No matter who wins can we all agree this has been the best US election ever?
>Hulk Hogan blowing the fuck out of gawker
>Guy climbing Trump Tower
>Wikileaks (best yet to come)
>Putin/Trump bromance.
>Trump winning primarys
>Hillary cough
>meme magic and nazi frogs.
No matter who wins can we all agree this has been the best US election ever?
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i've never gave a shit about america before but yeah this election has been great entertainment
>Crusmissles flying everywhere
I wish all countries had as much passion as the Americans when it comes to elections
You should little bud. We care about you.
>Trump winning primarys
Still the most magical shit I've seen. Those debates... he just turned the whole into his own show. Goddamnit I am praying for him to win.
W-we... we care about you, Aus...
i don't want it to end
hurry up assange
You fuckin' know it, Patrick.
lol fucking cucks
By far the funniest part of it was the Jeb/Trump interactions and just Jeb generally. That shit was legitimately hilarious. I feel a bit bad for the guy but it was impossible not to laugh at him
They must have got a new producer, it's either Michael Bay or that bad robot (((faggit)))
Watching the debates/primaries is some of the best fun I've had in a long time.
no matter who wins we can all agree that I want a qt giantess to step on me with her sweetyfeets
brexit and farrage at trump rally was a highlight also
what became of that secret message the tower climber had?
agreed. The "please clap" thing was definatly the cherry on top.
Also, let's not forget the can't stump the trump videos. Shit makes me laugh so much.
May you live in interesting times.
Too bad the phrase is, itself, a proto-meme that predates Sup Forums.
You forgot
>el Chapo threatening to kill Trump
Meme magic will persist for decades. We may even take it I to space. Think about that for a second. Then Hail KEK!
I am loving this meme magic
its been an interesting year for sure
Last I heard gawker btfo hogan and the whole case faded into obscurity
Current year has been the best year for anything politics related in the last 20 years. I'm having a great time.
american election is my favorite anime now
mine too
I love looking at all the new shit that is coming out when I am sleeping.
This has been the best year of my life desu. From Brexit to Trump to getting a gf- I just don't think anything can top this.
If Trump wins I'll probably die
quit bragging faggot
I never knew the circus could be this entertaining until I watched the first Super Tuesday, now I'm hooked.
Don't forget the Mummers Parade.
2016 is the year PC died.
No. We will win.
Also don't forget
>New South Park starting this month
>Debates starting this month
All the years of our government and media wallowing in complete bullshit.
Trump is the first guy to come along and actually call it out on the national stage.
>Dilma BTFO
If Trump wins 2016 will be GOAT
It's already been the best year and we still have over three months to go.
I don't want it to end, I want a real life shitposting president for at least 4 more years
>carl the cuck
>aids skrillex
I will always remember the year that I accidentally joined an ancient egyptian cult on the internet.
Best election I've been alive for at least.
jeb is still my favorite :^)
Please clap
Praise kek
jealousy detected.
Agreed hopefully we come out on top id rather not have to go through an apocalypse to fix our mistakes
>whatcha got in your pocket there, jeb?
>baby jesus and some tiny turtles
that whole hoodie video
>please clap
>JEB! (his initials)
>the gun
>his mother arguing with him on tv
>campaigning at a drive through
>you can't be a bully donald i don't want to finish the list because now i feel bad for him.
Wallace was better
I am excited for this to be my first election i was originally gonna vote nazi party cause i thought they were the only one's that will do anything about Israel but than my buddy showed me Sup Forums and i have been riding the trump train ever sunce
>>Jeb is a mess!
>When he runs up and hugs that one guy who said he supports him
jeb is a mess
Oh shit! I forgot about the drive through!
Haha what an autist!
Jeb is a mess
I agree. I ran out of popcorn. Watching BLM bitches take over the Bernie rally was a laugh.
>those mushrooms
Someone post the pic
The primaries themselves were beyond amazing.
>Lyin' Ted!
>Little Marco
>Little Marco then calls Trump Big Don
>Trump mentions his penis size at the primary
>Trump skips a primary debate and counter-programs with a dedication to vets
>Trump raises his hand at the very first primary implying that he wouldn't necessarily support the front runner
>Trump calls the audience a bunch of Jeb lobbyists, then proceeds to criticize GW Bush in South Carolina
I can't remember 1/2 the epic moments
I miss Jeb.
You think Trump could add him to his cabinet, as sort of like a joke?
>guy who said he supports him
Worse yet, the guy merely said "You MIGHT swing my vote"
I purchased a guacabowle just before he dropped out. I will cherish it always as I remember those golden times. Jeb changed my life.
It has been pretty epic and hilarious. But at the same time it has also been the worst election ever. It has set the precedent for celebrities to run a campaign purely on their personality.
At first I thought Kanye 2020 was extremely ludicrous and now I think its feasible.
All in all this board has been a lot of fun, so many happenings.
He could name him as the minister for power savings. He knows a thing or two about low energy.
Hulk Hogan should run for president.
>Talking about jeb on an internet mexican pottery board
BLM in general has been pretty entertaining this year nothing like watching a bunch of stupid dindus burn down their own neighborhoods cause a cop shot a felon
>who is ronald reagan
Best? No.
Most entertaining? Fuck yeah.
>Best? No.
>Most entertaining? Fuck yeah.
There's a difference? What was the best election then?
>best US election ever
partially because
>Hulk Hogan
How the fuck is the Hulkster and Gawkers spat relevant in a conversation about the election?
>What was the best election then?
King Nigger preaching hope and change before seizing the reigns from the white man. Not saying it was the right thing for America to allow. Just saying it was epic to see a nigger swindle the country that hard. America got what it deserved from that election, a fucked up country with no future besides straight down the first world toilet and into a third world sewer.
Now that you say it all in a summary, yeah, this has been a good election, this was a fun ride Sup Forums, love you no matter what, we'll always come back here. When the election is over, Trump or Hillary, there's going to be so much shit posting here it'll be a disaster. Stay strong Sup Forums, our journey has just begun.
Don't forget Bernie giving all his campaign money to Hillary. All the cucks asking if they'd get their donations back... Good lord that was delicious.
I almost forgot this happened it was so satisfying.