of arab race.
Their dicks are bigger than mine
t. 75th percentile
I honestly don't believe the stereotype that they are human, does that count?
All niggers are lazy.
Most are though
BBC. I read about this head doctor who was treating nogs for anxiety cos none of them could live up to the bbc myth.
Dindu nuffin
But that's not true
>a fucking leaf
How do I miss it. Every time.
He died for your sins!
They're niggers
Yes, it is.
>He actually likes Earl
I thought you were trolling me
No, Egyptians build the pyramids with Egyptian pharaohs, nigger were minority and Egyptians aren't Arabs you stupid faggot.
>All niggers are lazy.
>Most are though
I don't think you know what a stereotype is.
I don't even know how streotypical I am as a black person. Other than the usual food stuff and a hearty loud laugh. I just love to laugh
Come on, you don't even like biggie?
kida off-topic, but what is it with niggernadians and Jamaica? Why do people like snow and drake come so heavily out there?
Why is everyone having a problem putting a negative with disbelief?
Well, i doubt you're a walking stereotype if you're posting here.
>I just love to laugh
I totally agree. Best feeling in the world.
I listened to some rap when I was in middle school. That was pretty much the extent of it.
Is the person pictured a rapper named AZ?
This... but i still like fucking black women
It's not really a problem I guess people are just so sensitive now of everything in this world.
>Egyptians aren't Arabs you stupid faggot.
>These egyptian people don't look arab at all.
>being this fucking retarded
Honestly why Americans care about rap? Is the most Jewed music of all
>Black fathers are nonexistent
>Then why do they call every old black man pops?
those are arab rape babies you moron
Respect in nigger terms is knowing which nigguh had the most bitches out fucking for money. It's not honour. Most have no concept of honour, hence they are criminals
Kill yourself
just in case
See that's another thing I don't get about how this whole "only white males use Sup Forums" meme is. I get it and like it because it keeps the progressive faggy libs out. But do they really believe other non whites aren't smart enough to actually use the internet other than social media?
The food stereotypes.
How the fuck do you not love chicken, watermelon, grape soda/kool-aid, or collard greens? Everybody loves that shit.
I don't get the spice meme, either, I go through my cabinet like I'm from fucking Arrakis and I'm Pillsbury dough-boy levels of white.
Keepin this effervescent street ghetto essence inside us cause provides us with the proper insight to guide us
>who is Earl Sweatshirt
how awesome is middle school right now?
>any non-rap music
LOL idiot if you listen to any music except rap you are stupid
no music is good except rap.
I honestly cant think of any Negative stereotype that isnt true about Blacks, they are all pretty spot on.
They look North African, only 2 in the front look Arabic.
black people seem too stupid to go to the supermarket to get a watermelon
all their sustenance comes from gas stations and walking up to the drive through at mcdonalds or KFC
They straight
The watermelon stereotype is bogus
>Rap is good in general
Fuck no. Rap needs to get banned
Rap has officially destroyed generations with degenerate shit like this
you are literally retarded
They really do believe this.
That's why they're actually more racist than most 'real racists'.
Most modern 'real racists' don't actually want genocide, just to admit there are differences openly and embrace them.
OFC there are still extreme people, don't get me wrong. This is just a general trend I've noted.
The left wants to take anyway any and all autonomy these people have over their lives, even so far as to say "only white males go to Sup Forums" even though that's patently false. I mean just go look at the amount of cunts posting r8 me in /soc/.
They're democrats that support Clinton.
The 'C' is to be ignored.
Well liking what black people like to eat while you fall in the stereotype has nothing wrong to do with it. I mean it's more like a genetic thing just like white people liking milk.
Any oldfag will tell you Sup Forums is 50% white at best. Also that most Canadian posters are chinks, poos, or white, with a few niggers.
Also, while most white guys in normieland don't scream for a race war, most wouldn't mind it. Dumb nigger.
But crackers who frequent Sup Forums aren't exactly the stereotypical white male as depicted in the mainstream. I assume the same goes for jigaboo posters.
I beg to differ
See I know we different people. Background, color, etc but it seems like they just outright refuse to accept that. Fuck I hope someone exposes them soon" I'm not gonna lie. Ive once intimidated one them to call me a Person of Color again and see what I'll do to you next. Sure enough the whole "how can you say that" or think like that or you don't know what's good for you shit comes out. Like seriously that PoC shit pisses me off. All the years of being on Sup Forums has turned me into a rock and bitter. Hearing or seeing nigger don't get to me but People of Color does.
looks like AZ
One bad rumor Niggers have is that they steal bikes, not that this isnt true, of course its true but they steal everything not only bikes
That they're ugly. I find blacks of both genders incredibly hot. Too bad they all have AIDS.
He put this out a couple years ago. He got even better with age lyrically, and that Brothers Johnson sample makes this a masterpiece. I still play this in the car or at the gym once in a while.
I'm about as much of an ironic nigger as I can be in real life. Easy to get away with racist and sexist jokes considering I'm from Harlem and am lightskinned enough. I stopped giving too much of a fuck wondering what people think of me (enough to dress properly and not criminal), I know I'm a chimp, so I just say shit and do shit that makes me laugh (for business usually im reserved)