Drumpf BTFO the biggest invement bankers in the world knows whats up
Drumpf BTFO the biggest invement bankers in the world knows whats up
This helps trump. But he is unelectable
And yet he is going to win. You communist rat.
Goldberg Sachs don't like Trump?
now the people will vote Hillary
Check polls and see who's winning
>But he is unelectable
doesn't that violate free speech?
>holding grudges against employees because of political views
This shouldn't be legal.
Just goes to show how far gone American Democracy is.
I'm pretty sure that's illegal. You can't tell your employees who you can or cannot donate too.
Someone should sue them
Yes, goyim, trust that we are only looking out for your best interests (as well as the compounding interest on your loans which keeps us wealthy!)
Leftists will celebrate this decision, while simultaneously believing in Occupy Movements and stating "Wall Street and Big Banks have to go!"
Top. Fucking. Kek.
they are near tied, thank you for correcting the record tho
This is a great selling point, he should use this in his commercials
I'm pretty sure it's considered discriminatory and they'll get sued out the ass.
No, because freedom of speech only applies to the government and its citizens.
Most companies are "at-will," meaning you can be fired for any reason (unless you're a "protected class"). The guys at GS with contracts probably have something in there saying they will obey all managerial mandates, so they could still be fired for this.
>I'm pretty sure that's illegal. You can't tell your employees who you can or cannot donate too.
I was thinking the exact same thing.
Employers should be able to establish any policy they want
It's up to unions to protect the worker's rights
isnt that illegal?
Corporations are considered citizens.
It's fake
Says who?
money donated to a political campaign = speech
you can't fire someone if they vote one way or another, wouldn't that also protect them?
and I'm sure GS employees are hired at will like burger flippers
>as if it were enforceable
Goldman Sachs almost exclusivily hires Ivy League graduated students, if this doesn't show the educated class hate Drumpf I don't know what will.
Political donations are publicly available information.
does this particular image make you think?
You cant totaly sue mr goldenberg for trying to tell you what to do with YOUR money
>money is speech
Do they actually have the authority to enforce this?
Its funny people who talk like they are 12 years old use statistics like polls, just leave this to adults little one.
Didn't the supreme court rule that your spending = MUH SPEECH :^(
So... still Trump?
> Jew
awww keep crying
there can be no better proof that Trump is the right man for the job
>900 registered voters
Shamefur Dispray
but did it make you think tho?
Hillary isn't international finance thats a republican funded lie and quite pathetic actually. Hillary Clinton is the one trying to regulate the banks while Drumpf tax reforms lower taxes on the richest 1%
That's illegal. Businesses can't tell their employees who to vote for
technically, your political affiliation is not 'protected' like your sex or your race is so outside of a few narrow situations, discrimination based on political affiliation is 100% legal.
We actually could use this to our advantage to discriminate against:
blacks, jews, trannies, etc as they are all traditionally democrats.
this is fake. I work for gs and I maga all day, even know a couple of Sup Forumsocks on my floor.
most here hate trump because they think hillary is crooked to Wallstreet and will make us more money like the spoiled little vaginas they are but maga hasn't been banned as far as I know. I'd quit right away if it were.
>Drumpf BTFO the biggest invement bankers in the world knows whats up
Literally giving props to one of the most corrupt wall st. financial institutions.
How fucking dumb is OP?
How fucking dumb are Clinton supporters?
It boggles the mind.
Let us dispel once and for all with the fiction that Hillary belongs to the international finance.
This! Hillary when graduated from HARVARD may I add worked with child aid security.
They arent saying that the employees cant vote for him, they are simply saying they cannot donate to him. They wouldnt be able to prove who the employee voted for anyways as voting is anonymous.
Discrimination based on political affiliation is 100% legal (except for a few specific situations)
>calling out AMERICAN institutions run by AMERICANS which benefits AMERICANS while laughing off the fact that Putin endorsed Trump
Right wing nuts are unAmerican.
kek, easy to make statements with no evidence bro
Look up any speech idiot, Hillary said she would let the banks failed, I also read Trumps tax plans it will lower the top income bracket to 33
>didn't answer the question
Srs question, is CTR still on Sup Forums?
more statements no evidence.
too easy boy
R-right-wingnut lies! Amirite, guys?
these post really make me think
>some shit band
that's my favorite part
brb someone at the door
More underhanded liberal shit. Can't get enough of it.
Since when is it legal, faggot? Show me a court case that backs it up
Better take your shotgun with you user. CTR is nothing.
Show me a law that cites political affiliation as a protected status....
If its not illegal, it is by default....legal
>Unlike many state and federal employees, most employees in America working for private employers do not have any legal protection against discrimination on the basis of political affiliation or activity. (A public employer can, under certain circumstances, be prevented from firing someone based on political speech (because that would constitute the government itself suppressing free speech.)) Only a mere handful of states (California, New York, and Washington, DC) have laws specifically making it illegal to discriminate on the basis of an employee's political activity or affiliation, while two more states (Colorado and North Dakota) prohibit discrimination on the basis of "lawful conduct outside of work."
>Political activity retaliation is not covered by the federal laws that generally prohibit retaliation based on race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, and disability for private employers, or by the laws protecting against retaliation on the basis of union or concerted activity.
Currently, only California Labor Code %26sect;%26sect; 1101, 1102, New York Labor Code %26sect; 201-d, and Washington, DC D.C. Code Ann. %26sect; 201401.01 have laws specifically making it illegal to discriminate on the basis of an employee's political activity or affiliation, while two more states (Colorado Colo. Rev. Stat. %26sect; 24-34-402.5 and North Dakota N.D. Cent. Code %26sect; 14-02.4-01) prohibit discrimination on the basis of "lawful conduct outside of work." Some union collective bargaining agreements (contracts) include an anti-retaliation clause, which may include political activity. If such a provision is included in your union contract, it gives you a basis to file a grievance if you have been retaliated against because of your political activity.
>help your banker buddies make billions
>say some hollow words about how bad banks are
>give them a slap on the wrist
>everybody involved that is bought off gets corporate or Government positions
>the goy will never know
First day running a criminal enterprize, eh?
>provide mountains of proof
>hurrrr no evidence against drumpf
And why wouldn't the freedom of association and the freedom of expression protect me?
Here is another great link for you to shut the fuck up and read
U mad, m8?
>Hillary isn't international finance
>thats a republican funded lie
>Clinton is the one trying to regulate the banks
>while Drumpf tax reforms lower taxes on the richest 1%
Thanks for Correcting The Record™!