What went wrong Sup Forums?


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Goku should've won

Gaara vs. Toph

When they got paid to make weaker characters win.

You actually care about the results.

>Implying Toph wouldn't win

that alucard and spawn battle could have been so much longer ffs

Nothing. They have remained consistently entertaining and have only increased in effort since their debut. The fights are not always researched precisely (though the ones that get the most flack, namely Supes and Toph, had acceptable outcomes) but you'd have to be a petty little mound of salt to get so ass-mad over a winner you can't appreciate the video itself.

It's only downside is more or a less a symptom of its target audience: way too many normie characters. They need to start feeling comfortable to delve into more unknown character battles. And do more anime, you've had more characters from the fucking Sonic the Hedgehog franchise than almost all of your anime characters combined.

Deadpool vs Pinkie Pie. Copying One Minute Melee with DBX, up to the fights themselves. Ect.
And before you call my bullshit, it's real youtube.com/watch?v=EgiP3EKZ5ko

this shit again..

Gaara was retarded in the first place, he used sand in his skin against an opponent that can control sand.

This does seem to be the one people fight over the most. Well besides Goku VS Superman.

That's because it was ill researched and proven. Now Hulk vs Doomsday is the new Superman vs Goku/Garra vs Toph.

Cancerous narrators.

What about scout vs tracer? Now that shit was biased

Trying to apply IRL physics to goofy cartoon and videogame characters.

Nothing, is is cool and fun, the only thing wrong is you uys sperging all over it

I liked a bunch of them but some were just very cringey to watch. Starscream Vs Rainbow Dash was like....WTF. Then Batman twice because apparently he 'had to win' in a second one.

Some actually surprised me like the Iron Man vs Lex Luthor one and the Tracer Vs Scout (really thought Scout was gonna win).

I think now it is just hilarious to read the comments to see which fanbase gets the most butthurt.

All correct

>Pinkie Pie Vs Deadpool

Come on man. We all know why you're here.

You wanna talk about the next episode, and how it features a pink horse.

mostly just made me mad they couldn't have just used SFM! would have looked alot better then what shit ware there using

Wich ones do you disagree with the result the most?

For me it s Toph vs Gaara followed by Rogue vs Wonderwoman

All I want is a Death Battle with a Touhou or Jojo character. Jesus Christ that's all I ask for. They need to stop rehashing older opponents and expand to other series that aren't shit.

they did a one minute melee with Dio and some chick who could also stop time with a pocket watch.

Dio lost.

I'm pretty sure they wanna do a Jojo character, but most of them use stands and unless you're a stand user yourself, you can't see them or hit them, which gives them a massive advantage. The only Death Battle I could see working with a Jojo character is DIO vs Alucard.

Are these two memebattle's all around best fights?

I'm well aware of Deadpool vs Pinkie Pie. I posted in a thread about it last week. And I'm excited to see it for the tears bound to flow from either side losing.

This isn't even new territory, they've had Pony before.

>Now that shit was biased

Not that they called it wrong. One manipulates the fucking flow of time, Overwatch is just generally on a higher power-level plane than TF2.

People became invested in fan fiction

Tracer's control of time isn't all that impressive since she only control her immediate past/future.
Scout on the other hand can cast magics, become invulnerable/crit boosted on the whim, and can somehow jump on nothing but air particles. I don't get how his power level ever could be smaller than Tracer's

Keep in mind he also managed to survive a payload tier explosion in Meet the Medic, while his torso was injured.
And kicked a bear's arse via hitting it with a flimsy leg bone, while he was starving, and wearing a hot dog costume. Read the comic

>Stun with SandMang balls
>Toss a Flying Guillotine at her for 150 damage while Tracy is stunned and therefore unable to timewarp.
problem fucking solved.

>Hulk vs Doomsday
As I recall, most of Sup Forums was saying Double D would win.

Speed Wagon VS Rick Jones (no A-Bomb)

Deathbattle is inherently a really dumb concept, and is merely narutoforums pushed into a video format.

Yes, only stand can beat stands yada yada daze, but the stand user still just a regular killable human so no need to bring a omnipresent vampire god to the game, evenpeople without powers could kill most jojo characters.

The thing is that Stands are only visible by Stand users because no one else has spiritual abilities.
If you through a guy like Yusuke Urameshi into JoJo, he'd be able to perceive Stands no problem. Stands are just spiritual energy manifested.

Hell I'm willing to bet Araki would let Kenshiro see stands in the JoJoverse.

They started basing outcome on outrage farming for views.


Captain America juiced up for over 3 decades of written comics from Power Broker's drugs permanently bonding to his Super Soldier Serum which made him a metahuman in terms of strength, speed, endurance, and agility ON TOP of his being forced to constantly battle for over a CENTURY during the Kang 'time lost' storyline added to his wartime combat experience...
got his neck snapped by Batman. because they needed a payoff.

fuck those guys.

