I'm tired of being a Cucktholic, Sup Forums, what brand of Orthodoxy should I convert to?
I'm tired of being a Cucktholic, Sup Forums, what brand of Orthodoxy should I convert to?
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Why do you need someone to tell you which religion to follow? Find out for yourself.
Stay with us. The rtuals and need to repent shitty behaviour keeps deviancy in check more than more relaxed religions and athiesm.
Pllus, hot catholic chicks who are secretly kinky.
Not planning on making a dedicated decision based on this thread, I'm just asking for suggestions considering I don't have all that much knowledge on Eastern Orthodoxy.
you srsly didnt hear of tradcatholicism/lefebvrianism?
its basically catholic without the cuck in it
I might reconsider, but as it stands I can't handle belonging to a church with a Marxist like Francis in charge, and sedevacantism doesn't seem organized enough to be a viable option.
Well there's two larger branches of Orthodoxy. Eastern Orthodoxy which consists of ones like Russian, Serbian, and Greek then the Oriental Orthodoxy which is like Armenians, Copts, and Ethiopians. Aside from cultural differences the Eastern Orthodox accept more councils than the Oriental. Really though I recommend checking out whatever ones are in your area. I've done this a few times now and priests are usually pretty cool about answering questions and little old ladies will try to make you put on another 100 pounds with their amazing food.
Get that from ROK?
The Catholic community is much larger and a little more relaxed. We still have fasting and confession as well.
sedevacantism is stupid
basically protestantism
Read the church militant
If you're really interested in staying in Catholicism over joining the Orthodox you could always try Latin Mass or an Eastern Catholic Church. In fact if you're big on the primacy of Rome thing but want Orthodox style worship Eastern Catholics might be good for you.
>i'm tired of being a catholic, i want to be orthodox now!
>i'm tired of being a cis-man, i want to be a transgirl now!
literally you faggot
Russian. The Greeks are arrogant and corrupt. Armenians are retarded and closet fags. Ethiopia is too remote, and the Syriacs are being wiped out by ISIS
That's probably the most prime example of false equivalency I've ever seen.
It's all one Church, just different jurisdictions. You convert to one, you convert to all.
If you're asking which parish to attend, I suggest an Antiochian one, since their services are always in English in America.
Greeks aren't corrupt, what are you talking about? Greeks have a ton of laity oversight. Their finances are completely managed by the laity, for instance, with no clerical involvement.
Well how long have you been a Catholic and why did you accept it as the truth in the first place?
Eastern Catholicism is a joke. They venerate Saint Mark of Ephesus...the Orthodox saint whose claim to fame is stopping the Orthodox Church from submitting to the Pope. I can't fathom their cognitive dissonance.
Here is an Orthodox hymn: youtube.com
Here is how "Eastern Catholics" sing it: youtube.com
I've been Catholic from birth, it's only now I'm beginning to distance myself from the Church in light of their more recent decisions.
>Basing your faith on surface matters and feelings rather than on who on Earth holds the true authority to speak on the matters of faith.
>it's Pope Francis
Orthodox perspective on the Jews, courtesy of Ancient Faith Ministries. Start listening to the podcast at 39 minutes
Why are you so attached to being a collectivist drone? God is the Lord of All Creation, and you can read His Word yourself. You don't need some speckled idiot pretending he's necessary for your faith.
>(((his word)))
Are you less of an idiot? You don't even accept most of the New Testament.
>Orthodox perspective on the Jews
Again you are basing your feeling on faith based on surface matters, when the real question you should ask is who is the rightful successor of Jesus Christ. Is it the Pope? The Pentarchy? Or the common Priesthood of all believers?
He who holds the authority, holds the power to preach.
I accept all of the New Testament - I don't pretend Paul isn't in the Bible. He's there. Where he conflicts with Christ though, I go with Christ.
>who is the rightful successor to God
You mean when he conflicts with your version of Christ which no one else held for thousands of years saved Gnostics
Tolstoy was an atheist.
OP asked for alternatives to I'm assuming a typical Catholic service so I presented alternatives to him. It's up to him to decide what is true. Personally I heavily recommend talking to priests of various branches for a better understanding anyway. I don't have any particular feelings for or against the Eastern Catholics but respect their decisions and way of doing things.
