Patricia Spann, 43, and Misty Spann, 25, were married in March 2016 in Comanche County, court records show. Patricia is Misty’s biological mother, according to police. Investigators with the Department of Human Services said they discovered the illegal relationship in August while investigating the children who were inside the Spanns’ home.
Mother, daughter charged with incest after marrying in Oklahoma
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Misty Spann and her two brothers were raised by a grandparent when Patricia lost custody of them, an arrest affidavit states.
A DHS investigator told authorities that the mother and daughter reunited two years ago.
Patricia Spann told officials she didn’t think she was breaking any laws by marrying Misty because her name is no longer listed on her daughter’s birth certificate.
what happened to "love is love"?
>2 consenting adults
>can't make retarded incest babies
Why were they arrested?
I know this is degeneracy but how is this any different from homo marriage, they contribute nothing to the gene pool and nobody got hurt????
A warrant was issued for their arrests on Friday.
Since then, they have both been arrested and booked into the Stephens County Jail on felony counts of incest, a detective told KFOR.
Court records show this isn’t the first time Patricia has married one of her own children: she also wed a son in 2008.
>she also wed a son in 2008.
Two consenting adults.
ZERO chance of biologically damaged children.
Relationship started when both were adults.
No matter which way you cut it, this relationship, on its own, was harmless.
This is the sort of case that could get ALL incest statutes removed.
Because there's scientifically, biologically, NOTHING wrong with this.
>No retard baby argument
>No power differential argument
This could be the case that breaks the dam built by the morality police.
I don't understand why any living human being feels the compulsion to do anything about this, address it as an issue, or get involved.
Seriously, what the fuck? Why? Leave them alone.
I'm very right-wing along with the majority of Sup Forums, but I'm not an insufferable asshole. These people harm nobody with their actions, in present or future. Nothing is lost or gained, on any level or in any respect.
So why involve yourself in the business of two legal adults? Pathetic self-affirmation?
Events like these remind me why I love people, but have such distain for humanity as a whole.
Can any burger tell me how long do they have to serve for this?
40 hours community service and a gold medal and a massive discount from progressive auto insurance
>says he loves people
The fuck are you on about? I appreciate goos people, but the larger actions of humanity as a whole are often pitiful.
Get facked Trudope
If you're okay with incest or fag marriage, you're not very right-wing at all. Probably just a cuckservative.
I support incest but only because it will hurt fags in the long run.
Oh, fuck off. I don't need you to tell me what I am or am not. I do that myself, because I'm not a child.
A truly conservative ideal is one that does not encroach upon the life of others. I'm ok with incest/gay marriage? Well sure, I guess so. I don't have to think for a second to tell you that I'm not AGAINST it. So I suppose that defaults to me being for it. Why? Because why not? I'm not a filthy Jew, or a meddling politician. I respect other people and their right to their own choices. It is not and will never be my say to determine how other people can live their lives.
My personal opinion is that I find gay marriage to be perfectly fine. I don't go around obnoxiously promoting it, and I had no interest in fighting to legalize it. I see no reason why marriage laws were created to be exclusive instead of inclusive in the first place. Two people find themselves happier in the company of one another. Great, you have a friendship. Two people find themselves overjoyed with a more meaningful connection. Suddenly everybody loses their shit. Well, why? As long as it doesn't hurt me or anyone else, it's none of my business. In what reality should it be?
Incest, I find to be unnarutal and mildly disgusting. On the topic, the same goes for homosexual intercourse. Both things I find to be personally off-putting to me. But why should it be any of my business? That's my opinion, and I'll keep it MY OWN opinion. It's by no means my right to push my opinion on anyone else, nor is it their right to try the same.
They don't hurt me. I don't hurt them. Neither of us hurts anyone else. Wherein lies the problem?
But you openly despise fags and wish them harm, for no justifiable reason other than personal satisfaction. You'll even support what you consider to be one degeneracy in order to stamp out another. That's just pathetic.
