Hello Sup Forumsacks
I went to the most expensive school in the world and am part of the 'super elite'.
I know plenty of families of billionaires and heads of state from all around the world and still keep in touch. (Yes some Rothschilds too).
Someone from another thread suggested I do an AMA a while ago. So here I am. Ask away.
Well since you're knowledgeable, want to give a NEET loser some financial advice?
what do you do for fun?
>super elite
>Non High-res Image
ok shill
You did not do the salute, you poser.
Do you prefer curtains or shades?
Kek. Not this again. There was a Rothschild thread yesterday (which Im 100% sure was LARPing) where I gave a little bit of advice on securities.
What are you doing on a Senegalese birdwatching forum
What is the next major boom industry? The kind of thing that the Bilderberg Group would like to invest in and probably discussed at a recent meeting. (I don't know what their schedule really is but business men have to talk a lot more frequently than once a year to get major projects completed.)
Hello Sup Forumsacks, op is a faggot. I am way more interesting. I own the school this pleb went to, and the soil it sits on. Rothsnigger here, AMA.
Robots / AI / life extension / asteroid mining / graphene
The year international Jewry got it's own country
>he doesn't consume goy baby hearts
I travel. Go out with friends to places. Clubs, theater, restaurants. Go to see friends in different countries. We have trips all over the world. Go to south of France and Monaco a lot. Did a lot of pretty wild shit when I was younger.
Can you tell us 'around' what time, just a rough estimate at least anyways, but possibly when the next false flag sort of 9/11 scale world changing attack is going to happen? or at least where so i know not to be around there?
AI. Medical and pharma will always do well. Obviously military industrial sector. Genetics research. Google has some incredible things planed
>Ask away.
does rich penis taste different from poor penis? I figure rich penis would have more poo poo on it
Where you the guy that said he was a little out of place at the shindig with higher ups? Or was that the Canadian, I can't remember. What is your opinion on the "elites", are they dicks? Do they really control shit behind the scene?
No. But there may be a major international conflict fairly soon, 2-4 years from now. A lot of people in the US are likely to get drafted. Although its not for sure.
>Did a lot of pretty wild shit when I was younger.
did you ever pull a gelded angel?
I like to stab someone and fuck the wound
Ah ok ty then.
Are the majority of upper-class Jews Orthodox or Reform?
That was the Canadian. He asked for some networking advice because he felt out of place.
I mean some are. Some are very interesting and admirable people that have accomplished a lot by their merit. A lot are somewhere in between.
However I'll tell you this- it's true that it can be very easy to ignore the problems of common people in the world when you live above the clouds.
>do they control shit
Well yes, almost by definition. But it isnt always that simple. Nobody has absolute control over everything in the world. For the most part it's crony-ism. Who you know is everything. And we all grow up in an extremely similar environment with similar interests and goals. Who you know is almost everything. And when you know everyone whos anyone and you're part of the 'club' it's much easier to get things done.
Fake and Gay
If not, kill yourself, no one is impressed by your degenerate lifestyle, you should be ashamed.
>gelden angel
Literally what
Swiss ski resorts are vile.
I'm not asking you anything, just putting it out there. The last time I was in Zermatt I packed up, drove to Lech and had a much better time. No Arabs in full leopard skin, fewer fat Russians and I could smoke indoors.
I will ask you this. What number are you at Lobb and why is Geneva full of Angolans?
Is that picture the Matterhorn? I've been there.
Kek. Im not trying to impress anyone on Sup Forums. That would be retarded. Also why degenrate? Dont be mad Sweden.
you rich boys seem pretty pussy by gangsta standards? do you ever do any wild shit like home invasions and murders? I like to do a home invasion and hog tie the people then I leave the phone in front of their face knowing they'll spend all night trying to wriggle enough to knock it off the hook and dial 911 with their tongue, but I cut the phone cord
you guys seem gay as shit, all that power and no murder rape?
how do you even? it's like you have no power at all
Why do you do your AMA in the middle of the fucking night?
And how would you know something like that:
>No. But there may be a major international conflict fairly soon, 2-4 years from now.
Was your super expensive eliteschool about fortune telling?
Are you a German or French Swiss? Are you Swiss at all?
you ain't shit, everybody knows the graffiti on bathroom walls near top private schools has the most demented shit, if you were for real you would know about tying a motherfucker up and cutting his balls off while you bang bang his asshole real hard
seriously you are just pretending, stop playing around, give up it's over already you failed
>Are you Swiss at all?
might be the fucking swiss miss, I swear if this thing even has a penis it's never been hard before
>Swiss resorts are vile
Sorry you feel that way. I love it. But going to fucking Zermatt in season is retarded. There are much better places.