Oriental Orthodoxy, in our country, is going to be your best bet at finding a non-ethnic-enclave church. I personally attend a Syriac Orthodox Church populated entirely by white native born Americans.
Not necessarily. The local Copts, Indians and Ethiopians are pretty ethnic. Unfortunately there aren't any Syriac churches in my immediate area so I can't comment on them. The three I mentioned are friendly though and as willing to answer questions as the Eastern churches.
Antichan is mostly native born too, though.
Interestingly, both Syriac and Antiochian are Syrian in jurisdiction, but mostly converts domestically.
Based Syria
Yeshua bin Joseph was a Semite.
Do not listen to the devil worshippers and atheists that troll these threads. That is the evil one trying to lead you away from the path of light.
Arian Christianity is best option
I know the pope isn't very good but you shouldn't leave based on that. There have been bad popes in the past. There is only one true church.
Yeah, the Malayan church of India is under the same bishop as the Syrian church. Definitely pretty ethnic, but still more of a chance of finding a basically American Orthodox church through the Syriac church.
>Not knowing what the concept of authority is.
Remember, schism is always a failure of charity.
Do you mean "Aryan" or "Arian"? I'm not sure which triggers me more.
There has never even been an Orthodox BISHOP as bad as some of your worst Popes.
If a person just wants straight up American Orthodoxy there's OCA and the Antiochians in terms of Eastern Orthodoxy. The Orientials are adapting though. To my understanding the Copts in my area have been pushing to use mostly English in their services.
The Pope sure doesn't have God's authority, no bishop does. They only have the authority granted to bishops
It's a failure of orthodoxy, and by that I mean a product of heresy
Yeah. Syrian, Malayan etc. is all Oriental. OCA is a part of the Russian Church, as in they answer to them. Kind of a misleading name.
>Schism is tricky because, in spite of how everyone construes it, it has nothing to do with doctrine. Schism is based on lack of charity, which expresses itself as a refusal to remain in communion with a Church which the schismatics consider sinful.
E. Michael Jones
OCA doesn't answer to the Russian Church. They are viewed as part of the Russian Church, because not enough non-Russian bishops have signed off on their autonomy, but the Russian Church have them completely self-management and sees them as autonomous.
Wasn't aware of this, but good to know. Although I'm technically Oriental Orthodox I go to a few western rite Russian Churches on a semi-regular basis.
>it has nothing to do with doctrine
Yes it does, at least the Orthodox-Catholic schism. The Filioque is a major, major issue, but the Pope and the Donation of Constantine is the main source. Also the Catholic Church has changed a lot more since the schism, regarding doctrine.
Oriental and Eastern aren't de jure one, but they are de facto one, since we often partake of One Cup, with is the decided factor of what defines the One Church.
Schism is an issue of authority. Heresy regards beliefs.
OK latter-day Donatists, better split and do your own thing then. Don't let charity or love or communion hold you back.
Yeah, history is the main reason why there hasn't been reconciliation yet. I don't give a fuck about that, it's above my paygrade. An Eastern Church looks, sounds, and believes the same, so to me it's all good.
This post sounds atheistic af to me, I hope you're being ironic.
Recognize the truth of Allah, and Muhammad, may peace be upon his name, his one true prophet. Convert to Islam, brother, and you will see the light.Instead of having your women stolen, you will be the thief, taking the women of the kuffars as you please. They will open their white bodies to you without resistance, and they will bear our children as they welcome us into their lands with open arms.
>I'm tired of this religion whats a cool one I can switch to.
That's not how any of this works, faggot. If you just wear your faith like a jacket, taking it off and on whenever you want, you don't really believe in it.
One thing I found odd about my current church is that they use a San Damiano crucifix on the altar. Never had seen one of them in an Orthodox church before. Makes sense though, since it's written in the style of icons.
Papal supremacy is a Catholic dogma, so that includes belief. Also the Filioque is an issue--on the surface, not an insurmountable one, since altering the Creed is a canonical violation, but not a dogmatic violation; however, the RCC maintains that the Filioque means the Spirit proceeds from the Father and Son as *one principle*; if it were intended to mean, strictly, from the Father and through the Son, it would only be a canonical issue. But as it stands, that's a dogmatic issue. The Orthodox hold the the Father's hypostasis alone is the foundation of the Trinity. While the will of the Trinity belongs to all three persons equally, it is *from* the Father. The Catholics hold that the essence is the foundation of the Trinity, not the Father's hypostasis. That's a major issue.