>kill meeeeeee

The most popuçar character lost many times
Magaman vs Astroboy
Spawn vs Kratos
Chun Li vs Mai
Goku vs superman (superman is just more well know, normies think he is lame)
Doomsday vs hulk

I haven’t dived into Stardust Crusaders yet, so this is based solely off what a quick google search gave me and I guess I could be wrong.

Stands seem to just be hyper active Tulpas with extra powers. The closest thing would be Persona users (and by extension devil summoners thanks to P2IS), but they would still be at a much lower power level. SMTIV:A’s Nanashi could stand a chance thanks to Dagda dragging him back to life an infinite number of times but that is cheating. Alternatively, if it is a manifestation of the person’s psychic powers, a powerful telepath like Professor X could shut down that part of their brains, or worse, turn their own stands on them. I’d even so as far to say that even a weak telepath like Thanos could disrupt their thoughts enough to stand a fighting chance.

As a ponyfag I can say with absolute certainty that Pinkie will either lose to Deadpool or they´ll have a joke ending in which they become friends and take over the show or something like that. No way they are letting Pinkie Pie fucking kill Deadpool.

>No way they are letting Pinkie Pie fucking kill Deadpool.
Gotta generate that buzz user.

YouTube says otherwise.

The only one of these I've watched was Charizard vs. Greymon. It went how I expected.
The narrators were annoying.

according to a thread on the forbidden board, She has next to no way to damage him let alone do something so that he'll stay dead. On the other hand DP would have a difficult time doing any damage but would win in the end since he still has a way to kill her.

It's Youtube. They fight over EVERY outcome.

You don't even need to be a telepath, the strong stands can't go more than 2 m away from the user, and the long range ones normaly can't usse any instant kill abilit, a regular guy with a gun could kill most users

I feel like snipping is cheating. If you're not close enough to throw a punch, it's not a real fight.

Fuck this shit, post Death Battles you would want to actually see.

Even if they are super one sided like pic related.
By which I mean Maleficent would wipe the floor with Father.

Usualy the only rules of deathbattle are no prep time and to the death

They thought Superman could beat Son "Universal Punch" Goku

for the shear shit shitstorm on both sides.
>"sans. I have the same type of stand"
>star platinum: the world: gaster balster edition

I'm kind of surprised they haven't done something with Galactus yet

Well, I mean, Sans really wouldn't be able to do much here, would he?

Nigga only does 1 damage per frame, has 1 health and can teleport.
Jotaro can literally freeze time, so he'd basically break all of Sans's shit unless Sans went full hold from the start.

Not sure what the best bullshit giant to throw at him would be though.
Knowing the shitty pics they go with though, it'd probably be something way out of his league like Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagaan.

These are my big two. I hated the two Goku vs Superman episodes and Charizard vs Greymon, not because I disagreed with the results but because they horribly misunderstood the themes of Pokemon and Superman. Superman is not a distant unrelateable God. Pokemon are not slaves. It's in these misunderstandings that they out themselves as true casuals.

They're just humans that have punch ghosts. And there are a lot of characters in fiction that can harm ghosts.

>Jotaro can literally freeze time
And that's why he is one of the worst characters to use in Death Battle.

>Superman is not a distant unrelateable God

I hate whenpeople say "superman is not ______" the character haveover 70 years of continuous publication by a army of diferent writers, he is fucking everything by now, he is not a unreletable god in your favorite works, but he undeniably is in many others, it doesn't matter if you don't like them, they exist

You say that, but the Dio OMM is probably my favorite video.

He can freeze time for 10 secs, there is a shitload of characters that he could not hurt during this timeand would just kill him when time resumes

And unlike Dio, Jotaro can't spam time stop.

I was okay with Goku vs Superman, I was okay with Gaara vs Toph. I'm a firm believer in the winner of a fight is whoever the author wants.

What pissed me off was the blatant Rooster Teeth shilling with that Yang vs Tifa (oh yeah, lets put Yang against someone way below her league so we can make people think she's cool and watch RWBY) and that god-awful Red vs Blue one. I can almost forgive Yang vs Tifa, but the Red vs Blue battle was insulting. I don't even hate Red vs Blue, just the blatant shilling pisses me off for some reason. Death Battle is supposed ot be its own show, not a commercial for other shows. I skip all the ads for a reason, you know.

Nah, man, Doomsday has that.


Dio's opponent was also a time stopper though, and a better one at that.

I agree that Doomsday would destroy Hulk. But simply overtaxing his healing factor and SIMPLY beat him to death is a whole new story.