Now maybe right-wing is indeed the wrong term, by Sup Forums standards. I'm certainly no liberal. Whatever I am, I don't wish harm upon others.
Beat me to it
Now I'm gonna beat my meat to it, if you know what I mean.
If you don't know, I'm gonna masturbate.
Big Bubba want to fuck his little sister...
gay marriage corrupts the institution of marriage that is an essential fabric of our society you fat fedora. gay men are 3x more likely to cheat than straight men and gay women 4x more likely to cheat than straight women.
their actions and decisions leak over to the normal marriages.
>gay marriage corrupts the institution of marriage that is an essential fabric of our society
What about divorce?
Finally an actual argument.
I don't agree that it corrupts or harms the institution or concept of healthy, devoted, loyal marriage. Let the gays do their thing, cheating on one another. They're in their corner, I'm in mine. Even living among them, it wouldn't pose a problem to a social network of straight people. Also, a marriage is either completely loyal or it isn't. There's no in-between.
>current year
>incest illegal
I think it's disgusting but they're consenting adults.
>white people
Wow. I am positively fuming here.
Waiting for Brits to show up to condemn incest...
>Gay women are 4x more likely to cheat than straight women.
How do you cheat 200%?
They're not hot like the mother-daughter couples I see on motherless
Have a threesome
>telling two homos they can't be married
>incest is illegal
If you're over 21 do whatever the fuck you want, even if that's doing your mom.
I think the "mummy guy" is still on vacations.
I feel the same way about these social issues on a micro social scale. Each individual does no harm you are correct. I have no issues with these individuals-- homosex or incex
However, on a macro scale of society these degeneracies break down the machinations of a successful society.
We can't as a whole promote these lifestyles. We need families to be made. And these families need to make and raise good offspring
Fucking why? Were they the only lesbians in Oklahomo?
>she also wed her son in 2008
Either that or he finally hung himself.
Let's hope for the best. :^ )
Yeah it's degenerate.
Know what else? Law enforcement/DHS officials are now going to be expending resources on this shit instead of dealing with child abuse, rapists, thieves, murderers, etc.... and if you paid taxes in the US you are paying for this bullshit.
These people won't ever hold positions of authority or status in society. Just let them lie together in the gutter if that's what they want.
Wait, incest between adults is actually illegal? I thought it was just generally weird and looked down upon.
Not an argument. Also Alabama has that reputation because the scotch irish that originally inhabited the region married cousins, and their culture was more insulated against change.
The US is actually the weird place where cousin marriage is vilified. Throughout the globe all across human history it was perfectly normal. Hell the founders of the abrahamic religions married their cousins, which covers like the morality of half of humanity, at one point God literally ordered a tribe of women to marry their cousins.
According to human genetics researcher allen brittles 20% of marriages worldwide are betweem first cousins.
Cousins aren't actually subjected to the westermark effect (why you don't want to fuck your parents or siblings) unless they were raised as siblings. If you're not attracted to them it's just because you aren't attracted, there is no psychological block against it. Only a social one, because westerners are prudes.
It's rather recent that we made it socially unacceptable because we incorrectly believed it'd cause deformed babies like parent-child or sibling-sibling pairing. The risks actually aren't worse than a woman having a child over the age of 35. Very low chances of any problems
Einstein married his cousin, elenor Roosevelt's maiden name was Roosevelt. It was common in the west too up until about 50 years ago.
It was also a way for families to keep wealth in the circle, that's why the Rothschild family founder ordered his descendants to marry cousins to prevent the family wealth from becoming diluted. European royalty did the same.
It only becomes a problem when it happens over multiple generations
Alabama and that region gets a bad rap. Those settlers were tribal just like anyone else. They settled in the mountains and kept to their own culture. It was unique from the rest of the US because isolation.
You prudish westerners are the weird ones who are going against what humanity has always done and still does to this day.