This is our movie Sup Forums netflix movie about Irish soldiers shooting thousands of blacks!

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>casualties UN 5
>casualties niggers 300

every fucking time

Netflix is releasing some good shit these days.
TV and movies have gone to hell, but these netflix originals are pretty decent.

Potato niggers vs niggers

I'll watch it

You might like to check this out as well. It's based on a true story about mercenaries fighting through communist-funded dindu rebels. The main character is based off an Irish mercenary and his team included an ex-Nazi officer.

Also, the Congo is a pretty fucked up place.

This. Family. Narcos Season 1+2 were great. Door is left open for a New Arc if we get a season 3

Typical propaganda.
They hated Catholics.
They hate Ireland
They made propaganda

And fucks like you still fall for it

>Austria is not aware of the defenders advantage

Do you just plan on getting annexed again?

Fuck the Congo. Could give two shits about that cess pool with how many fucking greasy grabbers have their hands in there.

>the ebil wite man making blacks do bad tings!
>This is our movie
ya right

Zulu 2: Congo Boogaloo

I'll watch it.

muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh heritage

the five were only wounded

this is literally the only ever conflict Ireland has been part of.

No, 300 niggers died, another 1000 were wounded.

The 5 casualties of the UN were all wounded. None of them died.

>tfw the stereotypical irish face was just fetal alcohol syndrome

why not just watch the real thing

>Keep advancing
>They know they might have a nut in their group with a gun
>Advance on though cause fuck whitey
>Random shot from your crowd
>Get mown down


I'm surprised this movie got passed because it seems to be a white vs black movie where the whites are the good guys. Two things might happen:

a) Someone will find this on twitter and make some reaction as to how this is racist and supports racist cops or some shit.

b) This trailer is lying to us and the Africans end up being the good guys in the end.

>bigoted irish hatred

Who uses netflix?

Who is the audience? It's not niggers familia

Fuck off Boston

>television consumer

Kill yourself you hypnotized robot fuck

Why has there never been a movie about Canadians shooting a bunch of chinks?

It actually looked pretty decent, however I'm worried it may be spun to be anti-Rhodesian. There were a few Rhodesian mercenaries working for the state of Katanga, some of whom may have been involved with this conflict. Fuck 'em, they're traitors. But at the same time they may blame the country.

Looking forward to the movie though, Irish and Swedes killing blackies action.

I'm sure they do. Masterpieces like There Will Be Blood have like 3 stars.

Weren't the Irish Killed by White mercenaries

The UN troops were supporting a regime that wanted to kick all whites out of Africa and were killing all of the belgium planters and only Mike Hoare and his boys tried to stop the UN

The Irish fought on the wrong side

It goes against the narrative, leaf friend. Canada was a good boy. We din du nuffin...

When is there gonna be a movie about white soldiers killing a bunch of blacks?

tis' but a bit of bantz

Trailer has white officers leading the blacks
Probably have them as evil capitalists misleading poor uninformed blacks
Notice shadowy white man in white suit in the trailer

the irish were defending a regime that was killing belgian settlers

The niggers they are depicting the Irish fighting were actually members of a local tribe loyal to the breakaway state of the Congo that was run by Belgians.

They are literally demonizing whites and glorifying the UN as some grand mediator. Fuck that.

the Belgian settlers were fighting their own version of the Rhodesian bush war with the state of Katanga protecting whites and Christians