Prove to me that Donald Trump is a racist

Prove to me that Donald Trump is a racist.

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Hint: You cant

He knowingly refused to rent to niggers.

He hurt my feelings

We know he is smart. You have to prove that he is racist.



$0.05 has been deposited into your America Firstâ„¢ Account.

Even if he isn't a racist, it doesn't excuse the other generally awful stuff about who he is or what he does. I'm no fan of hil dogg but I abhor him as a candidate and a person

Because he's white. Case closed.

He. Is. A. White. Male



damn ??!!!??!! trump is paying people to schill for him now ???!!?!?! wait a minute...... hillary is doing that and it failed miserably, just gave us more keks

Are you kidding me?

He called Mexicans rapists and drug lords, why is he fear mongering desu?

No he's not. I-is he?



Thanks for correcting the record, now I can pay for my kids.



>mexican flag

He wants to make America great again and according to Bill Clinton the way to do that is to get rid of all the black people and Mexicans.

Sweet now I can get paid to shitpost

You can't prove what isn't true :^)

>they finally adapted

He's german.

In all german live a Hitler

You're part of the problem, don't kid yourself