Geneva is the worst city here riddled with refugees. Not nearly as bad as other important cities in Europe though.
Richest family I know (XXX million net worth) would never hold an AMA like this. They live more modestly than even me.
Go roleplay somewhere else.
>Im not trying to impress anyone on Sup Forums
"Hey plebians of Sup Forums I'm a mountain Jew born into a life of leisure and luxury. This was earned by my ancestors conducting exploitative business practices, AMA"
"I party with rich people and we do craaayyyzzee stuff ,like that one time we went to ibiza, snorted a bunch of coke and killed the cleaning maid"
>why degenerate
Partake in a practice of inequality that's been going on for generations. Hey look my parents made this piece of paper that says I own this land, so kawaii"
I'm probably coming of as super salty but you do realize that anyone complicit and propogating this farce is evil, right?
>private schools
Here's the problem. Every obese Arab and aluminium trader on the planet can pack off his spawn to a private school.
An English public school is where you go if you're of any sort of standard.
I think it's called birding
why do the older boys rape the younger ones in European boarding schools? besides tradition of course
are they just horny demented fucks or is it that it makes them more subservient later in life?
can someone tell me why this plebbit faggotry is accepted on Sup Forums.
not even Sup Forums is that gay
and since when did we stop asking for a timestamp or evidence?
>Middle of the night.
Cuz I cant sleep. Also this isnt an international board so who gives shit when i do it.
No. But one tends to hear things.
Fuck off medpack Jewface
Yeah I've always heard of the who you know line, honestly I work in the back of a store doing electronic repairs all day and when I'm not doing that I'm home by myself, don't really like talking to people to much except anonymously and Bolivian underwater finger paint forums, I'll never rub elbows with the "highborn"
Davos was pump too.
The best thing about the place was people watching. I have never seen so many Yachtmaster wearing, mahogany skinned, teeth whitened sex pests in my life. It was like a BMW owners club got out of hand. A more tacky, garish bunch of people you won't find outside of Dubai.
Oh and you are terrible drivers.
>An English public school
I saw a good film about this once called scum
>It's an albanian construction worker living in switzerland does a fake AMA on Sup Forums and they fall for it episode
hello reddîtors
>can someone tell me why this plebbit faggotry is accepted on Sup Forums.
it's not, this retard has been repeatedly called out and simply ignores it and continues with this faggot nonsense, it would seriously be better if he just fessed up before we have to send drones to his location to learn him
Ok. So what rich people shouldnt exist? Shoukdnwe share the wealth Sweden? Why? Sounds alot like communism to me. Im not a fan of inequality either. And by no means am I propogating it. You seem to have a stereotyped view of rich people.
Kek. No such thing where I went.
Be a hero OP, you know what to do
>international board
fuck off faggot
so will you prove that you are rich or will you stfu for once?
>inb4 i don't have to prove anything xDDD your jelly lelelelel
Doubt me all you want faggot. Not sure what exactly you want me to timestamp. Im telling the truth but if you dont want to believe me then you dont have to.
It's because of romanticist mindset of Switzerland. We all know that OP makes his living fucking holes into cheese to sell internationally.
>why do the older boys rape the younger ones in European boarding schools?
That's just an American fantasy projection.
I mean I know a lot of people consider self improvement a meme but maybe you should give it a shot.
>So what rich people shouldnt exist?
>Should we share the wealth Sweden?
no, wealth is an illusion and meant to control both you and the masses, in different ways.
reject wealth and return to humanity
Because you're corrupting humanity, human dignity is at an all time low and the wealth gap is growing even larger. So this must happen.
I'm not a communist, I just want to abolish the banks and free humanity from this fiat system of a socail contract where it costs money to live, where you can't claim land without due process (to protect vested interests of landholders)
How can you defend that a family or group of people should own a portion of the Earth (which we all share as equals) for generations for theirs and only their benefit.
It is proposterous and vile.
What does your parents do that you can jerk off with Rothschilds together ?
> literally typical shill excuse
fuck off already
no one gives a shit
already reported his thread. Advise you to do the same ;)
Oh and if you have a problem with these rules that have been made without your consent or consultance, FUCK YOU, we have the Police to protect us and ours, so don't fuck with us or we'll put you in jail and or kill you.
You're thugs and cronies, you're all complicit and we will kill you.
Why is a state legitimate when a maffia is criminal?
The whole system is by design in place only to protect people with ill goten advantages.
I would suggest you steer a different course and try to take as many of your firends on this path, because we are fed up, and we will kill you, eventually.
A lot of business interests. Medical companies and finance mostly.
>being this fucking salty.
Relax commie.
>Medical companies
So you're supposed golden spoon is made of exploitation of sick people?
You have the audacity to claim;
> Im not a fan of inequality either. And by no means am I propogating it. You seem to have a stereotyped view of rich people.