>Character out runs an explosion

Yeah but Star Platinum can catch bullets fired an inch away. Projectiles are only an issue for him if there's fifty of them already a half inch away from his face

Too much unknowns with Sans powers to use. Half of it is based on abusing the battle interface, so putting him in a death battle muddles that. Maybe he can undo Za Warudo by unpausing the YouTube video.

Nothing, I've found all their outcomes fair and reasonable. The only people who hate the show are the ones who are assblasted about a character they liked dying.

Ganon won some fucking how.

Also, fuck no Joker would not be able to manipulate Needles. Needles is the one contestant who fucking beats Calypso at his own game.

Come on. Bowser has jobbed to much weaker than Gannon.

And he's also done things that are impossible for Ganon.

Popularity = Strength
Accorind to death battle, Batman > Capt America
Master Chief > Doomguy
Joker > Fucking Sweet Tooth
Jesus christ

Deadpool's been around since 1991. FiM's been around for 6 years. Do you honestly believe that a pony with ADD has more popularity than Wade?

I'm thinking for a draw or something similar. They had draws before.

Star Platinun and Silver Chariot are probably the only ones that could stop a bullet without time powers, stand users git shit in SBR quite a few times

They put /mlp/ shit into the matches.


>he's a marginally older character so this automatically makes him more interesting

>FiM's been around for 6 years

It's a reboot of a franchise that's been around for 30 years. And Pinkie herself is a renamed version of an 80's pony named Surprise, making her an older character than Wade.

But yeah, of course Deadpool is more popular. He had one of the highest-grossing movies of the year. But his fandom is probably a lot less devoted/more casual than MLP's.

Batman over Cap I can see because they used Arkham Batman that beats up Deathstroke like its no big deal and is using all his bat gadgets lethally.

You're right about the rest being bullshit though. How the fuck does Needles not shoot a homing rocket at Joker and call it a day?

Stay mad, faggot

The most fundamental problem is the same problem that's inherent to the question, "Who would win?"

Because all it does is look at the hard numbers and disavow any actual character or storytelling. It's a simple, boring matter of X character has higher stats, therefore, X character wins, which eschews a very, very crucial quality of most of these characters, that they triumph against the odds.

I know how this is going to sound, but this all goes back to DBZ and it's damn power levels. I know they claim that these were a literary device that made the villains underestimate the heroes, but in the long run, the casual audience never got that memo, so now it's nothing but a raw numbers game.

I've been seeing it for years every time some asshat responds to a vs question with "X character rapes Y character." It's no longer about having an interesting fight scenario, they just want their favorite character to steamroll the other to prove they have the bigger dick and are more right than you are for liking this character.

To their credit, Deathbattle does try to make the fights entertaining, but the outcome is always based on those numbers and nothing else.

To sum up, on paper, Spider-Man cannot beat the Juggernaut, hell on paper almost no one can, but Spidey has beaten him on multiple occasions, and others have as well, and it wasn't because "loljobbing" it's because they wrote an actual fucking story around the encounter, not just a power level wankfest.

If I remember with the link vs cloud DB, link won despite being weaker than cloud in almos every aspect because he does overcome immense odds on a daily basis by strategically deconstructing his opponent, while cloud lost because he is shown to be a rash individual who works mostly on impulse. You make a valid argument, but its not like they never take thought processes into account when they do these.

They aren't all that interesting and the fights themselves are passable level newgrounds shorts at best.

Which version of Link did they use?

>Because all it does is look at the hard numbers and disavow any actual character or storytelling.

That would be fanfiction then. Who would win scenarios are supposed to be debates with arguments backed by feats to remove the bias that comes about because someone likes a certain character more. Typically character comes into play, unless said character would actively prevent a win condition such as "X can't beat Y because he doesn't kill" in a fight to the death.

I used to visit Factpile when the main site was a thing, so I spent quite a bit of time involved in who would wins. The fun comes largely in the debate itself. Arguing over the facts, finding and presenting evidence to back claims and everything else involved can be quite fun. In the end it doesn't matter what character wins or loses it is the debate itself that is fun. Unless you have some sort of unhealthy attachment to the character or some sort of desperate need to validate the supposed superiority of your own tastes. In which case you may need professional help.

Does Bowser have a way to kill a demon king or to tank a desiccating curse, though?

Why not Deadpool vs Lobo?

>Which version of Link did they use?
I think they just took twilight link and gave him his most reoccuring items throughout all of his game. Its been a while, so I may be wrong.

Because they don't see Deadpool the way we do.

We see Deadpool as a wise-cracking, mercenary dick with ADD.

They see a an epic ninja guy who loves memes and breaking the 4th wall.

Ahh. There are a few Links that I could see winning that fight, TP being one of them, but not all of them could win out. A big part of this is TP Link being on the naturally strong side as far as Links go and having good agility as well as being one of the more competent swordfighters.