Why won't liberals have children?
Why won't liberals have children?
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liberals don't want to, righties can't even talk to women
the world is doomed with both
He's too fucking fat to have kids.
they don't value life
Are you implying boogie can even find his dick?
And here comes the ebin cuck posting about his wife hanging out with other dudes
i'm conservative. and i like being able to sleep in, and have money. if that is not enough reason for you fuck off.
He would crush her if they had sex.
What's the benefit of having children? If I don't get anything positive out of it, then I'm not going to do it.
Why would I talk to a bunch of stupid fucking pretentious nigger loving murderous sluts who think they're better than White men just because they're women and desired by the other races.
how about not dying alone?
Because they are highly educated and the highly educated have fewer children.
they are selfish
they hate babies and like to mass murder them
they also don't want more whites in the world
not an argument
Carrying on your genes.
You are an unbroken line, technically. Why have it stop at you?
Don't you think it's also pretty pretentious to post on the internet posing as an 'ideal nordic aryan' when you are actually just a neckbeard, probably of mixed ancestry, that is bad with women and blames blacks for his problems?
Boogie doesn't want kids because he fears being cucked.
The day he agrees to have a child is the day his wife gets impregnated by a chad.
Because 2 men and 2 women can't reproduce without the other sex.
You can still die with your wife
Why should a human reduce himself to a purpose so base as passing on his genes? That would make him no better than an animal.
Who cares? It's not like I'm from a prestigious family like the Rockefellers or some shit. My genes are insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
He's already cucked.
Why won't Boogie lose weight?
kek, thanks for proving my point.
Even if she were on top, his estrogen shrunk baby dick wouldn't protrude far enough beyond his massive gut to penetrate her.
Science is working on solving this problem.
>Why won't liberals have children?
>implying this is a bad thing
Natural selection
they just hate blacks, they mainly blame the jews.
What, really?
>any cell in the body
>no sperm
If you have a female do this on herself wouldnt this just create a clone of said female?
I don't have the picture but his wife is sitting in some guy's lap.
there's nothing wrong with libcuks NOT spreading their genes
WOW A BOOGIE youtu.be
>fatso attempts to fuck wife and knock her up
>heart attack 10 seconds in, she suffocates under his bloated missionary corpse
What are you talking about he looks due any moment
Because he hates himself and wants to die. He's actually relatively open about it.
Good that they're slipping from the gene pool, no?
Successful reproduction is the fundamental purpose of life.
Liberals are indoctrinated not educated. There's a difference.
So? Do we not have free will? Are we not allowed to make decisions on our own? What's the point in being human if we're ultimately just reproduction slaves?
Because in this day and age, you can get paid to be fat.
boogie's wife bangs his roommate and goes on vacation with him.
Just informing everyone.
White liberals don't want to have white children
>liberals don't want to settle down and have a family as much I guess.
just want to travel, have nice things, and endulge...
So many talented people have died young and this fat piece of shit is still around.
The question is why the fuck you would want liberals to have kids.
Whoever has the most kids and passes on their values to said kids, wins the culture war.
Muslims know this, which is why they're kicking the shit out of us slowly but surely.
Boogie is getting cucked by a nigger
The negros gay
Because everyone even slightly left of right these days typically shirks responsibility and burden.
The further left of right they are, the greater shirkers of responsibility they are.
>which is why they're kicking the shit out of us slowly but surely.
It's not a contest, and kek, the same was said of the Irish. Having more children is a cultural thing, not a religious.
I should make a British immigrant bingo for Britpol.