What politically goes on in Japan?

What politically goes on in Japan?

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nationalism, not letting refugees in, not watering down their national identity for muh diversity

shine on you glorious nips

Based Imperial Japan had a plan to conquer all of Asia and exterminate all the """human""" life there. Why didn't it happen... Imagine the world today.

What is the leaders like? What are the goals/issues? Do people care a lot about politics there? Do they vote?

LDP have been in charge for all but 6 years since post war elections

>Liberal democratic party is a conservative party

As an American this hurts my brain

japan is best country in the world at this point.

very uncucked, their leader is very based. no shitskins, no fugees

You think boomer entitlement is bad over here?

They explicitly overtax young people and give it all to old people in Japan.

based Abe being based

what young people?

their leaders hate everything not japanese, their goals are not letting mudshits in. people only care about politics when it starts affecting japanese people

literal utopia

What is their health care system like? Prisons? I know I'd never move there and wouldn't want to, just curious

There are many niggers in Japan

Not much, center-right dominates everything and they wish they could go full warcimes denial and imperial again but the people don't care and the emperors (current and soon-to-be) would never sanction any of their shit and might even publicly speak out against it, also the US will never let them rearm.

>Immigrants to Japan have 0% chance of getting citizenship
>This is not a problem
>Immigrants to America have a 80% chance of getting citizenship
>20% don't get it for obvious reasons and are barred from entering
>This is a problem

Why is it like this?

We recently let them vote to be able to deploy forces abroad. We want Japan to be strong, we know they're not our enemy.

Their age demographics are their most glaring flaws right now. They need to figure that out.


Only in tourist districts of Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka

Not white, not a problem

False. There are like 50 in Tokyo, Ivan.

>health care

No obesity problem, no shitskins, and honor based society, so socialized healthcare actually kinda works. Still, the best treatments and surgeons are in the US



any noone views them as human anyways

98% incarceration rate and we still execute by hanging

If you're Japanese American is it easier to get a citizenship in Japan or the same difficulty?

Are they really empty? I remember hearing they have a pretty shitty judicial system and judges often ignore the in dubio pro reo.

Can you speak Japanese? You also have to naturalise and revoke your American citizenship

japanese stuff

they arent empty but most of them are there for financial crimes like fraud and victimless crimes

Are whites who work in companies and not English teachers still frowned upon because their white? I assume any non weeb white gets a little less hate.

Don't worry OP. I'm traveling there this month on the 29th. I'll give this board a full, in-depth report like a true Sup Forumslack once I return. With pics of course.

I've been to Japan numerous times, don Pedro.
Point be made: why do you have any? Your police refused to crack down on some Nigerian owned(!!!) clubs because they feared being accused of racism.

Man fuck those niggers and their shit bars

they constantly talk about the CIA. thats all i know pretty much.

Crying and dodging questions about the yakuza

> in Roppongi
>nigger gets me and my friend to go to his bar as a favor to him
>Go in
> bunch of 30+ ugly ass women
>they talk to us and try to get us to buy them a drink
>we refuse, they act offended
>girls leave us, they send a half retarded girl
>"if you don't buy me a drink they will kill me"
>we call her out, she laughs
>leave and go to a club

fucked up