So Trump has some sort of hearing aid, most likely a cochlear implant.
Comments? Is he fit to be president?
So Trump has some sort of hearing aid, most likely a cochlear implant
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No he doesn't. There is nothing in that pic
What the hell?
fucking kill yourself shill it's 4 AM in sweden you useless proxyfag niggerlover
is that bird poop in his hair
>thinks that a dying old woman who has a blood clot in her brain ready to burst at any time, syphilis, concussions, and seizures is a better choice than Cyborg Trump.
Looks more like a clip to hold his hair in place
No. He has been enhanced by Trump Industry cyborg technology
Nah m8, that's a jewish mind control device
It's a Russian control chip
This is a new tactic I'm pretty sure Robert Cialdini cooked up. Insightful and aware CTR might be implementing it.
The new tact is to hit Trump with similar versions of everything Hillary has been getting attacked with.
The idea is that, psychologically, hearing about two scandals that use the same words will cancel the emotional bias towards Hillary.
It's an attempt to make DJT look "crooked" to try and beat his "Crooked Hillary" branding.
I doubt it will work, but it's going to be -really- fucking fun watching Trump work his way out of it.
Yesterday I saw people posting pictures of clinton's ear during a speech, and lots of people claimed it was a wireless earbud thru which she could be fed responses. Seems analogous to OP's post
It's a microchip.
It grants him super hearing so he can hear any protesters that want to start distracting.
it's a joo chip
>I never asked for this
wtf I hate trump now
>elderly man has shitty hearing
why is this news to literally anyone?
Who is this guy?
this photo is months old, cuckboy
It's a hair pin. Men can wear ornaments in their hair too now. It's much healthier than coating your scalp in (((hairspray))) every day.
If I think I'm right it's a leader in chile who threw commits from helicopters
Ebin throw commies out of helicopters meme dude
He still shits like a LEADER.
>implying an immortal cyborg isn't fit to rule
Suck a dick al-swede
is that his metal skin showing through the hair of his
Why can't they invent something themselves? is their meme power that low or are they outsourcing to south korea?
Noice shoop proxynigger
It's not that they can't invent it themselves. If I'm correct, this is actually a fucking genius tactic and literally the only way to counteract the bombardment of "Crooked Hillary" momentum besides out-and-out suppression.
If you are really from Moldova, I have 2 questions for you:
1) What's your personal take on Transnistria?
2) Ever check out that crazy huge wine cellar?
>i dont really know what a cochlear device looks like or what a speech peocessor is
underrated fucking post
>Murka at least has hot spicy immigrant weathersluts
>Sweden gets mudslimes in hazard-orange garbage bags.
I am so glad I will never be Swedish
It's a brain vent. Trump's genius-level intellect produces significant waste heat that needs to be dissipated into the surrounding air to keep his mind cool and thinking of ways to make america great again.
>getting blown out by logic and simple observstion
Nigga do you know what a speech processor is or what a cochlear device looks like
Thank you for Making America Great Again!
1 TrumpCoin has been deposited into your account.
the Vril chipped him
That's a lot of rain on Europe's dick
thank you for letting your sister and mother get blacked
fucking cuck
>Nigga do you know what a speech processor is or what a cochlear device looks like
No and I don't care because that's not the fucking point.
The point is to negate a strong branding move by trying to diffuse it. Even if average viewers think the "Crooked Trump" stories are inflated and unfair, it will still have the "WELL HE DID IT TOO" effect.
It's a good tactic to demoralize shaky "Maybe-Trump" Republicans.
It's an old af picture from before the primaries
Pic related is a compact cochlear implant
I'm describing a new tactic that's coming around. Like I said, insightful CTRs might have seen it, but pay attention to mainstream media picking up stories about Trump doing "pay-for-play", words that did not exist in the zeitgeist until it started being applied to The Clinton Foundation.
They are trying to diffuse Trump's ability to brand by stealing his memes and firing them back at Trump.
It's like he's a fucking cyborg sent from the future to save Western civilization! Of course! It makes perfect sense. In the year 2089, the Muslims have taken over every industrialized nation on Earth and has enslaved the white race. A small group of survivors managed to send a man named Drumph back in time to attend Wharton and host reality TV shows to become the ultimate symbol of American power to rally the white masses to cut the degenerate Muslims off at the knees before they get a foothold against the West. But the master-plan will fail unless we all unite behind Donald to make him the President of the greatest nation in the history of the world! Will you vote for our savior? Will we preserve the greatest civilization known to man? We hold the power, people. Come November 8, 2016, do not fail the future!