We have charity toward persons, not toward heresies.
Romanesque art is approved by the Orthodox Church.
A Greek Orthodox church I visited had a Catholic saint on their iconostasis since apparently the person who made it for the church didn't know the difference between the Catholic and Orthodox.
I see more and more people on 4chang being interested in Orthodoxy, and I love it
In US the non ethnic centric are the Russian, Greek and Copt churches. Though copt is quite small.
I would say look into the Russian one.
Which saint?
Actually, the least ethnic Eastern Orthodox in the U.S. is the Antiochian Church, and the least ethnic Oriental Church in the U.S. is the Syriac Church
really don't think this is the solution (as a widespread concept). On its own, it simply doesn't hold up a standard of ethics or moral compass.
I understand why people think atheism is the answer, but you need only study history and see the big picture of social development to know why it will never be the answer
The Orthodox churches are beginning to have a larger presence in the west and a lot of people are tired of the nonsense of the Catholic and Protestant churches. I don't find it surprising at all really.
"There is no surer sign of the decline of a nation, than to see divine worship neglected."
-"Discourses", Machiavellii
>Pllus, hot catholic chicks who are take BBC for years on the cock carousel then feel guilty and return to the church when they get close to the wall age.
Syriacs are just Proxy Catholics.
And you need the bigger churches since the smaller ones only have presences in the big important cities only
Unfortunately I'll have to find the paper I was given about it. It's a fun little trivia fact the church has fun with though. The priest even gave away prizes to people who visited during the Greek Festival that could guess it right. They also have stained glass windows because it was once used by the Catholics too.
>Syriacs are just Proxy Catholics.
Not true at all, we're Eastern in everything but jurisdiction
Mm, no. There are Syriac Catholics, and Syriac Orthodox. There's a huge difference. You're probably thinking of the former.
The Antiochians and Syriacs actually have the most missions.
Molgolian empire at the time of conquest(their prime) didnt give two fucks about any religion
I guess machiavelli overgeneralized western experiences
Yet I recall Russia having the biggest church population in USA.
Anyhow I wish the last council didn't go south with th Constantinople patriach and Russia fucking things over. Since they were kinda meant to fix the whole US jurisdiction thing.
But Mongolians had awful culture and basically ruined things.
No, the council wasn't going to address that.
Russians actually want to fix it. It's the EP who doesn't, since (contrary to what you just said), the Greeks are by far the biggest Orthodox population of the U.S., and they are under the EP.
The thing is the council went south before that even got on the table. All I recall baing done is everyone but Russia got new silly rules.
Why not Islam?
It's basically everything good about Christianity, but perfected.
No, four churches opted out.
The Council was just a very, very, very watered down version of what was, originally, designed to be the Orthodox Vatican II. Nothing of any actual effect was on the agenda, and what agenda there was was ecumenical nonsense that had to be watered down a lot over time because of objections until it wasn't much of anything. The Council was way over-hyped, and was organized some around questionable ideas, like each Patriarch being a mini-pope almost, which isn't the way councils are done at all.
Because it's wrong. It's anti art. It's anti pork. And anti liquor. It's like Phariseeism 2.0
Thank god for Burocracy and a overly complex system saving us from getting cucked.
Yep, read this article: bloomberg.com
If your culture is based around fucking up everything else then doing so on a massive scale is sign of strength of the nation
You like fucking little kids, don't you Sancho
gnostic or zoroasterism
By that standard, AIDS is a strong nation
>Dark Ages
>Because it doesn't suck nigger dick
Wow am I excited for you. Now that your ready to give up your silly heathen psuedo Christianity you can swallow the one and only true red pill that is king james only baptism.
Here, this link should help get the ball rolling for you.
I love how this article fails to mention how Orthodoxy's popularity around the world is growing and new churches are being built everywhere. I say that's pretty damn good for a supposed "backwards" church.
But friendo don't you know that narrow is the way, and few are they that go by it.
But we aren't getting tons of twitter followers like Pope Francis :'(
Stay strong
The Next will be Cardinal Sarah and he is conservative as fuck.
next pope