What is your honest opinion of this man?
What is your honest opinion of this man?
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Hero of the little people.
He killed his enemies; they've won now.
no man is an ireland though
hahaha leaf joke
Well, he's definitely a murderer.
I hate this guy because he killed kids. Who the fuck is down with that. The thing that makes me really hate him is because he wrote about cultural marxism, so he kind of "got it" in a sense (don't know too much about what he thought).
The combination of getting it and having the gumption to do something about it is so rare, and then you go and shoot some fucking kids? What a piece of shit. Obviously aside from being extremely amoral, it's just going to hurt the cause of nationalism and make what you're trying to say more taboo.
Great guy, removes Commies and doesn't afraid of nuffin.
impressive headshot ratio
How do you know
Agreed, but at least it wasn't an act of vengeance, He probably knew that those teenagers didn't choose the blue pill
Nobody in the media is talking about the other scary thing about the shooting: those kids were being politically indoctrinated on the island. Imagine being programmed to have a rigid viewpoint from childhood and not building a worldview from personal exploration, education, examination and experiences. No dissent would be tolerated.
While his idea was to combat the left-wing propaganda that was getting pushed throughout the West, I still see Breivik as a horrible piece of human being. All he did was kill kids and teens and if anything, that's just going to push the idea that nationalism = hatred. I'm surprised he hasn't been executed
He killed kids that would be the future leftie leaders of the world.
In 100 years either there will be a giant statue of him in downtown Oslo and a Breivik street in every town, or else Norway will become the coldest third-world country.
And you know this because...?
Kill kids before they can reproduce. It's the correct target. Dylan roof should have payed attention.
If he sneacked into a Swedish ghetto and killed lots of mudslimes he would be a Sup Forums hero.
Alas, he was a coward who picked on white children & teenagers.
How do you know for sure those kids would become leftists? Kids change their minds frequently. To say that this was done in order to preserve nationalism is still idiotic as it is counterproductive.
read up on it retard he specifically targeted the worker's youth league
I read a bunch of his manifesto, he just seems like a sperglord. He was on the right track though
Z i o n i s t
As usual, Sup Forums faggots will ignore this.
hate-filled psychopathic blue pilled mass murderer
>he wrote about cultural marxism
He fell for a pretty stupid conspiracy theory. What a fucking idiot.
do you know what blue-pilled means and what it implies?
It's the meme way of saying "sheeple".
this is either bait or you are retarded
not sure if bait or retarded
he announced that he is actually against jews
nice bait jamal
>Cultural Marxism
>A conspiracy theory
That analogy makes 0 sense.
>kids getting told that white men are evil
>white man shows up and shoots them
Wow he sure showed them!
was he really a mason?
His way of thinking is muslim tier.
Also he hurt the right wing cause in Norway
>Supreme Gentleman
>High Tier
>people not wanting to fuck a supreme autist warrants a "misdeed"
Get the fuck out. Dude had a good face and money. He was living on easy mode. If he lifted at all he could have gotten away with being the biggest spurge alive.
He's a pathetic fucking failure.
This psychopathic, homicidal maniac killed dozens of White children. If it was up to me I would have that profligate nailed to a cross.
Andrew Brevik was a Zionist sympathizer who quite literally believed that the Jews are gods chosen people, he despised Islam, hated it, yet instead of gunning down the enablers who poisoned and corrupted the body politic he chose to go out and slaughter a bunch of teenagers that were attending a political youth camp.
hero of the white race, he killed the race traitors... anyone who says different is a traitor or non white
The point is that Breivik is a hero.
nice bait jamal
Kike faggot.
JIDF detected
He supports israel
Inefficient. Should never have targeted kids. He had the bravery, and the place within society, should have blown up a mosque and then shot the stragglers or something.
Instead, shot kids then made Nazi salutes. Plea of insanity. Made NatSoc look bad. Not good.
We all make mistakes though. He's proven his worth. Hearts definitely in the right place.
what have you done to better the cause?
He's a psychopath, he should be gassed.
he killed future communists
trust me when I say the communists are willing to kill our children to win
>Kill muslims
>The left brings over more Muslims
Wasting your time.
His only crime was plagiarism.
People waiting in line to shake Breivik's hand
>Critical Theory and the Frankfurt School are just conspiracy theories goy!
This. They where bluepilled socialists being groomed for future leadership.
I tend to agree with you. He was right about some things but his actions were in the wrong place. I mean he killed a bunch of kids and teenagers I'd hardly call that important. If he really wanted to get things done then he would have attack the institutions that created the problems he saw.
Fucking Cheater, made cs_utoya unplayable
Based Norwegian.
This too.
fact is
if we had more men like Breiviks we would have liberated ourselves already
im sad I don't have his courage to do what is necessary
to do what is necessary
He brazenly lifted chunks of his manifesto from Ted Kaczynski's "Industrial Society and its Future".
kill the source...
never have more empathy for others than they have for you
if a leftist commie killed a bunch of right wingers at a youth camp
there would be no sympathy from leftists
>I wasn't in that line to shake Commander Breivik's hand.
i agree, thats what makes him a hero
the dark enlightenment is that
we need to be more monstrous than the jews, muslims, and marxists to defeat them
they are willing to do what is necessary to destroy us
like Trump said, we have to kill the terrorist families
Mentally ill fuckwit that killed whites instead of niggers/Muslims
And plagiarism is bad. Either come up with your own ideas or cite your sources.
too dumb to understand why he done it... gawd
He killed a bunch of unarmed WHITE teenagers
And what did he achieve cunt?
He didn't kill anyone worth while.
Yeah there were a bunch of liberal race traitor young adults/teenagers. but he should have killed a bunch of politicians or something so it wouldnt have been so easy to paint him as a pure psycho monster rather than someone fighting for norway.
Unarmed, white traitors that is
Extreme fedoralord gone wild. Extreme momma's boy narcissist, like raped at some point in his life or at the very least suffered extreme emotional abuse. Probably roleplayed every moment of his life, trying to mold himself into some sort of malignantly mutated image he created for himself in his head.
I think a lot of people have a bit of Breivik in themselves, but they still realize the smallness of themselves in the grand picture and never let it take control of their lives.
And to think that Serbia used to be a passionate kebab remover...
>literally /rk9/ autists
wiped out the next generation of political race traitors... a vocal minority can push an agenda main stream... this way the next generation will be safer... take it out from the source.. understand yet?
Or create dozens of perfect teenage martyrs for their cause.. understand yet?
He only shot older people, most in their late teens and early 20s.
Also, whay is more efficient for the kabob problem, going back 10 years and blowing up a mosque or shooting Merkel? Anders did the latter.
>Don't fight back, you might make some people upset
And the alternative is do nothing. Fuck off defeatist
>he doesn't know what "latter" means
cool story bro, do nothing and try battle them with politics, see how well thats going? jebem vam mater, crno peda pichka
Frogposter. Please. There are so many things I can say to that, but do I really need to? I think you know there are some severe logical fallacies in your post. You may be trolling, but you're likely not, so please, think for a brief second before posting.
>he doesn't have reading comprehension
Yes, the latter. As in future Merkels. I didn't know I had to add "ten years ago" twice in the same sentence for you to understand it.
Sometimes the greatest threat lies within.
Muslims are the common cold, Leftists are AIDS. A healthy body can fight off the cold no problem, but with AIDS it is vulnerable to a whole range of diseases. Killing kids is bad but he did have his priorities right.
The recent refugee(invader) crisis shows he didn't do anything wrong.
He tried to warn us.
lol white people don't even breed anymore