Holy shit.
Trump is a reptilian
tu quoque is a weak strategy. i would have to see more for me to think cialdini. unless HE'S the mole
It's like a coconut with a face
is this some new double reverse shilling?
>recommending ideas for ctr
go read a scott adams blog faggot. hypnosis is fake too.
Pinochet you dumb shit
>Is he fit to be president?
The gayest thread today.
Flag checks out.
He is fit, to answer your sad question.
That's just sop for Democrats. Project everything you're doing onto your opponents
Actually it does nothing of the sort and actually if anyone but cucks like you dared post this shit or write about it in the msm it would only serve to give us the foot in the door to bring hillarys obvious ear peice to question right now the standing order is to pretend nothing is there and it never happened becuase they are afraid of this revalation. I have only seen cucks dare post this shit on here and you are not going to convimce anyone that would see it of shit hahahah
Your shilling is obvious there is simply no benifit to draw attention to the subject of esr peeices or device at all and your party has shown their hand and reluctance to do what your saying
It's his datajack
They've been doing this the whole time. Anything Hillary accuses Donald of is actually something she does herself, see: """'recruiting""" for ISIS, being racist, wanting WW3, etc.
Except its not working hence crooked hillary is not going any where as a brand and no one has been able to brand trump effectively.
The msm will never cover this shit but will show their hand and write articles outright denying what anyone can see in hillarys ear peice images and expose thier fear and desperation.
Its that simple
It's a weak-as-fuck argumentative strategy but very powerful emotionally.
That's why you'll see left-leaning normies reply to demands for Hillary to divulge her health records/CFG books/Goldman Sachs speeches with "WELL TRUMP WON'T RELEASE HIS TAXES".
The impact is "candidate won't release things". The meme is real.
It's just another way of describing meme-magick, you silly. Creating confirmation bias and distorting perception is hypnosis.
Right, and I think Trump did a great stroke on the ISIS space by pushing it from Hillary's "recruiting agent for ISIS " meme to Trump's "founders and MVPs of ISIS". He won that one.
They have to strike back at the "Pay-for-play" meme and it's already happening with this nothingburger of a Pam Bondi story.
This is meant for
Not a cochlear implant.
t. guy with cochlear implant
>hypnosis is fake too.
yea and scott adams says so as well
I'd watch that shit
Mel Gibson needs to direct. Eastwood produces.
Having a hearing aid is hardly disqualifying. You're not gonna die because of deteriorated hearing. Hell, you could be full-on deaf and I wouldn't disqualify you because of that.
Hillary's shit though, I'm half expecting her to drop dead at any moment.
>It's a cybernetic brain implant with 320 gigs of border wall schematics
Your missing the point thsy she would then have to address why she ommited health issues from her report and that opens a can of worms for her and its legitimacy.
You just proved his point. Kek.
How is it a hearing aid if it's in his hair
Trump is actually a cyborg sent from the future to stop judgement day.
so you are going to have to repeat everything 10 times so he can get it?
because he is really dumb, but deaf?
ffs annon, so you are saying that you can run like the others if ou are missing one leg?
I for one welcome a new robot president.
>so you are going to have to repeat everything 10 times so he can get it?
Do you understand the fucking function of a hearing aid, nacho-nigger?
He's as fit as refugee dick is fit to go into a swede's butthole.
the clintons always accuse others of doing what they do
it's the classic sociopath tactic
Nah I remember seeing that pic here on Sup Forums ages ago, long before the Hillary health thing was even being focused on.
clearly you dont, so you are going to run with one legg? or hear with 1 deft ear?
are you even trying to make sence? or you are just dumbo?
have you ever talked to an old person with hearing problems? i think you dont.
try harder to be logic please. i bee waiting on you, i knwo you are slow.
>mexican intellectual
Can you type a single sentence without typoing like a spic? Oh wait, shit sorry.
Having a hearing aid is hardly the same thing as a trying to run with 1 leg, you dumb fucking subhuman.
>Mexican intellectuals
Are those globs of mucus?!?!
>2 posts by this nigger
those green goblin eggs she laid hatched and escaped to north Korea best Korea setting off a nuclear explosion
Is that a skull implant under his wig?
People get older and hearing get worse, it's fucking naturalr so get fucked feg asss homgaybrro
Probably throat lozenges because she seems to never be able to stop coughing
Augusto Pinochet. He is capitalist financially while fascist morally
Tinfoil taupe.