Deadpool #23 Storytime

Out of the frying pan, into the furnace...















Called it

Doing God work there, OP



Too much foreshadowing for it to be true




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My money's on Bob being the Madcap host.

Okay, caught me off guard

Do they just reuse these li'l deadpools?

Who is this again? I though it was Cable but I may be a bit out of the loop.

Btw Madcap's host is actually Bob

Stryfe, Evil twin Cable brother
Deadpool used to work with

This can only end well.

Stryfe, supervillain clone of Cable

Its stryfe cables clone

Ah, I forgot most of Cable&Deadpool, how did they met and how did they part?

It's on the Cable & X-Force
Still, i thought that Stryfe was killed

Timey wimey stuff

It was never going to stick.

If I remember right, Apocalypse dragged him off to become his new host in an alternate future. I'm guessing the favor would be to save him from that fate, which would explain why neither was present when the Stryfetroopers rebelled and looted the Celestial City.
We're probably going to get Deadpool vs Oldpool.

Ah shit
So main villain of xable Will be strife

To be honest, this is a little too much.
I know that DP is supposed to have it bad...
And I know that it's black humor....
But this is too much. Fuck you Duggan for being an over-the-top idiot. It's really going dangerously into the Way territory.

cont. I mean really.
If I ever meet Duggan in real life, I will kick him in the nuts

That kinda ruins the Deadpool.
He is not supposed to be too noble, as he is self-serving.
Also, it makes the continuity even more convoluted

Bi-monthly feels too fast for this comic, which probably explains why there's so many filler issues.

He's making a deal with the devil.

What part of this is noble?

That he is not doing it for himself, retard, but for others


Another fun fact about that crossover/storyline: Deadpool never thought in the white caption boxes, which means no Madcap. He's probably going to find out who the host is from his older self.

I feel like you've not been paying attention up to this point.

He's been doing this kind of altruistic sacrifice thing for ages, since his first ongoing.

This time it's for his daughter, no less, so it's not even that selfless.

I've feel like you try too hard to sound smart

He wasn't. Your interpretation is dumb, and you probably missed the part when he was a merc for hire, working with Juggernaut and Black Tom. He didn't start to be altruistic until Duggan. He tries way too hard to make him act heroic

>He didn't start to be altruistic until Duggan

Have you only ever read Waypool?

Jesus, asking Stryfe for help may be one of the most stupid things I've seen someone try. Whatever pact him and Deadpool will do is gonna make OMD seems reasonable

Oh, so his continuous internal battle between being his nature of being a shitty person and his desire to be good doesn't count?

The time he accepted the role of the chosen hero to fight an alien, shuma-gorath-lookalike god that would have destroyed humanity?

Or the time he helped Cable save Hope?

Or the time he fed Archangel his own flesh to get him back on his feet?

Or the time he, while powerless, risked his life to save Evan from Sabretooth and Daken, and to convince him that he didn't have to be Apocalypse?

The struggle to be altruistic has always been central to Deadpool, from the moment he left Liefeld's hands.


It seems like you did

The struggle, yes, but Duggan is doing it in a really unconvincing, lame way. It doesn't make me feel it, instead, it feels forced.

Like "look at me, I'm so poor, please pity me" Wade. The examples you mention, made me feel for Wade. This? This is trying too hard

>posting pics without context

>The struggle, yes, but Duggan is doing it in a really unconvincing, lame way.

So what? You said:

>He didn't start to be altruistic until Duggan.

Which is patently not true.

Dinosaurs AND symbiotes invade New York. Deadpool is offered power by a symbiote, but he decides stabs himself in the brain with an anti-symbiote weapon to end the infestation.

Because he didn't. He was still a merc. He did a noble thing, only to do something really douchy second later. Duggan made him an Avenger, "an hero", and is really pushing the "I'm trying to be a hero, because" angle.

I just don't feel it. I'm not convinced. Maybe someone else would pull it, but not Duggan, who throws a dude with a regenerating factor into a furnace to make a "point".

Why don't you storytime it somewhere?

It's the ending to Cable & Deadpool.

Just download it.

Storytime. nao
Since you bothered to post a pic and a context

cont. actually you could storytime more than one issue, btw

That's why it's been a constant struggle, you arse.

He's gone back and forth between following his shitty psychopatic nature or his wish to be better.

It was one of the themes in his first ongoing, but it was THE CENTRAL theme of C&D. Sure, way made him mostly shitty because he's a terrible writer who honestly thought DP saw the world as a Looney Toon cartoon and heard voices; and sure, Duggan pushes it harder because the character is more popular than ever, so he has to be good.

If nothing else, Duggan managed to justify Way's shitty characterization, and gave DP a daughter to motivate him to go further with the hero thing.

You can have your opinion of Duggan's run, that's fine. But altruism is not a new thing for Deadpool.

Not the guy who posted it, but I have it lying around so I might. However, I have to go out in a bit, so if I storytime it, it'll be in a few hours at the very least.

>Nah. I killed them so bad they've stayed dead ever since.

Wade confirmed for not reading Captain Samerica.

Well, that was an LMD so he isn't entirely wrong.


He had minions, though.

And I don't think they were robots.

How much Deadpool have you read?

Why is Preston being such a cunt

Her family just got nerve gassed after she told Deadpool to leave her alone.
