If Sup Forums hates Jews does that mean you dumb asses are pro-Palestine?
If Sup Forums hates Jews does that mean you dumb asses are pro-Palestine?
Im pro palestine in the sense that the jews are treating them like how nazis treated jews and that is a perfect sick example of why humanity deserves and will generate infinite pain
Im not pro palestine in the sense that I think they arent shitty sand niggers whose temperament is 100% the antithesis of what western culture requires in order to thrive
No. Fuck 'em both.
This too
They're both fags but at least a bunch of dirty brownstone aren't running the whole world
I think Muslim nations could be great without jewish involvement, yes.
No way! I hate kikes and sandniggers equally. I hope someday your entire shitty desert is nuked entirely off the face of the earth so we can finally achieve world peace!
Yep. Free Gaza, free West Bank, and end the occupation.
I thought we all liked nazis...???
If you mean, do I prefer simple folks who just go about their daily business vs. those who plot evil in secret against those who don't dwell in their camp, then yes OP, yes I am.
The problem with Jews is much bigger than some sun baked shiity clay in the Middle East.
The semites deserve eachother and should be forced to mix
hey kid
No, we're pro Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem.
Both Isreal and Palestine are complete cunts to each-other. That's why they've been warring for so damn long. But Isreal has nukes, so we have to be buddy buddy with them so they don't start the nuclear war.
Yes. I'm pro Palestine.
It means I'm against using American resources to prop up the Jewish state. The Palestinians can exploit that however they choose.
We are pro "nuke all of it"
I hate the (((Jews))), but I support the religion of Judaism and Israel's right to exist.
Yes, piss off JIDF you sneaky kikes
Jesus what the fuck happened... middle east could have been bro-tier
one can commit two genocides you faggot, one don't exclude the other
I hate them both.
Fuck Israel for fucking up the middle east and screwing all of us over at every turn and fuck Palestinians for being largely muslim.