Times being a Sup Forumslack fucked you

Share times that being a Sup Forumslack fucked you, I'll start.

>In uni
>Get introduced to Indian professor
>His name is Pooja
>Can't hold it in
>Let out loud snicker for a split second
>He looks at me for a second with scowl
>I know I'm on his shit list now

Guess I'm gonna have to drop the class now.

Shit list. Top kek.

install gentoo

Was his last name Dikshit?

I'll keep this short.
>almost called a nigger a nigger in public

>I know I'm on his shit list now

top kek

>be me
>in uni
>freshmen with blue hair comes in
>just sigh
>looks and me and just kinda stares me down
>debate on PC culture
>hear her rant about it with her other gay friends
>Somewhat of a based satire professor (but hates both trump and hillary so Idk where to put him) says PC culture is going to destroy Americas education system
>Just laugh and after class she asked if I "Had a fucking problem" with her
>just say youre an Idiot and leave

Pretty badass I know, but nothing that much happens here where I can be a savor of the white Race

Stop lying, indfag here and pooja is a girls name. Itd be like saying you had a male professor with the name nina or something girly.


lmao, this made it outside of NZ?

I have the urge to debate anyone I meet on political issues. many dont really like it.


>the shit list

Every damn time I get drunk I go full redpill.

I've done this once with my gf. It wasn't full redpill but she said if I didn't stop she was going to get up and leave my table (we were at outback on 6 shots each) call me degenerate I don't care.

>get drunk with two buds one night
>power level growing.jpg
>start saying that we should have a mass genocide on muslims.
>get in argument with friends about how much better the world would be
>"but user you can't just kill people"
>key word people
>pick one
Haven't talked to them since


>be redneck
>get drunk with buds
>see niggers
>call niggers niggers
>fight with niggers
>one nigger gets bottle broken over head
>fighting continues
>eventually more niggers come out
>one nigger starts screaming
>hear gun cocking
>"das enuff"
>go to friend sick H1

>Indian man
>Called Pooja
>A girls name
>Making up stories for (you)s

Leafs, desu

>professor's name is LITTERALLY KECK
she's a good person though.

well then, I guess you just learned that they weren't really your friends.

it's a shame the way some people are, ain't it?

have you inforrmed her of any of the kek/kuk phoenomena?

Yeah I spout of memes and shout "Praise Kek" whenever we make I contact.
Everybody is always laughing, my memes are that mint.

>in uni
You fucked you. Take responsibility.

fookin noice m8


>Wifes friends sister is sjw on break from college
>Starts talking about privilege and the patriarchy
>Stops to think of a third thing
>Chime in "muh wage gap"
>Wife and ger friend laugh, self appointed moral authority gets in my face
>Do you think inequality and suffering is funny?
>Shock, then silence, then she leaves

We go there once a week, she stays in her room and hasn't talked to us since. Later found out she took a picture of me and brought it to her college for a privilege wall

>>Do you think inequality and suffering is funny?
Literally the best way to deal with these fucks. They don't know what to do, they think that by saying those magic words, you'll be shamed into reversing your stance.

>Do you think inequality and suffering is funny?

I think this right is every Sup Forumsacks kryptonite, get me drunk and I start dropping mad redpills, some normies don't appreciate it much but I've never lost friends or family over it

You know what's funny? Back after 9/11 in my 6th grade homeroom a teacher told us to write down how we felt about the situation. My paper describe how we should go into the middle East nail everyone of the bastards feet to the ground and slowly run through them with the propellers of a plane. No one batted an eye, most including my teacher saw no problem with what I put forth. Kill em all let God sort em out is how I ended it. Now a days I'd probably be expelled for that.

Happened today
>In uni talking about workplace issues
>Ham planet behind me says she got sexually harassed by her boss
>I snort cause she's ugly as sin on top of being fat
>Teacher asks what she did about it
>Says she was forced to quit
>Laugh so hard I get asked to leave and take a walk
Literally no one in their right mind would sexually harass this woman. I would take a wrinkly grandma on the verge of death over her.