are there really fellow americans that can deny global warming now?? will you be responsible when the planet becomes barren and desolate? what will your children think knowing it was all preventable?
are there really fellow americans that can deny global warming now?? will you be responsible when the planet becomes barren and desolate? what will your children think knowing it was all preventable?
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Tide goes in, tide goes out
can't explain that
the earths gonna die one day anyways
not like I'm gonna live to see it or have children that live to see it :^)
>will you be responsible when the planet becomes barren and desolate?
Nihilism is usually a trait of leftists.
>will you be responsible when the planet becomes barren and desolate?
the earth warms and cools in cycles cant say its jew propaganda "muh global warming" thats causing it faggot
It's never heated at this rate in history.
>The only party Hitler agrees mostly with is the Green party as their program is similar to his Blut und Boden campaign.
The real redpill
If NASA came out and denied climate change then Sup Forums would say it's real.
Just a bunch of edgy fags
>global warming
Nothing short of massive thermo-nuclear war can stop global warming.
This is probably the case. But then again we got some hardcore Christian retards here.
"history" for surface temps has only been recorded the last 120 years or so, kys
Global warming is real but the ones most responsible by a very large margin are China, South-East Asia and India.
I wonder if climate change is caused by the massive overpopulation of the world... we should kill all the non-whites to test this theory.
>Climate trends viewed in micro format that don't include data from an entire climate cycle
Our current warming trend is expected and normal when given a wider range of time. Over the course of 100,000 years, our current warming trend is normal. It will peak and begin cooling. Funny how the studies you see on global warming only use data from the past few hundred years, when global climate cycles exist in ranges greater than 10,000 years. Really makes you think.
>barren and desolate
Yeah, if you live in third world shitistan, as for the rest of us it's comfy time as per usual.
And 4channers
Ya Canada might become nice? My advice to the southern retards is to flee north.
Or south if you're a mexican
$0.05 has been deposited into your America Firstâ„¢ Account.
Plants and animals like warmth.
Source: The Jungle
>N-No global warming since the 1990s!
global warming was supposed to have flooded coastal cities by now
Geography fag here. Took several graduate courses in climatology.
Short answer: We have no idea why the Earth's climate keeps changing, does reversals, ice ages, warming periods, etc. Best guess is sun spots, but we do not know for sure.
One thing they do know is that Chicken Little The Sky Is Falling fear mongering and publishing rolls in the government grant dollars.
I'm so sorry we still have a choice to disagree with mainstream thought OP.
Freedom of thought is truly a anathema to you.
and peak oil was going to crash the world with no survivors.
ever hear historians talk about a global phenomenon called the little ice age that occured around the 13th ce and ended right before british industrialization.
try connecting the dots
So, where did you get your degree in climate science?
>will you be responsible when the planet becomes barren and desolate?
I'm going to be responsible for what? Because I don't bend my knee to your new age religion? What exactly is your plan now that you believe - are you actually doing anything to stop your apocalypse aside from intimidating others into "believing"?
Are people here really this dense?
Climate scientists are the retarded children of Earth systems who think the Earth consists of only the atmosphere and is no older than the oldest glacier core sample. If you truly want to understand the factors involved in the climate you have to look at the other parts of the Earth (geosphere) and beyond (our magnetosphere and the sun).
>2000 years
Kay. What do you propose we do against it? Realistically speaking? Nothing. There is nothing we can do.
Are people here so short-sighted?
With increasingly accurate instruments.
> using thermometers accurate to 1 c we say it's 32 C here
> using thermometers accurate to .01 C we say it's 32.48 C here
Also pic related.
You think we can meme KANGZ into believing whites are the cause of global warming and that Mars has evidence that it used to be like earth until whites warmed it too much?
No on has yet proved that climate change is objectively bad.
>if only global warning deniers would let us fix this problem!
>its the deniers fault we have no workable plan!
I dont know man, seems like a lot of nonsense to me.
You would not want blacks to think they are the first humans while writers are Martians that crashed and took over through violence? I think it is funny.
When your country will elect Hillary as president you'll have a much better way to make planet barren and desolate than global warming
Wow, I was skeptical of the shill theories but every thread is some "liberal Sup Forumsster" who obviously wandered in from somewhere else.
Practically no one denies that the planet is warming. The debate is over whether or not we are the primary cause, and don't you fucking bring up "muh consensus". There is no consensus, and even if there was that's not how the scientific method works.
That post sums it up perfectly. I won't deny humans have an influence on our climate, but it is WHY too soon to be claiming the world is coming to end because we put too much CO2 in the atmosphere. There's much more going on that these people refuse to acknowledge or take into account.They treat their theories like religious dogma.
Their solutions are no better. Everything involves giving the state more power or giving more national sovereignty to a higher state. In exchange we reduce emissions, like that will suddenly return the climate to the delusional state they call normal. Thinking cutting emissions will save the world only shows how little understanding someone has of the climate.
Sadly you're right. Her dream is nuclear war with Russia.
>Implying each one of those tics didn't take hundreds or thousands of years to form
>Implying that departure from 12,000 years of climate stability at the exact same time as pic related is PURE COINCIDENCE
I stand by my statement. Dense. As. Fuck.