Why do all african american niggers think they descended from egyptian kings and queens?

why do all african american niggers think they descended from egyptian kings and queens?

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>tfw Rihanna is one year younger than you are
>tfw the only thing you've ever finish was super mario


Because their real history is shit..?

Why do all whitey think dey be nutted from ceaser himself?

because niggers don't study geography or history

Because it's true, jewgle Alexander the great.

holy fugg I would descend on her queen if you know what I mean

>you will never be rihanna
>you will never date famous female boxer chris brown

Fun fact, Rihanna was bullied for being white in Barbados

bitch is ugly

Because they don't want to admit that they all (?) descent from American aristocracy and want to keep themselves separated from the native Americans.

I'm not, fuck romashits


>why do all african american niggers think they descended from egyptian kings and queens?

Even if it were true that ancient egyptians were niggers, wouldn't that make the vast majority of today's niggers just decendants of peasants/slaves again?
What's the deal?

Yeah, it's pretty sad. Seems like they can't get the idea out of their head that just because Egypt is in Africa, doesn't mean that Egypt was filled with Africans.

It doesn't stop there, either. They've tried to claim Greek stuff, too. *sigh*

are you holdin' up yet famalam or can I just start

Oh well, I kinda feel better now, thanks.


they want to be slaves and feel black guilt too, like those whites.

Great question considering egyptian kings and queens werent black

I swear poltards are the ones who started this shit.

That chest tattoo looks so ugly. What a waste.

>african american

shes from barbados, nigger.

for me it's the hand tats, never understood the aesthetic of it, it's really hard to see what's that even supposed to be.

These threads are all so tiresome...
Who gives a shit about who's who thousands of years ago!?
Get the hell out of here.

>Posts images of a Barbadian.

they need a cultural history that they can cling on to that isnt being an ape in a hut for millions of years

Rihanna is the perfect qt cokewhore

I want her to beg me for a fix while she becomes solely dependent on me

Because they have no history that is worth coming from.

Therefore, they make up their own history.

It was the only decent civilization they've ever had.

this cover is missing some ((()))s


The Dunning-Kruger effect accurately describes lefts, their pet niggers, and all associated degenerates.

Because no one corrects them, as a matter of fact, I bet a bunch of normies probably believe it too now, because they hear it all the time. The education system used good old history revision to push the bullshit.

In Britain, the education system push the idea that Africans were in England before the Anglo's. I had a debate with some ranting lunitic women the other day, and she said African bones which predate the Anglos were found in England, so the Anglos aren't really native there. I said...

1. African and black aren't the same thing
2. They were Roman soldiers who were brought in to defend Hadrian's Wall from the Celts
3.The bones are from the ones who died fighting
3. They didn't live in England, or have children there. They left after a few months.

In Scotland, they claim there was a black king...seriously. His name was "the dark", and they say that means he was a nigger, apparently.

You're trying to hammer abstract thought into what is considered a quick-witted farm animal. That is the problem.

Successful psyops trolling that has led to many keks

whatever it just means that they were the first to enslave others (the jews), so they have nothing to bitch about.

>Sup Forums thinks there were dark skinned people in ancient Egypt

there were deffo at least a couple black pharaohs. But, that's besides the point since black Americans are from West Africa. It's someone from Iceland identifying with ancient Romans as their ancestors

>Left birds
>Right humans
>Left different types of birds
>Right different types of humans

I really find this argument retarded. Pretty much an average Sup Forumstard would actually nod and pat themselves on the back for agreeing to that image without thinking twice.

this is a low IQ argument.

So while blacks in Egypt were allegedly building pyramids and intricate temples and structures, their comrades across the continent could barely build incredibly simple huts composed of mud and grass.

Yeah, that sounds about right.

beaver homes are comfy as fuck

>Egypt is in the African continent
>nogs are also from the African continent
>Nogs was Egyptian Kangs
Checkmate Crackers





because someone told them so and they want to believe it.
It's actually dangerous shit. Nogs playing the kike's game.

hanno fatto lo stesso con i romani postando mosaici di liberti (greci) in toghe romane, per dio

it's not low iq, its low knowledge

No dude, Egyptians were by far the most advanced society in Africa long before coming in contact with others; they were elitist mediterraneans whom did not mix with niggers and only used them as slaves.
The conquest of their society by Rome, whom was later pushed away by enroaching (((get it?))) Turkish hordes, is what causes them to be mixed today.

>why do all african american niggers think they descended from egyptian kings and queens?

Because its the only connection to appreciable history that they have. We can see them represented in iconography left behind by the ancient Egyptians. Not as rulers, but as slaves. Still, its the only connection they have to greatness. That and the several hundred dollar pair of Air Jordans they might be able to buy.

The average "african" can't look back on ancient history and say they come from greatness. All their ancient history is tribal warfare and selling each other into slavery.



Them noggas got some monkey arms. LOL. Damn.

Damn, dat body. To bad she she ruined part of it with that bird tatoo

Anyway, black poeple have interracial sex so it's possible they become Jews or Egyptians.

We talked about this already Sup Forums... like in 2010.

I got some north African in me.
was kangz can confirm.

>In Britain, the education system push the idea that Africans were in England before the Anglo's
Wait, when did this shit start?
When I was a kid I was taught that most blacks arrived in England in the 1950s

same reason all Sup Forumsacks think they descended from vikings

When we exterminate blacks lets let beavers live, they're the cool blacks.


I enlisted the month after.

B/c they, like most people don't know shit about Africa. They think that all of Africa is the same place, and that all Africans are the same race. Stupidity, along with lack of education plays into that ignorance.

That 5head

>famous female boxer chris brown

Because their actual culture hasn't accomplished anything beyond a few fleeting kingdoms.

How about no?

No one says this.

>something to be proud of
Litterally just white niggers who could only rape and steal.

>mfw when I'm white but have a black fetish

Suicide is always an option user