If you were offered the opportunity to give up your white heritage to instantly become culturally and genetically Japanese would you take it?
If you could be Japanese, would you?
What are you talking about
Did somebody say "weeaboo"?
I'm saying if you could be permanently Japanese instead of white if that would be desirable for you
I'm not sure, Japan only seems cool in Anime, otherwise seems like hell for people valuing individuality or free time, so probably not.
If it means I can
then sure, why not
No. I like being white and find western civilization the most interesting. I respect the Japanese people for not giving their land and culture away.
Instead of fantasizing about being them I'd rather make whites great again.
Is that the tattoo artist that tried to run for president in some slav country?
Why would I do that. Do you understand how lucky you are to be born white. Even in these dire times it's a blessing
lel no of course not
only if i was a qt girl.
Does my dick get smaller?
My answer is the opposite of that question.
Only if I could become a ganguro slut.
Consider carefully, Japan is the country with the least immigration and the strongest native culture. Isn't that the kind of society you'd want to be part of?
Japanese male life ain't pretty, friend. Long work hours for shit pay. Women who have no sex drive. Children who will cuck you.
Not to mention a culture that will pound away any individuality in you until you're just a cog in the great economic wheel of Japan.
If you ever see clips of Japanese comedy shows, you'll wonder why everyone laughs. That shit is not funny. But cultural conformity is so strong in Japan that everybody laughs because they're told it's supposed to be funny.
No I don't want a small penis and a brain that has no courage
No, I would not give up my White heritage to be asian.
I'm a proud Mexican and plan on staying that way.
Can I be Japanese/White? Cause then, yeah sure
t. Already hapa
No. My apartment is bigger than Japan and my country has better climate.
And being a Russian feels really good
No, that's fucking autistic.
No, I'd rather keep my 8 inch cock.
I'm European mixed so yes I probably would prefer to be born to a single nationality couple but... Sky King made me this so DEUSVULT
>Asians are autonomous insects
This is not news.
Fuck no I love being white. Get the fuck out.
Roads was a homo Jew lover. Fucked nigger children too.
Tempting, but probably not; I'm pretty much comfortable with my looks.
>trade being a 6 foot white make to be a 5'5 nip with a 2 inch dick that can't even make eye contact.
No thanks