Fuck you man.
>getting this upset that I'm calling you out on your bullshit
Relax Jew
Do you think the US dollar will collapse any time soon?
How does one get comfy if not born into this life?
I've been giving it a thought, might actually sign up for a gym and start eating right, stop being a scary skellington and what not I just really prefer sleeping to interaction with people. Funny thing is when I'm forced into dealing with people I'm fairly good at it
Did the Bushes do 9/11?
Wew lad. We literally invent new shit all the time to help sick people. Without people like us driving research younwould have died at childbirth or live in a stoneage world where we still prayed away disease. But Im not here to discuss the pros and cons of capitalism. Ask something else.
ignore the haters. address the serious questions.
>US dollar will collapse
Pribably not collapse. But there is definately a very big recession coming very soon.
>how does one get comfy
I mean there are many ways. Have a good education. Try to dwell in the right circles. Be enterpreneurial. Not a very simple question.
I am posting from a proxy. I work at a secret genetics research lab in the Alps. Why are so many faggots in charge of our funding? With what we do it is amazing we have to rely on DIESEL FUCKING GENERATORS when the power goes out because one of those things escaped containment and managed to figure out how to fuck up the whole power system. Seriously, and the security is weak as fuck I accidentally walked out with a paper clip yesterday so it's obvious the weight machine hasn't been properly calibrated.
You rich agora need to fix your fuckin shit or I will leave the project and release the notes to the world. I don't feel like dying at the age of 45 because some fucking organism escaped containmen and impailed me.
How to get rich fast? Also timestamp with expensive thing.
How can i get rich quick?
I'm not here to ask inane questions for your amusement.
>We literally invent new shit all the time to help sick people.
No, you don't invent anything.
Researchers invent these things, what your family does;
>gather reserachers with the already false notion of monetary gain
>they are trained to like money, thus say yes
>invent medicine, which could in theory, have been made for free and distributed for free
>your Jew parents, under faux law, as the investors, now own this idea or chemical compound under a "patent"
>they will then seek to market this medicine, for PROFIT
>these researchers could have, in theory, done this, with state funding by the people for the people
>but instead we have this broken system going on
You're willfully ignorant, if your story is true and you're not just some LARP fag.
which is why, rich people must be killed, you're a cancergrowth, and you will never realize your errors, you will always seek to deflect or disperese critique, never reflecting wether what you're doing is right or wrong, if you did happen to reflect you will always choose profit anyways.
Like I said, get right with God and end your life, simple.
Good. Take small steps. Have large goals. Dont let the setbacks fuck with you. Go out and find a hobby which you can partake in. I know people that had problems socialising. Some wealthy kids grow up very introverted. But they got over it. One of my friends was like that. Now he's an alpha and fucks bitches left and right. Granted the money helps.
Bushes? No.
Kek. Ill look into it m8
>Get rich quick
Not a thing usually. If you're interested in finance take a look here. Otherwise do what you like. Be enterpreneurial. Of you see an opportunity to do something take it. I get this feeling sometimes that most normal people are very held back by their mentality.
Should i bother learning about the stockmarket?
Also, is swiss banking failing?
Also, what do you think about the EU???
>normal people are very held back by their mentality
Protip, you're a normal people too, you bleed and die just like the rest of us.
Your wealth does not make you a better human, infact I would argue it diminishes your humanity.
Again with the stereotype shit
>hurr all rich people are evil
>all rich people are the same
Literally a bitter childish argument.
And where the fuck do you think these scientists get the resources and pay to do their research. That shit aint cheap. GTFO marxist scum
What did you have for breakfast?
For how long are you delusional now?
>Again with the stereotype shit
>>hurr all rich people are evil
>>all rich people are the same
>Literally a bitter childish argument.
Well until I'm presented with an altrusitic rich person who didn't have an ulteriour detrimental agenda I will be more than inclined to adhere to this mentality. You're all the same, and most rich people even seek to hide their wealth by living modestly, except the nouveau riche which will flaunt their wealth in typical fashion.
You think you're so complex and nuanced but you're like the rest. You get just as anally devastaded as the rest when the truth is brought up, and as always you have no arguement to defend yourself, so you call me a commie or marxist.
I'm not a marxist by the way.
>Should i bother learning about the stockmarket?
Honestly if you dont feel like it's your thing then dont. It requires years of research and practice. If you dont do the learning it you will lose absolutely everyhing.
>are swiss banks failing?
Nope. Pretty comfy for now.
Honestly a decent idea with a lot of flaws. Albeit fixable. But unfortunately its immigration policies were very lacking and thats whats killing it.
Now it will be much easier for American special interests and big corporations to twist and turn Europe as they please.