Why do so many of these subhumans exist? How do they make money to support their litter? They all look and act like zika babies.
I go to the mall in California and 4/5 men look like this
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>Why do so many of these subhumans exist?
Because (((liberals))) refuse to let them die.
>How do they make money to support their litter?
Welfare, disability benefits, etc.
>some beaner reached leaf beastiality zone
Bump shit pinata
>mall was filled with spics
That's why (((they))) want to keep importing them and other immigrants really, they're good goy consumers.
what's spic short for? Mestizo?
You deserved it.
This too, malls should fucking die. They are literally only good for "Ay yo gurl hol up!" level trash. I've only been to like 1 or two malls that weren't trash because they just opened, most devolve pretty quick.
Malls still exist? I thought they all died out to the Internet and Walmart.
Mals only exist for white trash, niggers, spics, and teenagers to do something other than be at home or put their kids in daycare. Literally I can not tell you how many motor scooters I saw letting their kids do what ever while the bitch about the price of X and want shit for free
A crude abbreviation of Hispanic, usually refers to any sort below the border going down to South America.
They're America's future.
How do we get rid of them?
It comes from how they say they word "speak" when they say "No speak english", which sounds like "no spic English", hence spic.
$0.05 has been deposited into your America Firstâ„¢ Account.
I wouldn't mind Mexicans if they weren't so ugly and peasant-like. Such short, fat and stubby people.
>I go to the mall
>shit that never happened
You guys never leave your homes, why even try to make up stories when we all know they're false? You are all betas.
H-here is your (you)
Can you prove otherwise?
Go to a mall not in the North East of the US.
I go to the Mall of Georgia very often, and its definitely full of niggers. It's also full of white girls hanging out with said niggers. Where are you? At home complaining to Sup Forums.
but it's true tho
honestly mexibros, clean up your fucking act
On a business trip in Maryland, unless you are talking about Cobb or whatever near Atlanta I call BS. Some AZ malls are nice though, scottsdale is good but that is about it.
That's impossible, Trump's staff can't even be paid!
because while the average looking people who would be there have no family or culture and relatives in the area, they have their whole tribe nearby to support each other and the prime majority of tv and radio stations are in spanish in california.
At least Jabba was somewhat effectual
I cannot imagine going to a mall full of niggers. The point of a mall is to rubberneck hot chicks and sit in the nassage chair at Brookstone, maybe slurp a coke. If it doesn't have that